




事情:事~。任~。公~。特~。不识时~(不认识时代潮流和当前形势)。从事,致力:~工。~实(从事或讨论具体的工作)。~虚。当~之急。追求:好(hào )高~远。必须,一定:~必。~须。除恶~尽。旧时收税的关卡(现多用于地名):曹家~(在中国……



汉语拼音:zá wù







  1. 琐碎事务。

    《宋史·职官志一》:“门下(省)凡分房十:曰吏房,曰户房,曰礼房……惟班簿、本省杂务则归吏房。” 清 吴骞 《<扶风传信录>序》:“﹝ 许可覲 ﹞又不能博徵仙典,究论还丹度世之术,而所记皆寻常世俗杂务。” 冰心 《我的邻居》:“她本来不喜欢做那些杂务,何必不就‘用其所长’?”



  1. Here I was doing dirty work for three men that I looked down upon, and one of whom, at least, should have hung upon a gallows.


  2. Instilled with a strong work ethic promoted by her parents, Stewart mastered traits that many would consider common household chores.


  3. When it came time to help with the backbreaking farm chores , he would be found reading a book .


  4. If cooking and cleaning seem like boring chores to you, try doing them as a form of meditation.


  5. He started telling me about all of the chores he had to do when he was a kid.


  6. There is calmness about you and as you go out in completing your chores or routines, you will receive much needed peace.


  7. Doing your share of office chores will also *endear you to your boss and colleagues.


  8. Everyday chores like shopping and housework take much of her time.


  9. Make it fun for yourself; once exercising seems like a chore, your weight loss results go right out the window.


  1. 麻烦的杂务

    niggling chores

  2. 政党杂务人员

    a party hack

  3. 文书工作, 杂务

    clerical work

  4. 做杂务的女仆

    the scullery maids

  5. 船上杂务管理

    shipboard housekeeping.

  6. 乏味的日常杂务

    humdrum chores

  7. 文秘杂务英语会话

    Part One Conversational English For Sundry Affairs

  8. 慢慢地做室外杂务。

    Work slowly when doing outside chores.

  9. 轮流做厨房里的杂务

    the rotation of kitchen chores

  10. 她每天在家干日常杂务。

    She does the chores at home every day.

  11. 她整个上午都在做杂务。

    Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying.

  12. 快点,不要拖延管理杂务。

    Look sharp and take care of the chores without delay!

  13. 你何时才能处理掉这些杂务?

    When will you get the sundry duties out of your way ?

  14. 干零碎杂活的人,杂务工。

    A man who does odd jobs or various small tasks.

  15. 家庭杂务家庭中日常的或例行的事务

    Daily or routine domestic tasks.

  16. 你为什么要挑我去做那些杂务?

    Why should you pick on me to do the chores?

  17. 老师能帮你理顺混乱的行政杂务。

    Professors can help straighten out administrative snafus.

  18. 多亏助手帮忙,我摆脱了所有的杂务。

    My assistant relieved me of all the chores.

  19. 而大部分家庭杂务也大都源于厨房。

    Most household chores also take place in the kitchen.

  20. 擦桌子, 洗碗这类仆人做的杂务。

    Menial chores like dusting and washing up.

  21. 一个被雇用来处理家庭杂务的仆人

    a servant who is employed to perform domestic task in a household

  22. 他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。

    He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.

  23. 这是一项让他醉心于此得家常杂务。

    He was mixing compost, a chore he enchanting.

  24. 这是一项让他醉心于此的家常杂务。

    He was mixing compost, a chore he enchanting.

  25. 派去服侍上级军官并执行各种杂务的士兵

    a soldier assigned to attend a superior officer and perform various tasks

  26. 购物、家务等日常杂务占去了她很多时间。

    Everyday chores like shopping and housework take much of her time.

  27. 那位雇员病了, 很多的日常杂务都没做。

    Thewas sick and a lot of the daily chores were not done.

  28. 那位雇员病了,很多得日常杂务都没做。

    Thewas sick and a lot of the daily chores were not done.

  29. 青年妇女也可能离开学校协助家务和其他杂务。

    Young women are also likely to be taken out of school to assist with domestic and other chores.

  30. 农庄杂务农民早上和晚上例行的喂家畜等事务

    The routine morning and evening tasks of a farmer, such as the feeding of livestock.


  1. 问:杂务拼音怎么拼?杂务的读音是什么?杂务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂务的读音是záwù,杂务翻译成英文是 odd jobs; sundry duties; chore

  2. 问:杂务工拼音怎么拼?杂务工的读音是什么?杂务工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂务工的读音是zá wù gōng,杂务工翻译成英文是 porter

  3. 问:杂务船拼音怎么拼?杂务船的读音是什么?杂务船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂务船的读音是zá wù chuán,杂务船翻译成英文是 Miscellaneous Ship

  4. 问:杂务指挥船拼音怎么拼?杂务指挥船的读音是什么?杂务指挥船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂务指挥船的读音是zá wù zhǐ huī chuán,杂务指挥船翻译成英文是 Miscellaneous Command Ship

  5. 问:杂务支援舰拼音怎么拼?杂务支援舰的读音是什么?杂务支援舰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂务支援舰的读音是zá wù zhī yuán jiàn,杂务支援舰翻译成英文是 Miscellaneous Support Ship

  6. 问:杂务通用航母拼音怎么拼?杂务通用航母的读音是什么?杂务通用航母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂务通用航母的读音是zá wù tōng yòng háng mǔ,杂务通用航母翻译成英文是 Miscellaneous Common Carrier



záwù 是指专门业务之外的琐碎事务. 《宋史·职官志一》:“门下(省)凡分房十:曰吏房,曰户房,曰礼房……惟班簿、本省杂务则归吏房。” 清 吴骞 《<扶风传信录>序》:“﹝ 许可觐 ﹞又不能博徵仙典,究论还丹度世之术,而所记皆寻常世俗杂务。” 冰心 《我的邻居》:“她本来不喜欢做那些杂务,何必不就‘用其所长’?”

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