


1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……





汉语拼音:yī bō







  1. 亦作“ 衣钵 ”。佛教僧尼的袈裟与饭盂。

    唐 崔颢 《赠怀一上人》诗:“竹房见衣鉢,松宇清身心。”《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》:“和尚收拾衣鉢被窝,打个包儿,做成一担,寻根竹子,挑出菴门。” 清 张尔岐 《蒿庵闲话》卷一:“六祖衣鉢,传自 达磨 ,藏 广东 传法寺 。衣本西方诸佛传法信器,鉢则 魏主 所赐。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·惠能和尚的偈语》:“﹝ 惠能 ﹞在原籍死后移灵 曲江 南华寺 ,六十年代初 南华寺 还有他的‘真身’和‘衣钵’。”

  2. 佛家以衣钵为师徒传授之法器,因引申指师传的思想、学问、技能等。

    宋 苏轼 《再和许朝奉》:“传家有衣钵,断狱尽《春秋》。” 明 李贽 《藏书·儒臣传·孟轲》:“ 孟氏 之学,识其大者,真若登 孔子 之堂而受衣鉢也。” 清 赵翼 《奴子陆喜善蒸鸭戏调子才》诗:“浅夫好为师,竟尔付衣鉢。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·宛平大小米》:“他由于家学渊源,继承他祖父的衣钵,书画也都有专长。”

  3. 借指僧家的衣食,资财。

    《八琼室金石补正·僧惠等造天宫像记》:“遂捨衣鉢之餘,採石名山,访巧求能,愿雕真容。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二六:“寺僧 广明 ,做人俊爽风流,好与官员士子每往来,亦且衣鉢充实,家道从容,所以士人每喜与他交游。”



  1. Tom's journalist father wants him to take over his mantle, but Tom is only interested in playing computer games.


  2. Wayne is the right man to carry on that tradition and I'm delighted that Denis Law was able to pass on the mantle.


  3. Irw in began catching crocodiles as an ine-year-old boy, learning from his father who started the reptile park he took over in 1991.


  4. I was happy to have more responsibility and was already close to 30, so I felt ready to take on the mantle of Franco Baresi.


  5. Zuckerberg, who reportedly has some of his own jerky qualities, might well be the one to take Jobs' place as Top Geek.


  6. So far so good, art still adheres to its legacy of imaginative creativity.


  7. As an excellent inheritor of her thoughts, Zhang Yimou's movies indicate the trend to cater for western culture.


  8. The striker's main objective, apart from scoring goals, was to step into the considerable boots Lisandro Lopez had left behind.


  9. The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his "utilitarian" philosophy.


  1. 衣钵传给某人

    ones mantel descends someone

  2. 美国企图继承英国的衣钵。

    America tries to become england's heir.

  3. 将权力的衣钵传给年轻人。

    place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders.

  4. 你的哥哥们也会继承我的衣钵。

    And your brothers will after me.

  5. 我会很高兴继承他的衣钵的。

    I'd have been very happy to inherit his shoes.

  6. 他已继承了报纸业主的衣钵。

    He had assumed the mantle of newspaper proprietorship.

  7. 那么,我会继承好卡迪的衣钵。

    Well, I will, uh, try to do candi proud.

  8. 现在二儿子已经继承了父亲的衣钵。

    The second son has now assumed his father's mantle.

  9. 国会有46位女性继承了他们丈夫的衣钵

    that 44 women have succeeded their late husbands in congress?

  10. 说得最明白得那一个,将承传我得衣钵。

    Whoever expresses this most clearly shall and receive my robe and bowl.

  11. 后来,这位小和尚成了师傅的衣钵传人。

    Later, the little monks became the inheritor of the master.

  12. 家里希望我继承父亲的衣钵进入医药行业。

    My family hoped that I would follow in my father's steps, entering a career in medicine.

  13. 说得最明白的那一个, 将承传我的衣钵。

    Whoever expresses this most clearly shall and receive my robe and bowl.

  14. 于是一批新领导人纷纷起来继承他的衣钵。

    And a host of new leaders rose to claim his mantle.

  15. 约翰毕业后便继承了他父亲的衣钵,当了一名律师。

    After graduation John stepped into his father's shoes to become a lawyer.

  16. 现在他死了, 必然会有一些接力赛者去继承他得衣钵。

    Now that he is gone, there will inevitably be some jockeying to succeed him.

  17. 现在他死了,必然会有一些接力赛者去继承他的衣钵。

    Now that he is gone, there will inevitably be some jockeying to succeed him.

  18. 霍姆斯当年爱才,说他可以继承衣钵,可谓独具慧眼。

    Holmes' s benevolent reference to his apostolic succession turned out to have been a remarkably good guess.

  19. 作为家中唯一的儿子,终有一天要接掌衣钵。

    As the only son, he would be required to take over the family business.

  20. 历数千年衣钵传承,世代宏扬,已形成博大精深的养生文化。

    Li Shu Millennium legacy heritage, promote the generations, has a broad and profound culture of health.

  21. 丹尼斯。劳是曼联最著名的10号。能继承他的衣钵很好吧

    Denis Law is one of the most famous no.10s at United. It must have been nice to be presented with your new shirt by him


  1. 问:衣钵拼音怎么拼?衣钵的读音是什么?衣钵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衣钵的读音是yībō,衣钵翻译成英文是 monk's mantle and alms bowl which he hands down to...




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