


包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。对人度量大:~忍。宽~。让,允许:~让。不~人说话。相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。或许,也许:~或。姓。……





汉语拼音:róng yán







  1. 容貌神色。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《神女赋》:“整衣服,敛容颜。” 晋 陶潜 《拟古》诗之五:“辛苦无此比,常有好容颜。” 唐 韩愈 《雪后寄崔二十六丞公》诗:“秩卑俸薄食口众,岂有酒食开容颜。”《水浒传》第三五回:“ 张社长 见 宋江 容颜不乐,眼泪暗流。”《红楼梦》第六九回:“﹝ 贾璉 ﹞回来见了 凤姐 ,未免脸上有些愧色。谁知 凤姐 反不似往日容颜,同 尤二姐 一同出来,叙了寒温。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“后来一直卧病,容颜顿改,人也憔悴瘦弱,脸色比 曾 家一般人还要苍白。”



  1. just a little tired, your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation, which brought to your face a thoughtful, deepening grace.


  2. I came across a few centuries you, only you to see only the face appeared in the dream.


  3. And how much profit do the proprietors of the clubs extract from the emotional and aesthetic labor of their workers?


  4. You still look like your past life, is still the face of your youth, but I eliminate the color, not a fragrance.


  5. If you don't see her here, you might be able to get a glimpse in London, where a Leonardo exhibition is due to open on November 9th.


  6. Those who wish to retain in the face sooner or later young people will find that the face is unable to retain to retain the heart.


  7. After the above processing of tea scale will be very easy to VIS and to restore the beautiful face, you may wish to try.


  8. Well, this works in the same way - an enzyme breaks down the top layers of skin to leave you with a youthful glow.


  9. Let the wind breeze, the sun diffuse mu, nor shelter a clear element face, into the heart, a place into a cool find one's true self.


  1. 生命容颜之曲

    A song of lifes visage.

  2. 难以抗拒你容颜

    Can not fight against with your face

  3. 有如圣者的容颜。

    The features of a saint.

  4. 我怕我的容颜已变

    For fear of my changing looks

  5. 看看你镜中的容颜

    Look at your face in the mirror

  6. 你可知你的容颜也变

    And also you have changed a lot

  7. 半朵容颜半遮面

    Covered half of daffodils beauty.

  8. 时光勿勿, 容颜易失!

    The time is diligent, the appearance is volatile!

  9. 时光勿勿,容颜易失!

    The time is diligent ,the appearance is volatile !

  10. 她的容颜还是如此美丽。

    Lovelier she was than any that I know.

  11. 阳光锁住了我的容颜

    That locked my face away

  12. 修复你的容颜,绽放你的光彩!

    Repair your face, shine your gloss!

  13. 明镜照容颜,醇酒见人心。

    In the mirror we see the face; in wine, the heart.

  14. 那迷人的微笑,那容颜的光彩,

    The smiles that win, the tints that glow.

  15. 那迷人得微笑,那容颜得光彩,

    The smiles that win, the tints that glow.

  16. 爱你逝去容颜的痛苦。

    And loved the sorrows of your chang face.

  17. 岁月未使她的容颜减色。

    Age cannot wither her.

  18. 她正为容颜衰老而伤感。

    She is mourning for the loss of her beauty.

  19. 爱你沧桑容颜流露的哀戚。

    And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

  20. 他的容颜是他内心的真实写照。

    His face was a true picture of his mind.

  21. 那醉人的微笑,光彩的容颜

    alliteration antithesis The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

  22. 却未看到你美丽的容颜

    But nothing with your beautiful face

  23. 给我看古书里你的容颜。

    Show me your image in some antique book.

  24. 岁月并未使她的容颜减色。

    Age cannot wither her.

  25. 你仔细的看过我的容颜吗?

    You look carefully read my appearance?

  26. 时间是水,回忆是水波中的容颜。

    Time is of water, are recalled in the face of water.

  27. 你的容颜我以为永远驻定,

    So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand

  28. 你连狂乱的容颜也是那么美艳

    Even your insane face is beautiful

  29. 她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条。

    The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines.

  30. 动人的热情使她容颜生光。

    Charming warmth brightened her face.


  1. 问:容颜拼音怎么拼?容颜的读音是什么?容颜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容颜的读音是róngyán,容颜翻译成英文是 appearance; looks; mien

  2. 问:容颜不老拼音怎么拼?容颜不老的读音是什么?容颜不老翻译成英文是什么?

    答:容颜不老的读音是róng yán bù lǎo,容颜不老翻译成英文是 agerasia



“容颜”是个多义词,它可以指容颜(词语概念), 容颜(歌曲名称), 容颜(同名小说)。

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