


1. 吵 [chǎo]2. 吵 [chāo]吵 [chǎo]声音杂乱搅扰人:~人。~扰(a.吵闹使人不得安静;b.争吵)。打嘴架、口角:~嘴。争~。吵 [chāo]〔~~〕吵闹(后一个“吵”读轻声)。……


1. 嚷 [rǎng]2. 嚷 [rāng]嚷 [rǎng]喊叫:叫~。大叫大~。吵闹:大吵大~。嚷 [rāng]〔~~〕a.叫嚷;吵闹,如“别人在午休,别大声~~。”b.声张,传扬,如“这事儿别~~出去让人知道”。……



汉语拼音:chǎo rǎng








  1. 犹声张。

    《红楼梦》第九十回:“ 宝二爷 定亲的话,不许混吵嚷,若有多嘴的,隄防着他的皮。”

  2. 喊叫;吵闹。

    《儿女英雄传》第三一回:“这一番吵嚷, 安 老夫妻早惊醒了。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第一章:“听那南腔北调的吵嚷声和歌唱声,你就晓得这帮铁路工人是来自 中国 的东南西北。”



  1. His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.


  2. But at this moment there was a din of shouting and a zoom of heavy vehicles from somewhere to the left.


  3. He was not at ease with me, and much of his bluster rose from timidity .


  4. Under cover of the noise made by the young ladies, I had an opportunity of saying a private word to Mr. Franklin in the hall.


  5. As they were talking happily, loud noises were heard out in the street.


  6. The unruly crowd became even more boisterous when he tried to quiet them.


  7. Other deep voices rumbled from the kitchen and outside the front door.


  8. My meditations were interrupted by a tremendous noise and conflict in another part of the cafe.


  9. Beauty knows to say : "Enough, " barbarism clamours for still more.


  1. 喧闹吵嚷声

    A loud, roaring noise.

  2. 代表们吵嚷着不赞同

    The representatives clamored their disapproval.

  3. 军队吵嚷着要回国。

    The troops were clamouring to go home.

  4. 到处是喧嚣和吵嚷。

    There are shrill cries.

  5. 他吵嚷着要求公平对待。

    They clamoured for the fair treatment.

  6. 他一进来就在吵嚷着。

    He came in screaming and yelling.

  7. 他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。

    Much of his bluster rose from timidity.

  8. 以抱怨或吵嚷的语气说话

    to utter or say in a complaining or clamorous tone

  9. 阿奇等这一阵大声的吵嚷

    And there's this huge hubbub.

  10. 极大的碰撞、讨厌事、吵嚷。

    An almighty crash, nuisance, row.

  11. 他想回嘴,但他姐姐大声吵嚷,压倒了他。

    He tried to talk back, but his sister vociferously talked him down.

  12. 这是另一个声音, 喧嚣吵嚷中的一个轻柔声音。

    It is another voice, it is a quiet voice in the tumult of the shouting.

  13. 大声抱怨地说以抱怨或吵嚷的语气说话

    To utter or say in a complaining or clamorous tone.

  14. 整个晚上我都被他的吵嚷不休所困扰。

    I was victimized the whole evening by his loquacity.

  15. 整个晚上我都被他得吵嚷不休所困扰。

    I was victimized the whole evening by his loquacity.

  16. 他母亲因为他离开她太久而对他吵嚷起来。

    His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.

  17. 我不能容忍人们大声吵嚷和乱冲乱撞。

    I can't stand people shouting and pushing.

  18. 这是另一个声音, 喧嚣吵嚷中得一个轻柔声音。

    It is another voice, it is a quiet voice in the tumult of the shouting.

  19. 那帮人吵嚷着要求立即释放他们得头儿。

    The gang was screaming for the immediate release of their leader.

  20. 那帮人吵嚷着要求立即释放他们的头儿。

    The gang was screaming for the immediate release of their leader.

  21. 接下来,他突然被一个吵嚷声打断了。

    And then all of a sudden he was interrupted by a noise.

  22. 你不该与被打败的敌人大声吵嚷。

    You should not crow over a defeated enemy.

  23. 他的建议在会上引起了一片吵嚷。

    His motion threw the meeting into an uproar.

  24. 他们开始用不同的语言叽里咕噜地谩骂吵嚷起来。

    They began to curse and shout in a babble of languages.

  25. 那帮人吵嚷著要求立即释放他们得头儿。

    The gang are screaming for the immediate release of their leader.

  26. 那帮人吵嚷著要求立即释放他们的头儿。

    The gang are screaming for the immediate release of their leader.

  27. 结果在夜间,她们吵嚷的声音惊动了法国代表团。

    Results in the night, they alerted the rowdy voice of the French delegation.

  28. 年龄大些的男孩们喊着警告和命令, 吵嚷得厉害。

    The older boys set up a terrific racket, yelling out warnings and instructions.

  29. 我们的邻居说, 如果我们再吵嚷喧哗, 他就要向警察投诉。

    Our neighbour said he would complain about us to the police if we made any more noise.

  30. 和我在一起他就不自在,他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。

    He was not at ease with me, and much of his bluster rose from timidity.


  1. 问:吵嚷拼音怎么拼?吵嚷的读音是什么?吵嚷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吵嚷的读音是chǎorǎng,吵嚷翻译成英文是 make a racket; shout in confusion; uproar




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