







汉语拼音:mù chuí








  1. A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or order or to mark the conclusion of a transaction.


  2. Carefully remove the handwheel. Slight tapping with a mallet may be required, but do not change the valve stem position.


  3. The word I'm thinking of is the Latin ancestor of "mallet" and it shows up in other words too.


  4. A17th - century game in which a boxwood ball was struck with a mallet to drive it through an iron ring suspended at the end of an alley.


  5. Then strike the bowl lightly again and with pressure, slowly rub the mallet firmly around the edge.


  6. Shopkeepers brought us water and a small bucket filled with eat crab special tools - small hammer.


  7. The "yang qin" , a hammered dulcimer of Near Eastern origin, is commonly used for entertainment.


  8. The water-filled bowls, when rubbed with a leather-wrapped mallet, exhibit a lively dance of water droplets as they emit a haunting sound.


  9. This is the call of the semantron, a wooden beam struck with a mallet, and a sign that monks should assemble for evensong.


  1. 标语,木槌

    Sign. Mallet.

  2. 槌球的木槌

    croquet mallet.

  3. 木槌有用吗?

    Will a mallet help?

  4. 小木槌,议事槌

    Gavel a small mallet rapped on the table by a presiding officer in calling for attention or silence or by an auctioneer.

  5. 打槌球用的长柄木槌

    croquet mallet

  6. 他给了我一个小木槌。

    He gave me a gavel.

  7. 用木槌钉牢标语,然后重复

    Hit sign with mallet. Repeat.

  8. 法官严肃地拿起了小木槌。

    The judge took up the gavel with solemnity.

  9. 法官用小木槌敲了一下桌子。

    The judge rapped on top of the table with his gavel.

  10. 法官用小木槌敲了一下桌子。

    The judge rapped on top of the table with his gavel.

  11. 小木槌一敲便意味着会议结束。

    Then a gavel is struck and the meeting is over.

  12. 主席极力敲小木槌使游行结束

    The chairman.tries to gavel the demonstration to an end

  13. 法官在桌子上敲下他的木槌。

    The judge brought his hammer down on the table.

  14. 带上耕犁,带上炼炉,带上木槌,带上诗琴。

    Take the plough thethe mallet the lute.

  15. 主席使劲敲着小木槌, 不断地喊

    The Chair hammered and hammered with its gavel, and kept shouting

  16. 他们用一个大木槌把门撞破了。

    They got a battering ram to smash down the door.

  17. 木槌是一种有圆柱形头的槌子。

    A mallet is a hammer that has a cylindrical barrelshapped head.

  18. 可以给我一些奶油和一把木槌吗?

    Could I get some cream and a mallet

  19. 伯杰斯敲着手里的小木槌说

    Burgess rapped with his gavel, and said.

  20. 而且, 被木槌敲到头的话他会抓狂。

    And when he is angry, he becomes obstinate.

  21. 对海盗举起木槌,该打的全部打完。

    Mallet raised, attack the pirates with all your might.

  22. 许多厨师使用木槌来敲肉使它软化。

    Many cooks use mallets to pound meat to make it more tender.

  23. 我甚至还有一把300多年前的木槌。

    I even have a wooden mallet that was used by a judge over 300 years ago during condemnation proceedings in Salem.

  24. 音锤钢琴中用以敲击琴键的护垫木槌

    one of the padded wooden pieces of a piano that strikes the strings

  25. 在槌球比赛中, 参赛者用木槌击球穿过小门。

    In the game of croquet uses a wooden hammer to whack wooden balls through little hoops.

  26. 主席用他的小木槌在桌上重敲了两下。

    The chairman rapped on the table twice with his mallet.

  27. 如果需要, 用木槌轻轻敲打, 但是不要改变阀杆位置。

    Slight tapping with a mallet may be required, but do not change the valve stem position.

  28. 与此类似, 照片的木槌现在被用于召集僧侣们进行祈祷。

    In similar fashion, mallets are used today to call monks to prayer.

  29. 这位教授自负的样子就像一位拿着小木槌的调停者一样。

    this professor acts so priggishlylike a moderator with a gavel!

  30. 在移交小木槌前, 他以董事长的身份作了最后一次演说。

    Before turning OVER the gavel, he delivered the swan song as chairman of the board.


  1. 问:木槌拼音怎么拼?木槌的读音是什么?木槌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木槌的读音是mù chuí,木槌翻译成英文是 wood mallets



【词语】木槌 木槌

【注音】mù chuí


【示例】当代·殷谦《晚风集》:“关中人走路下脚重,速度慢;并南人走路下脚轻,速度快。关中人讲话如木槌撞钟,掷地有声;江南人讲话如珠落玉盘,伶俐清脆。关中人的歌声是高亢、雄浑的,儿童闻之止啼;江南人的歌声是缠绵、婉转的,老翁闻之生情。关中人到江南,会说江南人‘狡猾’;江南人到关中,会说关中人‘野蛮’。关中人解决矛盾好诉诸武力,喜私了;江南人解决矛盾好诉诸口舌,喜公了。关中人性格的主要特征是‘勇’,江南人性格的主要特征是‘智’。关中人人际关系的原则是‘义’,江南人人际关系的原则是‘礼’。关中人重‘信’,江南人重‘和’。关中人的生活是现实主义的不说,浪漫主义的诗词;江南人的生活是现实主义的诗词,浪漫主义的小说。关中人现实是现实,浪漫是浪漫;江南人现实中有浪漫,浪漫中有现实。关中的氛围是古老、神秘、凝重;江南的氛围是现实、明快、雅致。关中的文化体现在陵、碑、塔、墙、俑上;江南的文化体现在园、林、舟、亭、轩中。 ”(殷谦·《晚风集》233页)

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