


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……


1. 谷 [gǔ]谷 [gǔ]两山间的夹道或流水道,或指两山之间:山~。河~。喻困境:进退维~(进退两难)。庄稼和粮食的总称:五~。百~。粟的别称,亦指稻的子实:~物。~米。稻~。姓。……



汉语拼音:wǔ gǔ






  1. 五种谷物。所指不一。

    《周礼·天官·疾医》:“以五味、五穀、五药养其病。” 郑玄 注:“五穀,麻、黍、稷、麦、豆也。”《孟子·滕文公上》:“树艺五穀,五穀熟而民人育。” 赵歧 注:“五穀谓稻、黍、稷、麦、菽也。”《楚辞·大招》:“五穀六仞。” 王逸 注:“五穀,稻、稷、麦、豆、麻也。”《素问·藏气法时论》:“五穀为养。” 王冰 注:“谓粳米、小豆、麦、大豆、黄黍也。”《苏悉地羯囉经》卷中:“五穀谓大麦、小麦、稻穀、大豆、胡麻。”后以五谷为谷物的通称,不一定限于五种。



  1. If you've ever tried to lose weight, you know just how healthy whole grains are for your body; however, they are also great for your brain.


  2. For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.


  3. Spider-Ling Source: At this point, people make a living by hunting, crops do not know, I do not know farming.


  4. 49Joseph stored huge quantities of wheat, like the sand from the sea, so much that they lost count of the amount.


  5. All the best of the oil, and of the wine, and of the corn, whatsoever firstfruits they offer to the Lord, I have given them to thee.


  6. Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.


  7. Soups, salads, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein are examples of these healthy foods that multitask.


  8. Cereal grains people eat, always sick, and now there are patients who need you here, he had surgery to see your level.


  9. The nutritious dried bun was researched and developed with wheat flour, corn flour, water, yeast and leavening agents as the main materials.


  1. 五谷杂粮类

    dairy products.

  2. 五谷生长绿茵茵。

    Lushly growing are grain crops.

  3. 村民们祈求五谷丰登。

    The villagers called down a blessing on the crops

  4. 绝谷, 除五谷, 辟谷

    stopping diet

  5. 五谷艺术研究中心

    The Five Cereals Art Research Center

  6. 春天农民播种五谷。

    The farmer sows the corn in the spring.

  7. 陵后有庙, 谓之五谷庙。

    Ling the temple after that the temple of grains.

  8. 使用一把叉子分离五谷。

    Use a fork to separate grains.

  9. 雨雪不调,五谷价高。

    If there be neither snow nor rain, then will be dear all sorts of grain.

  10. 没有五谷杂粮人类就不能生存。

    Man can't live without corn.

  11. 五谷杂粮真的是最好的选择吗?

    Is that bowl of cereal such a healthy option?

  12. 六月天无风, 五谷定丰登。

    Calm weather in June sets corn in tune.

  13. 五谷健壮少男, 新酒培养处女

    Corn to strengthen young men, and new wine for maidens

  14. 五谷营养专家, 给你健康原味。

    The five cereals nutrition expert give you health and original taste.

  15. 五谷蔬菜复合保健营养粉的研究

    Study of multiplicate nutrition powder with grain and vegetables

  16. 柔软的牛巴革和充分的五谷皮革。

    Soft nubuc and full grain leathers.

  17. 丰年五谷贱如草, 荒年稻草贵如粮。

    In good years corn is hay, in ill years straw is corn.

  18. 黑五谷营养羹的加工工艺与营养评价

    Processing technology and nutrition assessment of black cereal nutritious paste.

  19. 要吃五谷杂粮以及大量的水果和蔬菜。

    Eat whole grains as well as lots of fruits and vegetables.

  20. 此时五谷金黄,棉花吐絮,一片丰收景色。

    Golden crops at this time, the opening of a boll of cotton, a harvest scene.

  21. 主食是五谷,辅食是蔬菜,外加少量肉食。

    A little be that the five cereals, subsidiary food are vegetable, additional staple food creophagism.

  22. 曾经人口众多,五谷丰登,而今却成了沙漠。

    World, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have.

  23. 嘿, 您知道什么完全与这五谷匹配?

    Hey, you know what would go perfectly with this grain Water.

  24. 每天摄取富含高纤维的五谷类及豆类。

    Rich in high fiber intake of every five grains and beans.

  25. 每天摄取富含高纤维得五谷类及豆类。

    Rich in high fiber intake of every five grains and beans.

  26. 我父亲的五谷年年丰登, 六畜也都兴旺。

    My father's crops increased, as did the herds of cattle and horses.

  27. 秋天硕果累累五谷丰收,该地天然资源丰富。

    Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. The land is affluent in natural resources.

  28. 糜米属五谷之一, 形似小米, 米粒要比小米大。

    Mi meter is one of the crops, like rice, millet grain of rice than large.

  29. 今年又是五谷丰登, 奶奶脸上笑开了花。

    This year we had a bumper grain harvest, which made my grandmother very happy.

  30. 今年又是五谷丰登,奶奶脸上笑开了花。

    This year we had a bumper grain harvest, which made my grandmother very happy.


  1. 问:五谷拼音怎么拼?五谷的读音是什么?五谷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷的读音是wúgǔ,五谷翻译成英文是 crops

  2. 问:五谷丰登拼音怎么拼?五谷丰登的读音是什么?五谷丰登翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷丰登的读音是wǔgǔfēngdēng,五谷丰登翻译成英文是 produce good harvests

  3. 问:五谷杂粮拼音怎么拼?五谷杂粮的读音是什么?五谷杂粮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷杂粮的读音是wǔgǔzáliáng,五谷杂粮翻译成英文是 Various grains.

  4. 问:五谷饭拼音怎么拼?五谷饭的读音是什么?五谷饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷饭的读音是wǔgǔ fàn,五谷饭翻译成英文是 Five-grain Rice

  5. 问:五谷氨酸拼音怎么拼?五谷氨酸的读音是什么?五谷氨酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷氨酸的读音是wǔ gǔ ān suān,五谷氨酸翻译成英文是 pentaglutamic acid

  6. 问:五谷饭和大酱汤拼音怎么拼?五谷饭和大酱汤的读音是什么?五谷饭和大酱汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷饭和大酱汤的读音是wǔgǔ fàn hé dà jiàng tāng,五谷饭和大酱汤翻译成英文是 Five-grain Rice and Soybean Paste Stew

  7. 问:五谷糙米锅巴和大酱汤拼音怎么拼?五谷糙米锅巴和大酱汤的读音是什么?五谷糙米锅巴和大酱汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五谷糙米锅巴和大酱汤的读音是wǔgǔ cāomǐ guōbā hé dà jiàng tāng,五谷糙米锅巴和大酱汤翻译成英文是 Scorched Five Grain Rice Soup and Soybean Paste...




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