


1. 担 [dān]2. 担 [dàn]3. 担 [dǎn]担 [dān]用肩膀挑:~水。承当,负责:~负。~任。~当。~待(a.原谅;b.担当责任)。~重任。~风险。担 [dàn]挑东西的用具,多用竹、木做成:扁~。一挑东西:~子。勇挑重……


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:dān dāng








  1. 承担并负责任。

    《朱子语类》卷八七:“岂不可出来为他担当一家事?” 明 唐顺之 《与俞总兵虚江书》:“若夫为国家出气力,担当大任,有 虚江 辈在,山人可以安枕矣。”《警世通言·旌阳宫铁树镇妖》:“贤弟好去为官,家下一应事体为姊的担当,不劳远念!” 老舍 《四世同堂》三六:“每一个有点知识的人都应当挺起胸来,担当这个重任。”

  2. 敢于承担责任,有魄力。

    清 李渔 《比目鱼·伪隐》:“不用諮谋,方见才能,好担当,好担当,怪不得人人敬。”《红楼梦》第六二回:“你既有担当给了我,原该不叫一个人知道。” 茅盾 《动摇》二:“ 陆慕游 曾在 胡国光 前极力夸饰 朱民生 是一个好心热肠有担当的人物。”

  3. 所承担的责任。

    宋 周密 《齐东野语·贾相寿词》:“ 郭应酉 居安 《声声慢》:‘许大担当,人间佛力 须弥 。’”

  4. 承受。

    宋 陈亮 《甲辰秋答朱元晦秘书书》:“ 孟子 终日言仁义,而与 公孙丑 论一段勇如此之详,又自发为浩然之气,盖担当开廓不去,则亦何有於仁义哉!” 明 黄绾 《明道编》卷六:“及观 孟子 ‘堂高’、‘侍妾’、‘般乐’之言,则知必有所为而发,亦可以见 孟子 英迈之稟。人若无此等资稟,於道终无担当也。”



  1. on syncing your music without iTunes, we found a few tools that were more than up to the task.


  2. And for year, we have encouraged Congress to put in place as a strong independent regulator to oversee the institutions.


  3. As Lord of the Sky, he took the role of psychopomp, conducting the souls of the righteous dead to paradise.


  4. The role of the liaison staff is to act as a link between the clients and Company A in London.


  5. Strangers are always congratulating me for what I have "taken on" (particularly when they hear I don't have children of my own).


  6. He's said, 'There is no question of her filling my mother's shoes. Kate will carve her own path, and make a very good job of it.


  7. You also began to find that you had all knowledge within, and could take personal responsibility for your spiritual development.


  8. He said it was "possible" that the Fed could take on some sort of systemic risk duties.


  9. The blame may lie where it ought to lie, and nowhere else, for I wash my hands of every part of it.


  1. 担当参议员

    seek a toga of.

  2. 民事诉讼担当

    undertaking system.

  3. 担当苦差事

    carry the baby.

  4. 能担当重任

    have broad shoulders.

  5. 任意诉讼担当

    discretional undertaking

  6. 挺身担当重任

    fling oneself into the breach

  7. 能够担当重任

    be capable of assuming important responsibilities.

  8. 挺身而出担当重任

    throw oneself into the breach

  9. 合格担当某职

    eligible for a position

  10. 对真实的担当

    responsibility for truth

  11. 法定的诉讼担当

    legal undertaking

  12. 通信担当的角色

    communication role

  13. 担当哨兵的工作

    To act as a sentinel.

  14. 担当决赛的裁判员

    to officiate in the finals

  15. 他勇于担当重任。

    He has the courage to take on important tasks.

  16. 他勇于担当重任。

    He has the courage to take on important tasks.

  17. 他不得不担当责任。

    He had to incur liabilities.

  18. 你担当得起吗?

    Will you dare to take the responsibility?

  19. 机车车辆担当任务簿

    rolling stock roster

  20. 唐先生担当口译工作。

    Mr. Tang acted as interpreter.

  21. 唐先生担当口译工作。

    Mr. Tang acted as interpreter.

  22. 扮演, 担当戏剧角色中扮演

    To perform in a dramatic role or roles.

  23. 个人护理用品开发担当

    Personal Care Products Development Staff

  24. 他担当得起大事业。

    He is capable of great things.

  25. 他担当受托人的角色。

    He is acting as a trustee.

  26. 她担当了小组的向导。

    She acted as guide for the group.

  27. 卫士担当哨兵工作的人

    A person who acts as a guard.

  28. 共青团员要担当历史重任

    The Youth League members should undertake historical commision

  29. 多次担当大学生家教工作。

    I had been a private tutor of undergraduates several times.

  30. 不适宜担当某职的人

    a round peg in a square hole


  1. 问:担当拼音怎么拼?担当的读音是什么?担当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:担当的读音是dāndāng,担当翻译成英文是 take … on

  2. 问:担当付款人拼音怎么拼?担当付款人的读音是什么?担当付款人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:担当付款人的读音是dāndāngfùkuǎnrén,担当付款人翻译成英文是 person designated as payer



“担当”是个多义词,它可以指担当(图书《担当》), 担当(明末禅师画家), 担当(汉语释义), 担当(散文)。

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