


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……



汉语拼音:hé lǐ huà






  1. 设法调整改进现状,使更合理。

    朱自清 《论国语教育》:“整理国字,使之合理化,科学化,统一化,正确化,非从速厘定标准字不可。” 艾芜 《百炼成钢》第十八章三:“ 何子学 便根据 梁景春 的意见,向大家说明炸沉渣室这件合理化建议。”



  1. the company optimizes its management of each branch company by means of star connection , giving full play to its overall edge.


  2. But the academic buzz around the subject isn't just a case of eggheads rationalizing their slothfulness.


  3. As microprocessors, fieldbus, network technology application, ship management tends to rationalize, intelligent and automation.


  4. Management, due to the small and the rationalization of the management system that cannot be easily introduced, quality will not be stable.


  5. "This jurisdictional split threatens to for ever stand in the way of rationalising the regulation of these products and markets, " he said.


  6. the series used to rationalize designed to simultaneously draw in shape, with the pack into the back end of a complete synchronization.


  7. Part of the goal of these exercises is to give you practice with working with data, estimating models and making sense of the results.


  8. The other group, which received information regarding the costs and benefits of parenthood, did not show an increase in rationalization.


  9. These characteristics can be rationalized by a rate law of the form afs, where fs is the fraction of light absorbed by chloroform.


  1. 量刑合理化

    The Rationalization of the Measurement of Punishment

  2. 文件组建合理化

    file construction retionalization

  3. 这一差距合理化。

    that makes that disparity okay.

  4. 这个函数可以合理化。

    This function can be rationalized.

  5. 委员会工作的合理化。

    Rationalization of the work of the Commission.

  6. 科学已将生活合理化。

    Life has been rationalized by science.

  7. 设计合理化的工厂布局。

    To design reasonable factory layout.

  8. 如何促进刑事政策合理化

    How to promote the crime policy rationalization

  9. 一切的行为都被合理化

    Makes anything rationalizable.

  10. 我们已使厨房布局合理化

    we have managed to rationalize the kitchen

  11. 他们提出了许多合理化建议。

    They advanced many reasonable proposals.

  12. 我们能够把任何事物合理化。

    And with our minds we can rationalize anything.

  13. 让监管环境系统化和合理化。

    Systematize and streamline the regulatory environment.

  14. 三班提了个合理化建议。

    Class Three has put forward a reasonable proposal.

  15. 不要把错误的行为合理化。

    Dont rationalize wrong actions.

  16. 请让外国情报监察法合理化。

    Please get FISA right.

  17. 作业标准合理化, 品质保证国际化。

    Rationalize standardized operation and internationalize quality.

  18. 领导上鼓励他们提合理化建议。

    They are encouraged to make rational proposals.

  19. 男西服后身板型合理化研究

    Study on the Improvement of Back Bodice Suit Pattern

  20. 社会和工业已达到合理化和现代化。

    Society and industry had been rationalized and modernized.

  21. 目标是将业务合理化,提高生产力。

    The aim is to streamline the business and achieve higher productivity.

  22. 目标是将业务合理化,提高生产力。

    The aim is to streamline the business and achieve higher productivity.

  23. 合理化建议综计有九个方面。

    To sum up, the rationalization proposals fall into nine categories.

  24. 四是经费使用科学化与合理化

    The fourth is a budget the usage is scientific with rationalize.

  25. 我们必须使物价合理化并加速改革。

    We must rationalize prices and accelerate the reform.

  26. 但是你慢慢长大,开始让自信合理化。

    But as you got older, you began to rationalize your confidence.

  27. 他们很聪明因此他们合理化自己的行为。

    Theyre smart and so they rationalize what theyre doing.

  28. 最终, 这个身份流可以使实现合理化。

    Ultimately this single flow of identity can streamline the implementation.

  29. 否则你就会陷入合理化的解释中。

    But otherwise you are caught in a rationalisation.

  30. 你想把自己的行为合理化 真可悲。

    I think the way you're trying to rationalize your behavior Is pathetic.


  1. 问:合理化拼音怎么拼?合理化的读音是什么?合理化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合理化的读音是hélǐhuà,合理化翻译成英文是 rationalize; to make compatible

  2. 问:合理化建议拼音怎么拼?合理化建议的读音是什么?合理化建议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合理化建议的读音是hé lǐ huà jiàn yì,合理化建议翻译成英文是 rationalization proposal

  3. 问:合理化解释拼音怎么拼?合理化解释的读音是什么?合理化解释翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合理化解释的读音是hé lǐ huà jiě shì,合理化解释翻译成英文是 rationalized explanation

  4. 问:合理化陷阱拼音怎么拼?合理化陷阱的读音是什么?合理化陷阱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合理化陷阱的读音是hé lǐ huà xiàn jǐng,合理化陷阱翻译成英文是 rationalization trap

  5. 问:合理化内部通信设备拼音怎么拼?合理化内部通信设备的读音是什么?合理化内部通信设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合理化内部通信设备的读音是hé lǐ huà nèi bù tōng xìn shè bèi,合理化内部通信设备翻译成英文是 Rationalized Internal Communications Equipm...

  6. 问:合理化的成本比较形式拼音怎么拼?合理化的成本比较形式的读音是什么?合理化的成本比较形式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合理化的成本比较形式的读音是hé lǐ huà de chéng běn bǐ jiào xíng shì,合理化的成本比较形式翻译成英文是 Streamlined Cost Comparison Form




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