




1. 依 [yī]依 [yī]靠,仗赖:~靠。~傍(a.依靠;b.摹仿,多指艺术、学问)。~恋。~偎。~存。~附。归~。按照:~照。~旧。~据。~次。顺从,答应:~从。~顺。~允。亲密的样子:“有~其士”。……



汉语拼音:guī yī










  1. 佛教语。原指佛教的入教仪式。表示对佛、法(教义)、僧三者归顺依附,故也称三皈依。后多指虔诚信奉佛教或参加其它宗教组织。

    唐 李颀 《宿莹公禅房闻梵》诗:“始觉浮生无住著,顿令心地欲皈依。”《西游记》第五二回:“前闻得 观音尊者 解脱汝身,皈依释教,保 唐僧 来此求经。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·伍秋月》:“生素不佞佛,至此皈依甚虔。” 孙中山 《中国问题的真解决》:“当时的大学士 徐光启 ,其本人皈依了天主教。”

  2. 谓身心归向、依托。

    清 钮琇 《觚賸·圆圆》:“ 圆圆 皈依上将,匹合大藩。” 严复 《有如三保》:“然则以 孔子 之道例今人,乃无一事是皈依 孔子 。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二九:“这惟有皈依酒了。”



  1. Wafaa Constantine, who was also the wife of a priest, reportedly converted to Islam in 2004 and wound up in a monastery as well.


  2. and then it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted!


  3. The ritual of my conversion may have taken only minutes, but it was the culmination of a lifetime's quest.


  4. The nearly several days, emptied any as if, the heart is converted with difficulty tranquilly.


  5. Mr Blair, a Catholic convert, said faith was a force for good and it was "futile" to attempt to drive it out.


  6. He told me that he was now trying to convert his friends and colleagues to Christianity.


  7. If I were going to convert to any religion I would probably choose Catholicism because it at least has female saints and the Virgin Mary.


  8. Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


  9. A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who's best at his job. So they each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it.


  1. 皈依天主教。

    convert to Roman Catholicism.

  2. 皈依阿弥陀佛

    I seek refuge in Amitabha Buddha.

  3. 我皈依佛。

    I take refuge in the Buddha.

  4. 转变和皈依

    change and conversion.

  5. 她皈依佛教。

    She converted to buddhism.

  6. 他皈依佛教。

    He is a convert to Buddhism.

  7. 皈依三宝经

    The Sutra of Turning to the Three Treasures.

  8. 临终时的皈依

    a deathbed conversion

  9. 约翰皈依佛教了。

    John was converted to Buddhism.

  10. 他已皈依天主教。

    He's converted to Catholicism.

  11. 此人皈依了佛教。

    The man was converted to Buddhism.

  12. 她已皈依基督教。

    She was converted to Christianity.

  13. 他要皈依天主教。

    He wants to convert to Catholicism.

  14. 皈依天主教的少女

    Young girls converted to Catholicism

  15. 可皈依佛之原因

    The reasons why Buddha is a worthy object of refuge

  16. 使异教徒皈依基督教

    convert pagans to Christianity

  17. 她也皈依了天主教。

    She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism.

  18. 他们使她皈依基督教。

    They have made a convert of her co Christianity.

  19. 某人对某教的皈依

    somebody's conversion to something

  20. 许多非洲人皈依基督教。

    Many Africans were converted to Christianity.

  21. 传教士皈依了印度人口。

    The missionaries converted the Indian population.

  22. 那天,他皈依了基督教。

    He converted to Christianity that day.

  23. 他新近皈依的天主教徒。

    He is a recent convert to Catholicism.

  24. 他新近皈依的天主教徒。

    He is a recent convert to Catholicism.

  25. 他的从犹太教皈依天主教

    his conversion from Judaism to Catholicism

  26. 我幻想他可以皈依犹太教。

    I used to fantasize about him converting to judaism.

  27. 他决心要使异教徒皈依。

    He set out to convert the heathen.

  28. 一次意味深远的文化皈依

    A Cultural Converting of Profound Significance

  29. 他晚年退隐山林,皈依佛教。

    In his later years he retired from public life, converted to Buddhism and became a hermit.

  30. 我们在几年前皈依伊斯兰教

    We converted to Islam several years ago.


  1. 问:皈依拼音怎么拼?皈依的读音是什么?皈依翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皈依的读音是guīyī,皈依翻译成英文是 the ceremony of proclaiming somebody a Buddhis...

  2. 问:皈依拼音怎么拼?皈依的读音是什么?皈依翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皈依的读音是gōngdēng,皈依翻译成英文是 religious conversion

  3. 问:皈依堂拼音怎么拼?皈依堂的读音是什么?皈依堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皈依堂的读音是guī yī táng,皈依堂翻译成英文是 domus conversorum

  4. 问:皈依者拼音怎么拼?皈依者的读音是什么?皈依者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皈依者的读音是,皈依者翻译成英文是 devotee

  5. 问:皈依基督教拼音怎么拼?皈依基督教的读音是什么?皈依基督教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皈依基督教的读音是,皈依基督教翻译成英文是 christianise



“皈依”是个多义词,它可以指皈依(2008年雅丝敏·阿莫执导的电影), 皈依(生根活佛著作), 皈依(在词典中的解释), 皈依(佛教术语), 皈依(汉语词语), 皈依(剑网三剧情歌), 皈依(基督宗教含义)。

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