








1. 麻 [má]麻 [má]草本植物,种类很多,有“大麻”、“苎麻”、“苘麻”、“亚麻”等。茎皮纤维通常亦称“麻”,可制绳索、织布:~布。~衣。~袋。~绳。~纺。指“芝麻”:~酱。~油。像腿、臂被压后的那种不舒服的感觉:脚~了。感觉不灵,……



汉语拼音:shā rén rú má



  • 【解释】:如麻:象乱麻一样数不清。杀死的人多得象乱麻。形容杀的人多得数不清。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·天文志》:“后秦遂以兵内兼六国,外攘四夷,死人如乱麻。”唐·李白《蜀道难》诗:“朝避猛虎,夕避长蛇,磨牙吮血,杀人如麻。”
  • 【示例】:儿自幼随父出征,~,何曾有为祸之理?今杀妖人,正绝大祸,安得反为我祸?
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. Deadliest, the creator of Chinese martial arts have always been an important element, of course, not the eyes, Endless love and gentleness.


  2. From an unremarkable middle- class household came a mass murderer . How could this have happened , asks his grand-niece.


  3. He once mass murderer, everyone who saw him very afraid.


  4. So what kind of family produces a mass murderer?


  5. We're a murderous bunch of pirates, remember?


  6. Who kills most people drink for free.


  7. How many days you heal the wounded and rescue the dying, fighting in the first line.


  8. The "Robespierre of the Iowa Cornfields" Award to Senator Charles Grassley


  1. 磨牙吮血, 杀人如麻。

    With their teeth and their fangs ready To cut people down like hemp.

  2. 磨牙吮血,杀人如麻。

    With their teeth and their fangs ready To cut people down like hemp .

  3. 她心乱如麻。

    Her mind was in turmoil.

  4. 我心乱如麻。

    Disturbing thoughts crowded into my mind.

  5. 苏珊心乱如麻。

    Susan was more than a little upset.

  6. 他心乱如麻,难以入睡。

    He was utterly confused and couldn't fall asleep.

  7. 刹那间她心乱如麻。

    For a moment her presence of mind forsook her.

  8. 她坐立不安,甚至心乱如麻。

    She was restless and even agitated.

  9. 无庸赘言,我心乱如麻。

    I need hardly say that I was very upset.

  10. 他心乱如麻难以镇定下来。

    His mind was in such a whirl that he could hardly compose his thoughts.

  11. 这个念头真令人心乱如麻。

    There was distraction in the thought.

  12. 被刻薄得绰号弄得心乱如麻,

    Be afflicted with a demeaning nickname

  13. 旌旗蔽日,刀剑如麻。

    There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun, and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp.

  14. 被刻薄的绰号弄得心乱如麻,

    Be afflicted with a demeaning nickname

  15. 由于孩子病了, 她心烦如麻。

    She got all ruffled up about her child who had fallen ill.

  16. 你给我一个声音, 我为你心乱如麻!

    You give me a sound, I am utterly confused for you!

  17. 顿时心乱如麻, 挥出拳头敲打着门。

    Suddenly, hit the fist pounded the door.

  18. 每次遇见你, 我总是心跳如麻。

    My heart beats whenever I meet you.

  19. 爱情, 奢望和屈辱把他弄得心乱如麻。

    His mind agitated with various emotions, ambitions, mortifications.

  20. 泊珏心乱如麻,心如刀绞,要想说服小蝶回来。

    Earl is running out of wisdom to convince Xiao Die.

  21. 我本已心乱如麻,门铃声几乎要将我击倒。

    The bell almost shattered my jangled nerves.

  22. 于是, 她一声不吭, 忙这忙那, 可心乱如麻。

    So she kept silence, and went about her affairs with a troubled heart.

  23. 生活有时乱如麻, 让人困惑, 但有时也充满惊奇。

    Life can be messy and confusing, but it's also full of surprises.

  24. 无数得幻想向她眼前涌来,她心乱如麻,不能安静。

    Her mind, assailed by visions, was in a state of extraordinary activity.

  25. 无数的幻想向她眼前涌来,她心乱如麻,不能安静。

    Her mind, assailed by visions, was in a state of extraordinary activity.

  26. 我呆呆地坐在地上垂头丧气, 心乱如麻, 不知如何是好。

    I sat still upon the ground, greatly cast down and disconsolate, not knowing what to do.

  27. 她的衣服又泥又烂,她的头发蓬乱如麻,满脸是伤。

    Her coat is muddy and torn, her hair is dishevelled and her face is bruised.

  28. 北国尸体堆如麻,尘土瞬间洒隋唐,帝国烟火遍天下。

    The northland corpse heap, such as, the dust spreads Sui Tang in a twinkling, the empire firework time world.

  29. 这样制成的香蕉布手感如麻, 可以用于制作食品的包装袋。

    This banana cloth made of linen, you can feel hand as mucilloid the packing of food.

  30. 因为你是如此的美丽,当我每次见到你时,总是心跳如麻。

    Beacuse you are so beautiful that my heart beats whenever I meet you.


  1. 问:杀人如麻拼音怎么拼?杀人如麻的读音是什么?杀人如麻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杀人如麻的读音是shārénrúmá,杀人如麻翻译成英文是 to commit innumerable murders




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