


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……







汉语拼音:dà shǒu bǐ



1.知名作者写出 的有分量的文章。《晋书 王珣传》:“珣梦人以大笔如椽与之。既觉,语人曰:‘此当有大手笔事。’俄而帝崩,哀册谥议,皆珣所草。”

2.名噪一时的作者。《新唐书 苏颋传》:“颋自景龙后,与张 说以文章显,称望略等,故时号燕许大手笔。”



  1. 指朝廷诏令文书等重要文章。后亦指杰出的文辞、书画。

    《晋书·王珣传》:“ 珣 梦人以大笔如椽与之,既觉,语人云:‘此当有大手笔事。’俄而帝崩,哀册諡议,皆 珣 所草。”《陈书·徐陵传》:“ 世祖 、 高宗 之世,国家有大手笔,皆 陵 草之。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·迦陵配》:“﹝ 李太守 ﹞閒步殿上,观西天像,突见墨荷,惊为 八大 再来人,问谁之大手笔。”

  2. 称工于文辞有大成就的人。

    唐 白居易 《冯宿除兵部郎中知制诰制》:“吾闻 武德 暨 开元 中, 颜师古 、 陈叔达 、 苏頲 称大手笔。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·作文不惮屡改》:“虽大手笔,不以一时笔快为定而惮於屡改也。” 陈毅 《湖海诗社开征引》:“若无大手笔,谁堪创世纪?”

  3. 手面阔绰的人。

    《负曝闲谈》第十五回:“ 金慕暾 又是个大手笔,整把银子撒出来,毫无吝色。”



  1. I hear Tottenham are the latest side to be interested in me and playing in London would be great but let's wait and see.


  2. Big moves are just around the corner and I suggest you Google "Dismantling of an Empire. "


  3. For many, it was a time for splashing out on a second home.


  4. It was a huge gambit and one that came like a tonic to Wall Street, which had panned an earlier outline of the program that lacked detail.


  5. Everything about this deal is big--from the price tag (Buffett's largest ever) to the scale of the company's business.


  6. Vieira is a good buy for Juve and I would have loved to play alongside him, but I have to think about my own career.


  7. It seems fitting that it was the acquisition of an Indian firm that sealed the turnaround in Mr Sarin's fortunes.


  8. PE and venture capital like their cousins in the rest of the financial world have had their fingers burnt in recent years.


  9. Armed with a war chest of more than $6bn of credit lines from domestic banks, HNA says it is just gearing up for the big time.


  1. 燕许大手笔

    Yan Xu Da Shou Bi.

  2. 大问题引发大手笔。

    Big problem, big number.

  3. 关于下一次的大手笔?

    What will be the next big transfer?

  4. 论大手笔张说的散文

    On the Prose of ZHANG Yue Who Was Called Big Literary Work

  5. 大手笔。包围。再包围。十面埋伏。

    By great boldness and action, the city is being besieged.

  6. 爱的大手笔怎样给造物润色。

    How that great work of Love enhances Nature's.

  7. 这些大手笔显示了西方人的慷慨。

    This largesse is evidence of western generosity.

  8. 看来,2012年避免大手笔收购的决心足够坚定。

    The decision to avoid any big buys in2012 seems solid enough.

  9. 看来,2012年避免大手笔收购得决心足够坚定。

    The decision to avoid any big buys in2012 seems solid enough.

  10. 这种大手笔做法出现在美林内部动荡之际。

    The aggressive posture comes at a time of turmoil for Merrill.

  11. 论张说的大手笔与开元政治理念的转变

    On Zhang Shuo and change of political conceptions during Kaiyuan ruling

  12. 他大手笔地拿出一半财产给女儿办婚事。

    He lashed out half his fortune on his daughter's wedding.

  13. 如果你真想学会大手笔想事情的话,这点非常重要。

    This is very important if you ever want to learn to think big.

  14. 海派汽车民族科技上海华普汽车大手笔登陆工博会

    With national technology, Shanghai Huapu launch on Industry Expo mightily

  15. 沈阳世博园大气恢弘, 大手笔, 大背景令世人惊叹!

    The grandness of the Shenyang EXPO will let tourists exclaim with admiration!

  16. 祭出大手笔得韩端经常用这样得话来安慰自己。

    Big time, using the Duan often use such words to comfort themselves.

  17. 祭出大手笔的韩端经常用这样的话来安慰自己。

    Big time, using the Duan often use such words to comfort themselves.

  18. 中海油大手笔投资新能源,先从动力电池领域开端。

    CNOOC large investment in new energy, the field of motive power from the beginning.

  19. 正是这种直率而又隐避的敏感性使其作品成为大手笔

    It is this brash, backroom sensibility that informs his work as a novelist

  20. 正是这种直率而又隐避得敏感性使其作品成为大手笔

    It is this brash, backroom sensibility that informs his work as a novelist

  21. 英特尔传统上会为新业务站稳脚跟而大手笔投入。

    Intel has a history of paying up for a foothold in a new business.

  22. 菲亚特盈利客观,现在有很可能对克莱斯特抛出大手笔。

    The turnaround of Fiat, which may now take over Chrysler, has been remarkable.

  23. 迫切想上规模的科尔先生正奋力争取很多大手笔协议。

    Eager to build scale, Mr. cohl was pushing for a slew of additional big deals.

  24. 尽管这一行业目前的规模较小,但它却吸引着大手笔的投资。

    The sector, while still small, is seeing serious investment.


  1. 问:大手笔拼音怎么拼?大手笔的读音是什么?大手笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大手笔的读音是dàshǒubǐ,大手笔翻译成英文是 masterpiece; well-known writer



“大手笔”是个多义词,它可以指大手笔(词语释义), 大手笔(同名图书)。

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