


1. 委 [wěi]2. 委 [wēi]委 [wěi]任,派,把事交给人办:~托。~派。~任。~员。~以重任。抛弃,舍弃:~弃。~之于地。推托,卸:推~。~罪。曲折,弯转:~曲。~婉。~屈。积聚:~积。末、尾:原~。穷源意~(追究事物本原及……





汉语拼音:wěi shí








  1. 确实;实在。

    宋 司马光 《辞免裁减国用札子》:“况臣所修《资治通鑑》,委实文字浩大,朝夕少暇。” 元 乔吉 《两世姻缘》第一折:“多承大姐厚爱,我委实吃不的了。”《水浒传》第十五回:“你这廝不会答应,便説今日委实没工夫,教他改日却来相见拜茶?”《老残游记》第十六回:“不必用刑,我招就是了!人是我谋害的,父亲委实不知情!” 茅盾 《子夜》十四:“ 王和甫 又补足一句,看看 荪甫 委实有点精神反常,随便又谈了几句,就走了。”



  1. He was too unhappy, it must be nothing but a dream, and his mother was alive, and Emma would come up presently and go to bed.

  2. It was touching to see such a crowd prostrate in disarray on the ground and the High Priest in great anguish.

  3. A dubious offer, no doubt, for a country that has already lost three years to political turmoil and military misrule.

  4. That matters as countries with civil nuclear programmes are allowed to come perilously close to having a bomb.

  5. I've been a pastor for only a few years, but I am amazed at how my understand of Jesus has changed and expanded in that time.

  6. Willoughby, on his side, gave every proof of his pleasure in their acquaintance, which an evident wish of improving it could offer.

  7. Invest the footpath stone industry that this looks ordinary only, actually lets a person understand hard.

  8. He was a cabinet minister and held important party posts in his early forties, a feat in a gerontocratic country.

  9. It's very embarrassing to show up without reservations and having to wait for a table, leaving a very bad impression on your date.


  1. 委实使我吃惊!

    That really astonishes me!

  2. 这花园委实漂亮。

    The garden is indeed beautiful.

  3. 委实是万分可怜。

    It was a thousand pities, indeed.

  4. 这样做委实太招眼。

    It was too noticeable.

  5. 这苦痛委实难以忍受。

    It was impossible to bear such torture.

  6. 这委实令我激动不已。

    The very idea excited me.

  7. 想想他的话,也委实有道理。

    What he said is with justification.

  8. 愚蠢的我委实嫉妒缪斯偏心

    Fool I do grudge the Muses did not part.

  9. 脸颊上的皱纹委实难平。

    And furrows on my cheek, in truth.

  10. 脸颊上得皱纹委实难平。

    And furrows on my cheek, in truth.

  11. 她委实不是好吵好闹的人。

    She was really not of the contentious fighting sort.

  12. 她知识的广博委实令人吃惊。

    Her general knowledge is amazing.

  13. 假如要我自己说嘛,我委实是个美人胚子。

    I do have such a gorgeous face even if I do say so myself.

  14. 经各方证实,不轻松的华松委实是冤屈的。

    The parties confirmed that really is not easy cultivar redress.

  15. 清晨送到我手里得报告委实令人惊恐。

    The report that reached me in the early hours of the morning was most alarming.

  16. 清晨送到我手里的报告委实令人惊恐。

    The report that reached me in the early hours of the morning was most alarming.

  17. 这些学生觉得高考物理科委实很难应付得好。

    The students find it difficult to cope with the syllabus of AL Physics.

  18. 我竟然就跑进了洗手间,太糟糕了,这委实难以置信。

    I just had to go to the bathroom, so bad, it was unbelievable.

  19. 一桩桩一件件的事接踵而来, 那可怜的家伙委实够受的了。

    With one thing after another, the poor chap has too much to contend with.

  20. 一桩桩一件件的不接踵而来, 那可怜的家伙委实够受的了。

    What with one thing and another, the poor chap has too much to contend with.

  21. 鉴于我们刚刚经历的这场危机的严重程度, 这一点委实可悲。

    Given the scale of the crisis we have just endured, this pathetic.

  22. 伊丽莎白依旧坐在那里,对达西先生委实没有甚好感。

    And Elizabeth remained with no very cordial feelings towards him.

  23. 我常想在纷扰中寻出一点闲静来, 然而委实不容易。

    I often hanker after a little peace and respite from confusion, but it is really hard to come by.

  24. 波蒂厄斯得藏身之所委实容易引人怀疑, 也太容易搜索。

    A place of concealment so obvious suspicious and scrutiny as that which Porteous had chosen.


  1. 问:委实拼音怎么拼?委实的读音是什么?委实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:委实的读音是wěishí,委实翻译成英文是 really; indeed; actually




拼音:wěi shí英文:indeed词义:实在;确实地,的确。侧重事实、客观事实例句:1.委实不需要你那样说。2.委实没有一个不会凫水的。

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