







汉语拼音:yóu guāng






  1. 油腻光亮;光亮滑润。

    冰心 《寄小读者》二八:“ 上海 实在住不了!长裙短衫,蝶翅般的袖子,油光的头,额上不自然的剪下三四缕短发。” 曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“ 胡四 烟容满面,一脸油光。” 周而复 《生与死》:“他使用这些家具有二十年啦,柄子上磨得油光发亮。”



  1. A smile oozed out on Gradman's face, greasy with countless mutton-chops, the smile of a man who sits all day.


  2. Set against the dark palette of the rain forest, the bear's fur appears shabbily radiant.


  3. I am a little bit of moisture in the skin being that it sucked, and then rising to a layer of shiny.


  4. The effect of face does not seem to look better shine.


  5. She saw the long sheds, and the wooden posts, shining and smooth where the cows had rubbed against them over the years.


  6. Rich, creamy, oil-free cleanser foams up to rapidly and effectively remove oil and control shine.


  7. Continuous use, far from the shiny skin, acne and acne troubles, and delicate, smooth, perfectly clear and glossy.


  8. The completed barbecue shines with a golden color and the aroma is already floating in the air.


  9. The skin stretched tight across the swelling around my eyes feels varnished.


  1. 油光不再爽肤水

    matte finish shine free Toner

  2. 用吸油纸吸去油光。

    Use blotting paper to remove shine.

  3. 他的头发油光闪亮。

    His hair glistened with oil

  4. 把车子擦得油光锃亮

    put a good shine on the car

  5. 把皮鞋擦得油光锃亮

    put a good shine on the leather shoes

  6. 它们在烛光中油光发亮。

    They glowed in the candlelight.

  7. 头发也总是油光闪闪

    Keeping his hair so well oiled that it sparkled

  8. 润滑油基础油光安定性研究

    Color stability of hydrotreated lube base oil

  9. 但看他油光发亮的头发。

    But look at his coiffed and crispy locks.

  10. 抽油光杆镦锻模具设计

    Design of upsetting die of smooth sucker rod

  11. 她把头发梳得油光可鉴

    brushed her hair until it was sleek.

  12. 黑乎乎,油光光的海豹脑袋

    the sleek dark head of a seal

  13. 加氢柴油光安定性能

    The light stability of hydrogenated diesel

  14. 不是普通的油光发亮的炸面圈。

    And not just any glazed donuts.

  15. 她在鼻子上扑了粉以免泛起油光。

    She put powder on her nose to keep it from looking shiny.

  16. 加氢润滑油基础油光安定性研究进展

    Advance of light stability of hydrotreated lube oil under ultraviolet radiation conditions

  17. 猪皮油光服装革复鞣工艺的研究

    Study on retanning technique of the high gloss and oily type pigskin garment leather

  18. 浅谈喷焊抽油光杆的质量控制

    An Account of Quality Control for Spray Coating on Polished Rods.

  19. 你的枪表面涂有油光漆和涂料。

    Your rifle's finish is varnish and paint.

  20. 金秋十月,板栗成熟,油光鉴亮、香甜可口。

    October autumn, mature chestnut, Kam shine bright, sweet and delicious.

  21. 加氢基础油光氧化不溶物的结构组成

    Structure and composition of insoluble oxidation products of hydrotreated base oil

  22. 你能看见他粉红色的嘴唇上油光可鉴。

    You could see the gourmandise shining on his rosy lips

  23. 加氢尾油光氯化法合成氯化石蜡的新工艺

    Study on the Photochemical Chlorination of Hydrocracking Tail Oil to Synthesize Chloroparaffin

  24. 加氢处理润滑油基础油光照沉淀的研究

    Study on sediments deposited from hydrotreated lube base oil under ultraviolet radiation conditions

  25. 白天皮肤表面的油光,都是皮脂腺在夜晚分泌的。

    By day the glossy of skin surface, it is sebaceous glands in night excretive.

  26. 他每天无所事事,可头发却总是弄得油光水滑的。

    He has nothing to do all day long, but his hair is always sleek.

  27. 他每天无所事事,可头发却总是弄得油光水滑的。

    He has nothing to do all day long, but his hair is always sleek.

  28. 我不喜欢过去男士们将头发弄得油光水滑的式样。

    I don't like that fashion the men used to have of slicking their hairs down.

  29. 它不会让我的皮肤看起来油光,甚至有哑光的感觉。

    This did not add oiliness, in fact it seemed to keep my skin looking matte.

  30. 这只猫躺在阳光底下,美丽的油光皮毛反射着光亮。

    The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight.


  1. 问:油光拼音怎么拼?油光的读音是什么?油光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油光的读音是yóuguāng,油光翻译成英文是 shiny

  2. 问:油光水滑拼音怎么拼?油光水滑的读音是什么?油光水滑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油光水滑的读音是yóuguāngshuǐhuá,油光水滑翻译成英文是 as bright and smooth as the surface of oil or wate...

  3. 问:油光光拼音怎么拼?油光光的读音是什么?油光光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油光光的读音是,油光光翻译成英文是 gleaming

  4. 问:油光漆拼音怎么拼?油光漆的读音是什么?油光漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油光漆的读音是,油光漆翻译成英文是 varnish

  5. 问:油光面拼音怎么拼?油光面的读音是什么?油光面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油光面的读音是yóuguāngmiàn,油光面翻译成英文是 surface gloss

  6. 问:油光涂料拼音怎么拼?油光涂料的读音是什么?油光涂料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油光涂料的读音是yóu guāng tú liào,油光涂料翻译成英文是 oil gloss paint




拼音:yóuguāng 基本解释 [shiny;varnished;glossy] 形容特别光滑亮泽 油光锃亮 在陶瓷生产中指的是一种缺陷,瓷器的釉、彩经过磨擦,显现很不自然的油腻光亮,这种被称为油光缺陷,简称油光。

详细解释 油腻光亮;光亮滑润。

冰心 《寄小读者》二八:“ 上海 实在住不了!长裙短衫,蝶翅般的袖子,油光的头,额上不自然的剪下三四缕短发。” 曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“ 胡四 烟容满面,一脸油光。” 周而复 《生与死》:“他使用这些家具有二十年啦,柄子上磨得油光发亮。”

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