




1. 员 [yuán]2. 员 [yún]3. 员 [yùn]员 [yuán]人,工作或学习的人:~工。教~。演~。动~。复~。司令~。指团体组织中的人:成~。团~。党~。会~。周围:幅~辽阔。量词,常用于武将:一~小将。员 [yún]增加……



汉语拼音:fú yuán







  1. 指疆域。广狭称幅,周围称员。

    唐 柳宗元 《贞符》:“ 濮沿 於北, 祝栗 於南,幅员西东,祇一乃心。”《旧唐书·张茂宗传》:“幅员千里,自 长安 至 陇 右,置士马坊,为会计都领。” 清 侯方域 《南省试策四》:“我国家之幅员,十大於彼。”

  2. 引申为范围。

    唐 柳宗元 《石渠记》:“潭幅员减百尺,清深多鯈鱼。” 朱自清 《评郭绍虞<中国文学批评史>上卷》:“ 中国 小说戏剧发达得很晚, 宋 以前得称为纯文学的只有诗歌,幅员未免过窄。”



  1. MINTIMER SHAIMIEV has ruled Tatarstan, a large Muslim republic in the heart of Russia, for two decades with a soft voice and a tight fist.


  2. Imagine Silicon Valley in 1999 times a huge sprawling country and population, and that? s what I? m wading into for the next two weeks.


  3. As a result of its vast size, the Milky Way can boast at least one planet with intelligent life.


  4. it was long shrouded in mystery, called " the Dark continent" by Europeans in awe of its massive size and impenetrable depths.


  5. China locates in the East Asia; it has huge spread of territory and large population as well as long history.


  6. Mao is still revered in China for uniting a vast country much of which had been divided up by warlords and foreign invaders.


  7. Transportation has conquered the vastness of the land and brought together people living thousands of kilometers apart.


  8. China is a country with a long history and ancient civilization. It has rich natural resources and a large population.


  9. Tibet is in the southwestern frontier of the motherland, with a vast stretch of land and a most important strategic position.


  1. 中国幅员辽阔。

    China is vast in size.

  2. 美国是幅员广大的国家。

    America is a big country.

  3. 美国是幅员广大得国家。

    America is a big country.

  4. 加拿大是个幅员广大的国家。

    Canada is a huge country.

  5. 澳大利亚是个幅员辽阔的国家。

    Australia's a big country.

  6. 这是一个幅员辽阔的国家。

    This country rs territory is vast.

  7. 我喜欢辽阔无垠的幅员和美丽的风景。

    I like the vastness and the beautiful scenery.

  8. 可以认为,这取决于国家的幅员大小。

    And this may presumed to depend on the extent of country.

  9. 幅员辽阔的国家吸引着寻求冒险的年轻人

    Vast countries beckon to young men in search of adventure

  10. 他还建立了幅员辽阔的元大帝国呢。

    He also founded the vast Yuan Empire.

  11. 英国的殖民主义成就了幅员辽阔的大英帝国。

    British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire.

  12. 幅员辽阔, 多虑无效的进度, 只同意承保的解体。

    vast and overanxious progress in a consensual void only insures its unraveling.

  13. 那里空气新鲜,幅员辽阔 日常课程是愤怒控制。

    It has lots of fresh air and plenty of open spaces, and daily classes on anger management.

  14. 重建这样一个幅员辽阔的国家是一项艰巨任务。

    Rebuilding such a vast country will be a huge undertaking.

  15. 我国是一个幅员辽阔、人口众多的农业大国。

    Our country is a big agricultural country with a broad area and a large number of population.

  16. 这堡垒并不大西部各州幅员辽阔, 人烟稀少。

    A small fort the western states are roomy, but sparsely populated.

  17. 西藏地处祖国西南边疆,幅员辽阔,战略地位非常重要。

    Tibet is on the southwestern frontier of the motherland, with a vast stretch of land and a most important strategic position.

  18. 阿多公园幅员辽阔,有多种海拔、微气候和生态系统。

    The park covers a large area with a range of elevations, microclimates and ecosystems.

  19. 来美国观光的人无不赞叹这块土地幅员广阔,多姿多彩。

    The American scene awes the viewer with both its variety and size.

  20. 幅员最小的最不发达国家莱索托的排放量为1820千兆克。

    Lesotho, which is a small least developing country, has emissions of1,820 Gg.

  21. 在南方, 南极洲是一个幅员辽阔的大陆, 被一个大洋所环绕。

    In the south, Antarctic is a huge continent which is surrounded by a great ocean.

  22. 英国的殖民主义政策使其建立起幅员辽阔的大英帝国。

    British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire.

  23. 刚果民主共和国是一个有着巨大潜力的幅员辽阔的国家。

    The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a vast country with enormous potential.

  24. 为幅员辽阔的国家绘制地图,想把每个地区都详细标注是件困难的事。

    It is hard to map all the regions of big countries.


  1. 问:幅员拼音怎么拼?幅员的读音是什么?幅员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幅员的读音是fúyuán,幅员翻译成英文是 size

  2. 问:幅员狭的拼音怎么拼?幅员狭的的读音是什么?幅员狭的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幅员狭的的读音是,幅员狭的翻译成英文是 narrow

  3. 问:幅员狭窄的拼音怎么拼?幅员狭窄的的读音是什么?幅员狭窄的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幅员狭窄的的读音是,幅员狭窄的翻译成英文是 narrow

  4. 问:幅员狭隘的拼音怎么拼?幅员狭隘的的读音是什么?幅员狭隘的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幅员狭隘的的读音是,幅员狭隘的翻译成英文是 narrow



幅员,指疆域,广狭称 “幅” ,周围称 “员”。疆域有广狭及四至,所以称疆域为幅员。“员”,或作“圆”。幅员,也可写为 “幅圆” 。

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