









汉语拼音:shū luǎn guǎn






  1. 女子或雌性动物生殖器官的一部份。在子宫的两侧,作用是把卵巢产生的卵子输送到子宫里去。



  1. But during one of her experiments, Patty noticed that an inflating drake's penis could burst through a silicone model of an oviduct.


  2. I want to ask is a female after excising a side oviduct, how much is the odds that remnant is pregnant below a tubal circumstance?


  3. A menstrual blood from the little cavity of residual horn filled progressively the salpinx, which had abdominal ostium closed.


  4. If the endometrium polyp is not prompt excises, easy to block the oviduct aperture, the disturbance fertilized egg bed and the growth.


  5. ' 'It turned out to be some sort of vegetable preparation, ' said Mr. Hwang.


  6. There was no significant difference in the pregnancy rate between primary and secondary infertility, single and double unobstructed oviduct.


  7. After about six months I decided to see a gynaecologist and to my horror discovered I had blocked fallopian tubes and was infertile.


  8. D: I will do a special test to see whether your tubes are blocked or not. I'll make an appointment for you then.


  9. Ectopic pregnancy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain in a woman of childbearing age.


  1. 输卵管结扎

    tubal ligation.

  2. 输卵管受孕

    tubal pregnancy.

  3. 输卵管梗阻

    obstruction of fallopian tube.

  4. 输卵管脱垂

    Prolapse of fallopian tube.

  5. 输卵管结扎术

    tubal ligation.

  6. 输卵管通畅试验

    tubal patency test

  7. 输卵管绝育手术

    Sexual tubal sterilization

  8. 输卵管再通术

    fallopian tube recanalization.

  9. 巢输卵管脱垂

    prolapse of ovary and fallopian tube.

  10. 输卵管腺病

    Adenosis of fallopian tube.

  11. 输卵管端一端合术

    tubal end to end anastomosis

  12. 子宫输卵管通液术

    uterine tubal liquid poking

  13. 输卵管的漏斗形开口

    The ovarian opening of a fallopian tube.

  14. 支气管、输卵管、耳咽管。

    Bronchial, fallopian, eustachian tubes.

  15. 实习医师输卵管壶腹部。

    Intern The ampullary of fallopian tube.

  16. 形状记忆输卵管避孕材料

    memorizing oviduct contraceptive

  17. 她失去了孩子。她失去了输卵管。

    She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube.

  18. 则行输卵管再通术。

    SSG was performed with home made coaxial catheter.

  19. 输卵管附带的横切术

    Incidental transection of fallopian tube

  20. 输卵管上皮为纤毛状。

    The epithelium of the oviduct is ciliated.

  21. 输卵管不通能治好吗?

    Is oviduct illogical can you cure.

  22. 输卵管癌得发病率是多少?

    How much is the incidence of a disease of tubal cancer?

  23. 输卵管连接着卵巢和子宫。

    The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus.

  24. 法娄皮欧输卵管通畅试验

    Fallopian tube patency test

  25. 急性咽鼓管炎, 急性输卵管炎

    acute salpingitis

  26. 慢性咽鼓管炎, 慢性输卵管炎

    chronic salpingitis

  27. 输卵管硅化橡胶管除去术

    Removal of silastic tubes from fallopian tube

  28. 在输卵管内精子使卵受精。

    Sperms fertilize ova in the fallopian tube.

  29. 医生对我们说输卵管破裂了。

    The doctor told us the fallopian tube had ruptured.

  30. 输卵管疏通术得费用是多少?

    Is that fallopian tube dredges the skill cost a number?


  1. 问:输卵管拼音怎么拼?输卵管的读音是什么?输卵管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管的读音是shūluǎnguǎn,输卵管翻译成英文是 Fallopian tube; oviduct

  2. 问:输卵管伞拼音怎么拼?输卵管伞的读音是什么?输卵管伞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管伞的读音是shū luǎn guǎn sǎn,输卵管伞翻译成英文是 fimbriae of uterine tube, fimbriae tubae...

