


1. 钢 [gāng]2. 钢 [gàng]钢 [gāng]经过精炼,不含磷砂等杂质的铁,含碳0.15~1.7%,比熟铁更坚硬更富于弹性,是工业上极其重要的原料:~板。~笔(笔头用金属制成的笔)。~铁(“钢”和“铁”,喻坚强,如“~~的意志……







汉语拼音:gāng sī shéng






  1. 用几根钢丝绞成一股,再由几股绞成的绳。较粗的钢丝绳中间夹有麻绳,多用做起重的绳索。

    周立波 《铁水奔流》八:“车上堆着法蓝盘,橡皮管和钢丝绳。”



  1. The rails pass up to the top of the shaft, where they are taken over a pulley which can be driven in either direction by an electric motor.


  2. In the multilayer coiling of the wireline, the main injuries sustained by the wireline are the wear and fracture of the surface wires.


  3. Evaluation of the service life of a rotary drilling line is of great importance to ensuring safe drilling and reducing drilling cost.


  4. The high drop point fiber core grease could solve the problem of grease flowing off the wire rope together with the surface grease.


  5. The reeling out of the drilling line is powered by gravity and reeling in by an electric motor or diesel engine.


  6. Based on structural characteristics and forced conditions of steel cable, a new pair of steel cable clamps have been designed and made.


  7. The tension used to check and adjust traction steel wire rope must be consistent; there should be mo rotation during the operation.


  8. Through the structure theory, the device can achieve high precision rope moving, Static tension in a state of self-balancing.


  9. Experiment results showed that this algorithms could inspect the external defects in steel wire rope rapidly and integrality.


  1. 吊桶钢丝绳

    kibble rope.

  2. 游动钢丝绳

    rotary line.

  3. 钢丝绳结构

    wire rope structure

  4. 钢丝绳更换

    replacing steel cable

  5. 同心钢丝绳

    concentric wire rope.

  6. 钢丝绳标准

    standard of wire rope

  7. 钢丝绳检测

    steel wire rope checking

  8. 钢丝绳研发

    research and development of wire rope

  9. 钢丝绳刮子

    reline wiper

  10. 吊索钢丝绳

    bridge sling rope.

  11. 钢丝绳钻眼

    wire line drilling

  12. 特号钢丝绳

    plow steel wire rope.

  13. 包麻钢丝绳

    marline clad wire rope.

  14. 钢丝绳断丝

    broken silks of steel cable

  15. 钢丝绳移送机

    rope transfer

  16. 光缆用钢丝绳

    The fiber optic cable uses the steel wire.

  17. 钢丝绳张力平衡

    wire rope tension balance

  18. 一般用途钢丝绳

    steel wire rope for general use

  19. 钢丝绳生产经营

    wire rope production and management

  20. 钢丝绳专用卡尺

    Special Vernial Calipers For Wire Rope

  21. 扒矿机钢丝绳

    scraper rope.

  22. 吊索用钢丝绳

    wire rope for sling

  23. 钢丝绳钻眼法

    cable drilling system

  24. 水下钢丝绳绞车

    subsea wireline winch

  25. 提升钢丝绳防滑

    slide proof hoist wire ropes

  26. 钢丝绳拆股试验

    dismantle strand test of rope

  27. 钢丝绳润滑脂

    wire rope lubricant

  28. 深水锚泊钢丝绳

    wire rope for anchoring in deep water

  29. 剑麻钢丝绳芯

    Steel wire ropesSisal main cores

  30. 钢丝绳旋转调节装置

    Hoisting rope rotation adjusting device


  1. 问:钢丝绳拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳的读音是什么?钢丝绳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳的读音是gāngsīshéng,钢丝绳翻译成英文是 a rope-shaped article made of twisted steel wire...

  2. 问:钢丝绳夹拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳夹的读音是什么?钢丝绳夹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳夹的读音是gāng sī shéng jiā,钢丝绳夹翻译成英文是 wire rope clip

  3. 问:钢丝绳梯拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳梯的读音是什么?钢丝绳梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳梯的读音是gāng sī shéng tī,钢丝绳梯翻译成英文是 steel cable ladder

  4. 问:钢丝绳道拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳道的读音是什么?钢丝绳道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳道的读音是gāng sī shéng dào,钢丝绳道翻译成英文是 wireway

  5. 问:钢丝绳吊索拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳吊索的读音是什么?钢丝绳吊索翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳吊索的读音是gāng sī shéng diào suǒ,钢丝绳吊索翻译成英文是 wire rope sling

  6. 问:钢丝绳套环拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳套环的读音是什么?钢丝绳套环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳套环的读音是gāng sī shéng tào huán,钢丝绳套环翻译成英文是 cable eye

  7. 问:钢丝绳悬索拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳悬索的读音是什么?钢丝绳悬索翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳悬索的读音是gāng sī shéng xuán suǒ,钢丝绳悬索翻译成英文是 suspension cable with wire rope

  8. 问:钢丝绳接头拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳接头的读音是什么?钢丝绳接头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳接头的读音是gāng sī shéng jiē tóu,钢丝绳接头翻译成英文是 cable splicing

  9. 问:钢丝绳钻机拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳钻机的读音是什么?钢丝绳钻机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳钻机的读音是,钢丝绳钻机翻译成英文是 churn drill

  10. 问:钢丝绳钻进拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳钻进的读音是什么?钢丝绳钻进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳钻进的读音是,钢丝绳钻进翻译成英文是 cable drilling

  11. 问:钢丝绳头吊环拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳头吊环的读音是什么?钢丝绳头吊环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳头吊环的读音是gāng sī shéng tóu diào huán,钢丝绳头吊环翻译成英文是 eye bolt

  12. 问:钢丝绳端紧扣拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳端紧扣的读音是什么?钢丝绳端紧扣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳端紧扣的读音是gāng sī shéng duān jǐn kòu,钢丝绳端紧扣翻译成英文是 rope socket catch

  13. 问:钢丝绳磨损试验拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳磨损试验的读音是什么?钢丝绳磨损试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳磨损试验的读音是gāng sī shéng mó sǔn shì yàn,钢丝绳磨损试验翻译成英文是 Brown's test

  14. 问:钢丝绳钻头钻井拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳钻头钻井的读音是什么?钢丝绳钻头钻井翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳钻头钻井的读音是gāng sī shéng zuàn tóu zuàn jǐng,钢丝绳钻头钻井翻译成英文是 cable-tool drilling

  15. 问:钢丝绳操纵推土机拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳操纵推土机的读音是什么?钢丝绳操纵推土机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳操纵推土机的读音是gāng sī shéng cāo zòng tuī tǔ jī,钢丝绳操纵推土机翻译成英文是 cable control bulldozer

  16. 问:钢丝绳锚固支墩柱拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳锚固支墩柱的读音是什么?钢丝绳锚固支墩柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳锚固支墩柱的读音是gāng sī shéng máo gù zhī dūn zhù,钢丝绳锚固支墩柱翻译成英文是 cable anchorage pier

  17. 问:钢丝绳制造商联合会拼音怎么拼?钢丝绳制造商联合会的读音是什么?钢丝绳制造商联合会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钢丝绳制造商联合会的读音是Gāngsīshéng Zhìzàoshāng Liánhéhuì,钢丝绳制造商联合会翻译成英文是 Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturers




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