




一年生草本植物,子实为圆形或椭圆小粒。北方通称“谷子”,去皮后称“小米”:~子。沧海一~。古代泛称谷类:重(zhòng )农贵~。姓。……





汉语拼音:yīng sù huā



  1. Airports and ports in Egypt had been told to look out for this painting of a Vase of Poppies to make sure it wasn't smuggled abroad.


  2. The work - known as both "Poppy Flowers" and "Vase and Flowers" - was cut out of its frame.


  3. I missed you as the poppyhead misses a solar meadow, - said the first daughter.


  4. Today a plaque records the details of that day and the memorial is covered with crosses, flowers and poppies.


  5. "You will stay a hyena, etc. . . , " shouts the demon who once crowned me with such pretty poppies.


  6. The sale of red poppies raises funds to help ex- servicemen - the sale of white poppies does not, but does support peace work and education.


  7. Then he turned his head and she saw the tattoo of the red poppy on his neck.


  8. I would refuse a rose, from a couch of snow in the Acrousseronean Mountains, to say nothing of this addicting poppy flower .


  9. THE smell of the Afghan poppy season is unmistakable, even from the open door of a Black Hawk helicopter.


  1. 美丽的罂粟花!

    Beautiful poppy flowers!

  2. 美丽得罂粟花!

    Beautiful poppy flowers!

  3. 易脱落的罂粟花萼。

    The caducous calyx of a poppy.

  4. 阵亡将士纪念日佩带罂粟花

    Wearing a Poppy for Memorial Day

  5. 在阿富汗有一片罂粟花的

    This is a field of poppies in Afghanistan.

  6. 喜欢种种罂粟花, 大麻难道有错吗

    Care for diverseness poppy , .Hempen difficult guilty

  7. 她把罂粟花别在了他的雨衣上。

    She pinned the poppy to his raincoat.

  8. 编织得平平展展罂粟花就像红色的绉纸

    And poppies like red crepe paper.

  9. 那座房屋周围的原野上的罂粟花五彩缤纷。

    The fields around the house blazed with poppies.

  10. 她看见他脖子上纹着的红色罂粟花。

    Then he turned his head and she saw the tattoo of the red poppy on his neck.

  11. 在佛兰德斯战场上, 罂粟花随风飘荡

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow

  12. 罂粟花是用萝卜和灯笼椒制作而成的。

    Poppies. Made of garden radish and pepper.

  13. 玫瑰花带刺,但它却很娇艳罂粟花带毒,但它却很美!

    Rose is prick, but delicate, poppy is toxic, but beautiful!

  14. 在正在成熟的玉米地里,长着真正的罂粟花。

    There were real poppies growing among the ripening corn.

  15. 加州罂粟花可促进睡眠,松弛神经及舒缓忧虑。

    California poppy promotes sleep, helps one to relax, and eases mild anxiety.

  16. 看着这些回复,我只能笑了。高大罂粟花综合症

    LOL at the comments. Talk about tall poppy syndrome.

  17. 什么是艳红色?在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。

    What is red ?A poppy's red in its barley bed.

  18. 大女儿说我想您想的就如同罂粟花失去了草地。

    I missed you as the poppyhead misses a solar meadow, said the first daughter.

  19. 年轻人跟公主坠入爱河,动物们和罂粟花都围绕着他们。

    The young people fell in love and lived surrounded by ani mals and poppies.

  20. 世界上没有任何一种花象罂粟花一样罪恶而又血腥。

    and no flowers as evil and bloody as poppy flower too.

  21. 即使罂粟花开满了佛兰德斯,我们也不会安息。

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

  22. 然而英国人看来, 罂粟花是提醒了一战期间的杀戮。

    Yet from the British viewpoint the poppy is a reminder of the killing during World War I.

  23. 蜜蜂在鲜红得罂粟花和艳紫得蓟草花之间飞舞嗡嗡低吟。

    Bees moved, humming thoughtfully, from scarlet poppy to purple thistle.

  24. 蜜蜂在鲜红的罂粟花和艳紫的蓟草花之间飞舞嗡嗡低吟。

    Bees moved, humming thoughtfully, from scarlet poppy to purple thistle.

  25. 整个谷底和山麓都覆被上了一层厚厚得羽扇豆和罂粟花。

    The whole valley floor, and the foothills too, would be carpeted with lupines and poppies.

  26. 整个谷底和山麓都覆被上了一层厚厚的羽扇豆和罂粟花。

    The whole valley floor, and the foothills too, would be carpeted with lupines and poppies.

  27. 她那件大红绸袍的衣褶里发出销魂蚀骨的罂粟花香。

    The folds of her scarlet silk gown gave off the enervating smell of poppies.

  28. 罂粟花摇曳我要穿过多少片红光才能到达你的身旁

    Fresh breeze poppy flower dancing around how much vivid red I have to come across until reaching by your side


  1. 问:罂粟花拼音怎么拼?罂粟花的读音是什么?罂粟花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罂粟花的读音是yīngsùhuā,罂粟花翻译成英文是 poppy

  2. 问:罂粟花碱拼音怎么拼?罂粟花碱的读音是什么?罂粟花碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罂粟花碱的读音是yīng sù huā jiǎn,罂粟花碱翻译成英文是 floripavine

  3. 问:罂粟花色苷拼音怎么拼?罂粟花色苷的读音是什么?罂粟花色苷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罂粟花色苷的读音是yīng sù huā sè gān,罂粟花色苷翻译成英文是 mekocyanin

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