









汉语拼音:duì wèi kǒu









  1. As private capital dries up, therefore, emerging markets may have to turn elsewhere: the fund is an obvious, if usually unpalatable, choice.


  2. You probably shouldn't invest much time reading rule_to_abstract unless you are also a person who enjoys reading Perl.


  3. To orientals, tea is more to their liking


  1. 这个菜很对胃口。

    This dish is quite palatable.

  2. 这个餐馆的菜我吃起来很对胃口。

    The dishes in this restaurant are very much to my taste.

  3. 这个餐馆得菜我吃起来很对胃口。

    The dishes in this restaurant are very much to my taste.

  4. 这个餐馆的菜我吃起来很对胃口。

    The dishes in this restaurant are very much to my taste.

  5. 这东西成年人可能觉得淡而无味,不对胃口。

    It may seem insipid and flavourless to an adult's tastes.

  6. 玛戈在这本厚书里找了又找,没发现什么对胃口的。

    Margot nosed through the thick book without finding anything to her liking.

  7. 玛戈在这本厚书里找了又找,没发现什么对胃口得。

    Margot nosed through the thick book without finding anything to her liking.

  8. 经常锻炼身体对增进胃口很有好处。

    Regular exercise can be good for your appetite!

  9. 基本上,任何与音乐有关的工作都对我胃口。

    Basically, anything to do with music is right up my alley.

  10. 饭菜挺对我的胃口的。

    The food is just to my taste.

  11. 饭菜挺对我得胃口得。

    The food is just to my taste.

  12. 今天的菜很对他的胃口。

    Today's meal was definitely to his liking.

  13. 今天的菜很对他的胃口。

    Today's meal was definitely to his liking.

  14. 这本侦探小说正对我的胃口。

    This detective novel meets my appetite.

  15. 我觉得这里的食物不对我的胃口。

    I don't think the food here agrees with me.

  16. 我想我们的鲑鱼片会对你的胃口的。

    I think our salmon steak could be to your taste.

  17. 菜品那么多, 哪一种对你得胃口?

    Dish is tasted so much, which kind of appetite to you ?

  18. 菜品那么多,哪一种对你的胃口?

    Dish is tasted so much, which kind of appetite to you?

  19. 什么肉我都不吃, 鱼也不对我的胃口。

    I do not care much for meat of any kind, and I can not stand fish.

  20. 别吃点心了,你会对正餐失去胃口的。

    Please don't snack; you will ruin your dinner.

  21. 但消费者对奢侈品的胃口正慢慢变小。

    But consumers'appetites for glitter are slowly diminishing.

  22. 现在几乎没有什么油煎食品对我的胃口。

    Hardly any fried foods agree with me now.

  23. 夫人,当让可以,也许这些更对您的胃口。

    Certainly, madam. Perhaps these are more to your taste!

  24. 这个节目有它的优点, 可是不对我的胃口。

    This program is all very well in its way, but it is not to my liking.

  25. 她很对我的胃口不要停看我们已出场

    She on my jock non stop when we in the spot

  26. 婚姻的限制及传统习俗的约制可能不对你的胃口。

    The limiting ties of marriage and convention may not be your cup of tea.

  27. 一见到丽妲我就知道她跟我不般配不对我的胃口。

    As soon as I met Rita I knew she was unsuitable not my type.

  28. 对权力的胃口远未缩小, 身受磨难反而激发了这种胃口。

    Far from diminishing the appetite for power, suffering exasperates it.

  29. 投资者倾向于更具有企业家精神,对风险的胃口也更大。

    They tend to have a more entrepreneurial spirit and bigger risk appetites.

  30. 如果纪念币不对你的胃口,我们总还有纪念版婚礼瓷器。

    If coins aren't your thing, there's alwayscommemorative wedding crockery.


  1. 问:对胃口拼音怎么拼?对胃口的读音是什么?对胃口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:对胃口的读音是duìwèikǒu,对胃口翻译成英文是 Suitable for one's taste or intention.



〖(ofadish)betoone'staste;agreewithstomach〗∶(饭菜等)适合食欲;合口味 〖betoone'sliking〗∶比喻对某种事物或活动感兴趣

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