


1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……


1. 觉 [jué]2. 觉 [jiào]觉 [jué]人或动物的器官受刺激后对事物的感受辨别:感~。知~。触~。视~。~察。醒悟:~悟。~醒。“~今是而昨非”。觉 [jiào]睡眠(从睡着到睡醒):午~。睡了一大~。……


用具的总称:~皿。~物。~械。木~。武~。~小易盈。生物体结构中具有某种独立生理机能的部分:~官。消化~。人的度量、才干:~度。~量(liàng )。~宇。~质。大~晚成。重视:~重。~敬。……





汉语拼音:gǎn jué qì guān






  1. The physical sense associated with this chakra is the sense of touch, in its aspect of relation to the person inside the body.


  2. But this robot has it's culinary limitation, it has no sensors or eyes, so all the equipment must be positioned perfectly.


  3. You could do brain surgery while fully conscious because the brain itself has no sense organs to it.


  4. The game the meditator is playing is the experience of his own life, and the instrument upon which he plays is his own sensory apparatus.


  5. Sensation and consciousness are originated from the eye, the ear, the tongue, the nose and the body which are controlled by the brain.


  6. The thalamus carries messages from the sensory organs like the eyes, ears, nose, and fingers to the cortex.


  7. As a Dorin, Koon naturally possessed highly developed extrasensory organs that supplement his already formidable Jedi attributes.


  8. Just as even if a piece of crystal glass is placed on the eyes, yet the eyes can see, so the knowing mind is hidden in the sense organs.


  9. According to his studies, 83% of all forms of advertising principally engage only one of our senses: sight.


  1. 器官感觉的有关用感觉器官感知的

    Relating to perception by a sensory organ.

  2. 犀牛最敏锐得感觉器官是嗅觉。

    The rhino's most acute sense is smell.

  3. 犀牛最敏锐的感觉器官是嗅觉。

    The rhino's most acute sense is smell.

  4. 眼睛是人类最主要的感觉器官。

    Eye is the most important sense organ for human beings.

  5. 猪蛔虫感觉器官的扫描电镜观察

    Sense organs of Ascaris suum viewed by scanning electron microscope

  6. 口部两侧的凹陷可能具有感觉器官。

    Pits on either side of the mouth may have been sense organs.

  7. 一氧化碳不易被人的感觉器官所觉察。

    CO is not readily perceived by the human senses.

  8. 眼、耳、鼻、舌都是人体的感觉器官。

    The eyes, ears, nose and tongue are sensory organs.

  9. 可实证物感觉器官能察觉到的事物。

    Something perceptible to the senses.

  10. 在鸟类的感觉器官中, 最先退化的器官是?

    Be in avian sensory in, most is the organ that degrades first

  11. 感觉器官信息处理的混沌机理研究

    Studies on mechanism of information processing in sense perception organ based on chaotic theory

  12. 提高人的内脏器官、感觉器官、神经中枢功能。

    It can improve the function of inner organs, sense organ and the nerve center of the human body.

  13. 相反地,它会调动我们的各种感觉器官。

    On the contrary, our faculties are aroused.

  14. 相反地,它会调动我们得各种感觉器官。

    On the contrary, our faculties are aroused.

  15. 眼睛是人类获得外界信息的重要感觉器官。

    The human eye is the important sense organ.

  16. 在鸟类的感觉器官中, 最先退化的器官是什么?

    Be in avian sensory in, most what is the organ that degrades first?

  17. 小鼠前庭感觉器官发育的形态学研究

    Morphological study on the development of mouse vestibular sensory organ

  18. 人类没有专门用于探查地面振动的感觉器官。

    Humans have no sense organs designed specifically to detect terrestrial vibrations.

  19. 双壳贝的头很小,没有特化的感觉器官。

    The head is small and it does not feature specific sensorial organs.

  20. 假设他们拥有和我们不同的感觉器官,比方说

    And suppose they have, you know, very different sensory apparatus, and so on.

  21. 工蜂的头上有两根满载3000个感觉器官的触须。

    A worker bees head has two antennae loaded with3,000 sensory organs.

  22. 线虫的感觉器官主要分布在头部及尾部两端。

    The sensory organ nematodes are mainly distributed in the head and tail ends.

  23. 这个脉轮有关的感觉器官是触觉, 及其内在的感觉。

    The physical sense associated with this chakra is the sense of touch, in its aspect of relation to the person inside the body.

  24. 心识是认知出现在任何感觉器官的目标的领袖。

    Consciousness is the leader that cognises objects appearing at the sense doors.

  25. 如果你问他你的感知在哪里, 他可以指向他的感觉器官。

    If it is asked where are your senses, it can point to sense organs.

  26. 调节感觉器官对变化的条件作出的反应性调整

    The responsive adjustment of a sense organ, such as the eye, to varying conditions, such as light intensity.

  27. 显意识是我们觉醒的意识,它直接连接我们所有的感觉器官。

    Conscious mind is our awake mind, which is directly linked with our all sensory organs.

  28. 当我们的感觉器官醒着时, 或我们觉醒时, 显意识是觉醒的。

    Conscious mind is awake when our senses are awake or when we are awake.

  29. 汉克指出电感觉器官衍生自祖先动物得腮须。

    Hanke points out that theelectrosensory organs are derived from whiskers in ancestral animals.

  30. 汉克指出电感觉器官衍生自祖先动物的腮须。

    Hanke points out that theelectrosensory organs are derived from whiskers in ancestral animals.


  1. 问:感觉器官拼音怎么拼?感觉器官的读音是什么?感觉器官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感觉器官的读音是,感觉器官翻译成英文是 receptor




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