




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:xiā shuō







  1. 毫无根据地乱说。

    清 湘灵子 《轩亭冤》第五出:“我道演説甚么,原来盲谈瞎説,都是拍马屁的。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二二:“嘴里咕哝着,脚底下便更加了劲,好像是为自己的话作见证--不是瞎说,我确是有个身子骨儿。”



  1. get out , " said the drummer , lightly . " he hasn t called more than half a dozen times since we ve been here .


  2. "Martin Gull! " he shouted across the sky. "You say you know low-speed flying. You know nothing till you prove it! FLY! "


  3. Get out of it! He is the last one you can rely on.


  4. " Good heavens ! Listen to that silly child, " said the father .


  5. Maggie: Cut it out Ben. . . and Chrissy you just eat all the green jello you want.


  6. "Nonsense, " she said. "Of course we're coming, and we're coining because you're in the program. " The whole family showed up.


  7. That's nonsense. He's just trying to scare you.


  8. ex; We don't want more money from abroad flows into Chinese stock market, we like the status quo.


  9. His point is all my eye.


  1. 别瞎说了!

    Get out of it.

  2. 那纯属瞎说!

    That's sheer nonsense!

  3. 主席在瞎说些什么?

    What's the chairman driveling about now ?

  4. 瞎说或乱谈的人

    An incessant or indiscreet talker.

  5. 啥 少瞎说 他扯淡呢

    What?No,that's not true.

  6. 她在瞎说些什么呀?

    What is she bumbling on about?

  7. 不是要你跟老板瞎说

    not so you could blab to your boss.

  8. 你怎么知道的,别瞎说!

    How do you know? Don't talk nonsense!

  9. 胡说瞎说的行动或事件

    The act or an instance of raving.

  10. 呃, 闭嘴!不要再瞎说八道了!

    Oh, shut up!No more of your nonsense!

  11. 别瞎说!她可是我的女朋友!

    Says you! She's my girl!

  12. 一块钻石,瞎说!那是一块玻璃。

    A diamond, all my eye! That's glass.

  13. 即使你瞎说,你也能得到它。

    And even if you do bullshit me, you still get it.

  14. 不知内里的情形不要瞎说。

    Do not talk irresponsibly if you do not know the inside story.

  15. 别瞎说,我在说正经的呢。

    Don't talk rubbish. I'm being serious.

  16. 谁正在教室里信口开河地瞎说?

    Who is flapping one's chops in the classroom?

  17. 最聪明的办法是别去瞎说。

    The wisest way is not to be boastful.

  18. 最聪明得办法是别去瞎说。

    The wisest way is not to be boastful.

  19. 这个人总是瞎说八道,别相信他。

    This man always talks nonsense, don't believe him.

  20. 这个人总是瞎说八道,别相信他。

    This man always talks nonsense, don't believe him.

  21. 污染无法控制, 我可不是瞎说吧?

    Pollution can not is controlled, or is I talking nonsense ?

  22. 那是瞎说的。他只是吓唬吓唬你

    Thats nonsense. Hes just trying to scare you.

  23. 别听她瞎说,才一个月而已。

    Don't Iisten to her, it's oniy been a month.

  24. 嘿,莫亨你知道我是瞎说的。

    Come on, mulhern. that's bullshit and you know it.

  25. 别理睬他说的话,他那都是瞎说。

    Ignore what he saidit doesnt mean a thing.

  26. 循环论证是不科学的, 你少瞎说。

    Do not talk nonsense. To argue in a circle is not scientific at all.

  27. 循环论证是不科学的,你少瞎说。

    Do not talk nonsense. To argue in a circle is not scientific at all.

  28. 金钱不等于一切,或者我在瞎说吧?

    Money is not everything, or am I talking through my hat?

  29. 他决不会干这样的事。你瞎说!瞎说!

    He would never do such a thing. You're talking rubbish! Rubbish!

  30. 别瞎说了!他是最不可信赖的人。

    Get out of it! He is the last one you can rely on.


  1. 问:瞎说拼音怎么拼?瞎说的读音是什么?瞎说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞎说的读音是xiāshuō,瞎说翻译成英文是 to talk irresponsibly; to talk rubbish; to ta...

  2. 问:瞎说八道拼音怎么拼?瞎说八道的读音是什么?瞎说八道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞎说八道的读音是xiāshuōbādào,瞎说八道翻译成英文是 Nonsense, bullshit.







【基本解释】 [talk irresponsibly] 胡说

【详细解释】 毫无根据地乱说。 清 湘灵子 《轩亭冤》第五出:“我道演说甚么,原来盲谈瞎说,都是拍马屁的。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二二:“嘴里咕哝着,脚底下便更加了劲,好像是为自己的话作见证--不是瞎说,我确是有个身子骨儿。”

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