






1. 革 [gé]革 [gé]去了毛经过加工的兽皮:皮~。~履(皮鞋)。~囊。改变:~新。~命(a.原意是改变命运;b.现指改变社会制度、建立新社会的群众运动;c.亦指改造旧技术、旧思想的运动)。改~。变~。取消,除掉:~除。~职。~故鼎新……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:gōng yè gé mìng






  1. 也称“产业革命”。从手工生产过渡到机器生产,从资本主义手工业工场过渡到资本主义工厂的生产技术革命,也就是资本主义的工业化。18世纪六十年代首先从 英国 开始,到了19世纪, 法 、 德 、 美 等国也相继完成了工业革命。工业革命的结果是资本主义制度的确立,工业资产阶级和工业无产阶级的出现,以及资本主义基本矛盾的深化。



  1. Steam engines are dangerous, and they had tremendous impact on the world, as you know -- industrial revolution and ships and locomotives.


  2. Lowell was at the heart of the American textile industry and consequently at the forefront of the American Industrial Revolution.


  3. Lord Mandelson, his business secretary, talked of a new industrial revolution and said that there was "no high-carbon future" .


  4. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, every economic boom has been followed by an economic bust.


  5. Most mainstream scientists agree that the recent warming period was caused by an increase in carbon dioxide since the industrial revolution.


  6. The Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s and advanced farming techniques meant that it was no longer necessary to chase and catch food.


  7. Ever since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the question of the future of energy supplies has occupied economists.


  8. Thus, over the course of a few decades, the concentration of the gas in the atmosphere will return to pre-industrial levels.


  9. This southern area was an important element in Britain's industrial revolution, as it had rich coal deposits.


  1. 工业革命前

    state intervention.

  2. 工业革命时期

    the period of Industrial Revolution.

  3. 英国工业革命

    Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

  4. 欧洲工业革命

    History of the lndustrial Revolution of Europe.

  5. 工业革命的熔炉

    Crucible of the industrial revolution

  6. 工业革命也是文化的革命。

    the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution.

  7. 发生工业革命的年代。

    The years that witnessed the Industrial Revolution.

  8. 工业革命没有光顾亚洲。

    Asia was passed over by the industrial revolution.

  9. 工业革命也是一种文化革命。

    The industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution.

  10. 工业革命影响了全世界。

    The Industrial Revolution influenced the whole world.

  11. 工业革命首先在英国发生。

    The industrial revolution had taken place in England first.

  12. 那个国家必须进行工业革命。

    That country must have an industrial revolution.

  13. 第二次工业革命的影响

    The influence of the Second Industrial Revolution

  14. 归根到底, 工业革命远未完结。

    After all, the industrial revolution is far from finished.

  15. 工业革命开创了一个纪元。

    The Industrial Revolution inaugurated a new era

  16. 工业革命时期是极为动荡的时期。

    The industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence.

  17. 工业革命时期是极为动荡的时期。

    The industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence.

  18. 可以讲, 没有民主就没有工业革命。

    Can say that without democracy there will be no industrial revolution.

  19. 第二次工业革命的发明创造

    Inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution

  20. 英国工业革命时期的家庭生产

    Exploration on the Production in Family during the British Industrial Revolution

  21. 蒸气车得发明导致了工业革命。

    The invention of the steam engine gave birth to the Industrial Revolution.

  22. 蒸气车的发明导致了工业革命。

    The invention of the steam engine gave birth to the Industrial Revolution.

  23. 它可能是在 工业革命初期降生

    This whale could have been born around the start of the Industrial Revolution.

  24. 工业革命早期的健康, 福利与人口

    Health, Wealth and Population in the Early Days of the Industrial Revolution

  25. 他的发现引起了一场工业革命。

    His discovery resulted in a industrial revolution.

  26. 英国工业革命时期的家庭体制变迁

    The Change of Family System in the Industrial Revolution of England

  27. 我们下星期讲课的题目是工业革命。

    The industrial revolution will be the topic for our lecture next week.

  28. 过去我们曾实现工业革命和信息技术革命。

    In the past, we had an industrial revolution and an information technology revolution.

  29. 工业革命对社会产生了痛苦的影响。

    The industrial revolution had traumatic effects on society.

  30. 工业革命前英国交通运输业的发展

    The Transport Development in Britain before the Industrial Revolution


  1. 问:工业革命拼音怎么拼?工业革命的读音是什么?工业革命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:工业革命的读音是,工业革命翻译成英文是 Industrial Revolution



“工业革命”是个多义词,它可以指工业革命(资本主义工业化过渡阶段), 工业革命(美国R.R.帕尔默著图书), 工业革命(游戏《跑跑卡丁车》系列主题)。

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