  3. 问:输卵管峡拼音怎么拼?输卵管峡的读音是什么?输卵管峡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管峡的读音是shū luǎn guǎn xiá,输卵管峡翻译成英文是 isthmus of uterine tube

  4. 问:输卵管带拼音怎么拼?输卵管带的读音是什么?输卵管带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管带的读音是shū luǎn guǎn dài,输卵管带翻译成英文是 taenia tubae

  5. 问:输卵管液拼音怎么拼?输卵管液的读音是什么?输卵管液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管液的读音是shū luǎn guǎn yè,输卵管液翻译成英文是 human oviductal fluid人

  6. 问:输卵管疝拼音怎么拼?输卵管疝的读音是什么?输卵管疝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管疝的读音是shū luǎn guǎn shàn,输卵管疝翻译成英文是 salpingocele

  7. 问:输卵管瘤拼音怎么拼?输卵管瘤的读音是什么?输卵管瘤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管瘤的读音是shū luǎn guǎn liú,输卵管瘤翻译成英文是 salpingioma

  8. 问:输卵管癌拼音怎么拼?输卵管癌的读音是什么?输卵管癌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管癌的读音是shū luǎn guǎn ái,输卵管癌翻译成英文是 carcinoma of fallopian tube

  9. 问:输卵管的拼音怎么拼?输卵管的的读音是什么?输卵管的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管的的读音是shū luǎn guǎn de,输卵管的翻译成英文是 oviducal

  10. 问:输卵管端拼音怎么拼?输卵管端的读音是什么?输卵管端翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管端的读音是shū luǎn guǎn duān,输卵管端翻译成英文是 tubal extremity, superior extremity, extremita...

  11. 问:输卵管脱拼音怎么拼?输卵管脱的读音是什么?输卵管脱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管脱的读音是shū luǎn guǎn tuō,输卵管脱翻译成英文是 blow out

  12. 问:输卵管萼拼音怎么拼?输卵管萼的读音是什么?输卵管萼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管萼的读音是shū luǎn guǎn è,输卵管萼翻译成英文是 egg calyx

  13. 问:输卵管襞拼音怎么拼?输卵管襞的读音是什么?输卵管襞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管襞的读音是shū luǎn guǎn bì,输卵管襞翻译成英文是 uterine tubal folds

  14. 问:输卵管伞端拼音怎么拼?输卵管伞端的读音是什么?输卵管伞端翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管伞端的读音是shū luǎn guǎn sǎn duān,输卵管伞端翻译成英文是 fimbriated extremity of fallopian

  15. 问:输卵管内膜拼音怎么拼?输卵管内膜的读音是什么?输卵管内膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管内膜的读音是shū luǎn guǎn nèi mó,输卵管内膜翻译成英文是 endosalpinx

  16. 问:输卵管动脉拼音怎么拼?输卵管动脉的读音是什么?输卵管动脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管动脉的读音是shūluǎnguǎn dòngmài,输卵管动脉翻译成英文是 arteria oviducta

  17. 问:输卵管周炎拼音怎么拼?输卵管周炎的读音是什么?输卵管周炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管周炎的读音是shū luǎn guǎn zhōu yán,输卵管周炎翻译成英文是 parasalpingitis

  18. 问:输卵管因素拼音怎么拼?输卵管因素的读音是什么?输卵管因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管因素的读音是shū luǎn guǎn yīn sù,输卵管因素翻译成英文是 tubal factor

  19. 问:输卵管壶腹拼音怎么拼?输卵管壶腹的读音是什么?输卵管壶腹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管壶腹的读音是shū luǎn guǎn hú fù,输卵管壶腹翻译成英文是 ampulla of uterine tube, pars ampullaris...

  20. 问:输卵管妊娠拼音怎么拼?输卵管妊娠的读音是什么?输卵管妊娠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:输卵管妊娠的读音是shū luǎn guǎn rèn shēn,输卵管妊娠翻译成英文是 tubal pregnancy




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