


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……


1. 契 [qì]2. 契 [qiè]3. 契 [xiè]契 [qì]证券,证明买卖、抵押、租赁等关系的文书:~约。~据。房~。相合,相投:相~。~合。默~。~友。~分(fèn )(投合无间的情分)。~厚。用刀雕刻:~刻。~舟求剑。〔~机〕……



汉语拼音:dì qì




买卖土地时买主与 卖主之间所立的契约。上面有买卖双方及中介人、代笔人的签字或画押。



  1. 买卖土地时所立的契约。

    刘白羽 《写在太阳初升的时候》:“我把地契一归总交给政府,说我离不开 火龙沟 了。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第三幕第二场:“开完公审大会,就开仓、分粮、烧地契!”



  1. In the past, he says, getting the deed would have taken days, and might have depended on the whim of a civil servant.


  2. Eventually the government had to block easy online access to title deeds and mortgage information through the Land Registry website .


  3. as such , the existing use of the lot remains unchanged both in terms of zoning and lease conditions.


  4. The broader aim is to formalise land tenure in a country where only 40% of farms have titles and only half have been valued.


  5. We burned the deeds of the landlords and divided the land.


  6. Many years ago, Mandi went around in those villages out of the way collecting title deed for land.


  7. The local government defrauded the immigrants by selling them worthless land deeds.


  8. Specifies frames used when the infantry unit is swimming in the water and firing at an enemy unit.


  9. Defraudedthe immigrants by selling them worthless land deeds.


  1. 地契登记簿

    register of deeds.

  2. 无债权地契

    general warranty deed.

  3. 李仲买地契

    Li Zhong bought title deed.

  4. 地契的错误记载

    Errors or omissions in deeds

  5. 塔伦米尔地契

    The Deed to Tarren Mill

  6. 李自奇卖地契

    Li Ziqi sold title deed.

  7. 地契与契据注册局

    Registry of Land Titles and Deeds

  8. 订定地契或租契

    to execute a deed or lease

  9. 抵押价格印在地契上。

    The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card.

  10. 你会收到地契, 以示所有权。

    You receive the title deed card showing ownership.

  11. 我们烧了地主的地契, 分了地。

    We burned the deeds of the landlords and divided the land.

  12. 我们烧了地主得地契, 分了地。

    We burned the deeds of the landlords and divided the land.

  13. 我们结婚了,地契上也有你的名字

    We're married!Your name is on the deed to the land.

  14. 有了地契, 铁轨能按时铺好吗?

    Now that we have the deed, will the track be completed on time?

  15. 他们在把地契过户到新业主名下。

    They are transferring the deed to the new owner.

  16. 地契条款及规划许可附带条件的执行

    Enforcement of conditions in the land lease and to the planning permission

  17. 其铭兼地契这种墓志形式也十分罕见。

    The bra of the epitaph with the function of leases is also rare.

  18. 通过把毫无价值的地契卖给移民欺骗他们

    defrauded the immigrants by selling them worthless land deeds.

  19. 高等法院分为上诉、初审和土地与地契部门。

    The High Court is separated into Appellate, Trial and Land and Titles divisions.

  20. 地契是用于获得贷款和信贷的主要担保形式。

    Land title deeds are the main form of security used to secure loans and credit.

  21. 都在这了,评估报告所有权审查,还有地契文件。

    It's all here. Appraisal, title search, and escrow documents.

  22. 他接受一个可怜的拓荒者以地契做为支付手段。

    He accepts a land deed as payment from one poor sourdough.

  23. 清代热河蒙旗的地契及其所反映的租佃关系

    Tenancy Relations as Reflected in the Land Contracts of the Mongolian Banner of Rehe in the Qing Dynasty.

  24. 还采取了具体措施确保妇女的名字写在地契上。

    Specific measures are also taken to ensure that women's names appear on title deeds.

  25. 清代博爱李自奇卖地契李仲买地契的史料价值

    The Historical Value of the Title Deed Sold by Li Ziqi and Another One Bought by Li Zhong

  26. 十几年前,壹霖开始狂走偏僻村落,收罗地契古书。

    Many years ago, Mandi went around in those villages out of the way collecting title deed for land.

  27. 这份地契现在已经签字, 将土地所有权交给非洲经委会。

    The title deed has now been signed, giving ECA possession of the land.

  28. 向面前锥形范围吐出一道火焰,对敌地契位造成伤害。

    Breathes fire at enemy units which deals damage.

  29. 第5段表示, 作为地契一部分得增编尚待东道国政府核定。

    Paragraph5 indicates that the addendum, which is an integral part of the deed, is pending approval by the host country Government.

  30. 第5段表示,作为地契一部分的增编尚待东道国政府核定。

    Paragraph5 indicates that the addendum, which is an integral part of the deed, is pending approval by the host country Government.


  1. 问:地契拼音怎么拼?地契的读音是什么?地契翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地契的读音是dìqì,地契翻译成英文是 title deed




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