




对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


教人的人:老~。导~。~傅。~生。~徒。~德。良~益友。好(hào )为人~。擅长某种技术的人:工程~。医~。技~。效法:~法古人。榜样:~范。指由师徒或师生关系产生的:~母。~兄。~弟。~妹。对和尚或道士的尊称:法~。禅~。军队:会~。出……



汉语拼音:xìng ài dà shī



  1. You might already be a sex guru, but there might also be something in this article for you to step your game up.


  1. 你确定, 乔伊?你确定你不是性爱狂?

    Are you sure you're not just a sex addict ?

  2. 你认为我是性爱疯子,然后引诱你?

    You think I was sex crazed and seduced you?

  3. 脉脉含情得样子,情书,情诗,性爱得体验

    Amorous looks, letters, poetry, experiences.

  4. 她很拘谨,听到性爱笑话也不笑。

    She's too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex.

  5. 早期基督教徒认为, 婚姻受到性爱得污染。

    Early Christians thought marriage was inescapably tainted by the presence of sex.

  6. 既没有丰富的感情也没有性爱的激动或浪漫的。

    Neither expressive of nor exciting sexual love or romance.

  7. 许多女人觉得这就是性爱上的挠痒痒。

    Many women find this to be sexually titillating.

  8. 性爱享乐主义是上瘾的,即使我是完全的清醒。

    The hedonism of sex was completely addictive, although I was totally sober.

  9. 劳伦斯迷信人类的性爱具有至高无上的价值。

    Lawrence had a mystical belief in the supreme value of physical love.

  10. 他们已经将影片里的一些性爱场面剪掉了。

    They have cut some sex scenes from the film.

  11. 他们说,规律的性爱也可以促进循环,降低血压。

    They say regular sex also boosts circulation and keeps down blood pressure.

  12. 这部影片将历险、性爱和喜剧有机地揉和在一起。

    The movie is a potent brew of adventure, sex and comedy.

  13. 一位同事曾经跟我说,她更喜欢没有接吻的性爱。

    A colleague once told me she preferred sex without kissing.

  14. 于是这两个人便会去享受那胡天胡地的性爱。

    Then the two would enjoy their licentious lovemaking.

  15. 性爱不仅帮她放松休息,也促进与丈夫罗杰的感情。

    It helped her recharge her batteries and reconnect with her husband, Roger.

  16. 性爱,当然指的是激情,而情爱则是深沉持久的爱,是承诺之爱。

    Eros, of course was passion, whereas agape was deep and enduring love, the love of commitment.

  17. 性爱性爱的性质或主题

    An erotic quality or theme.

  18. 性对爱的冲锋,号角的合法,英雄还是难过美人关!

    The love of the EU, bugle call of the legitimate, hero or sad Meirenguan!

  19. 其他性传染病致使爱滋病毒的传播更轻易


  20. 在你看来,性冲动和性爱也包括在这种不快里面吗

    In your view, does this awfulness include eroticism and love.

  21. 分享一个您最爱的性幻想。大声说出来吧!

    I want to have sex anywhere that makes me arouse.

  22. 主人性爱竹,盖以竹本固。

    Masters of Love, bamboo, covered with Takemoto solid.

  23. 这完全是心灵性爱得一部分。

    This is all a part of conscious lovemaking.

  24. 性灵派之批评家爱作者的缺点。

    A writer's weaknesses are what endear him to a hsingling critic.

  25. 您都怎样使用性爱玩具?多常使用?

    Leider nicht so oft. Sollte man aber mal ausprobiert haben.

  26. 你才能真正从性爱上感受到力量。

    You can never really feel the power you get from sex.

  27. 把自己投入工作, 放弃对性爱得渴望。

    I buried myself in work and up my desire for sex.

  28. 十次性爱比镇定剂烦宁更有效。

    Sex is around ten times more effective as a tranquilizer than Valium.

  29. 但我们没有互相交换黑暗的性和光明的爱。

    But we did not exchange our dark sex, nor bright love.

  30. 解释性不是爱,爱不是性。

    Explain that sex is not love and love is not sex.





《性爱大师》是一部剧情剧,改编自Thomas Maier的知名小说《Masters of Sex:The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson》。主要讲述两位性教育研究专家主人公William Masters和Virginia Johnson的故事,他们除了一同对外传授夫妻生活之道,两人之间的关系,也是该剧的一大看点。

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