







汉语拼音:yǐn jiàn







  1. 指对人的推荐。

    唐 李翱 《答韩侍郎书》:“自一千年来贤士屈厄,未见有如此者,尚汲汲孜孜,引荐贤俊,如朝饥求飱。”《水浒传》第三六回:“前者又蒙引荐诸位豪杰上山,光辉草寨。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第八章:“即使是大学毕业生或者专门人材,如果没有相当的‘引荐’,还经常处在失业的状态中。”



  1. Not wrong, and easy to remember, ah, like some Indian Journal of referrals had been Yeah women.


  2. I assumed he'd been forced here to meet Hattie, so I wasn't prepared when, with a little ta-dah! of her arms, Hattie presented me.


  3. Enemy introduced me to use their home, watching it seems pretty good, do not know what effect?


  4. Therefore, the enemy would like to ask all the detailed re-used an introduction.


  5. Summers brought him in to advise particularly on the financial and housing issues, the design of the new regulations structure.


  6. Pay that's for sure, you can use in the radiation is certainly Cream, referrals house Merlot, and naturally soothing, easy to use.


  7. U. S. Core Seoul pure fish collagen peptide small molecular weight, high purity, easy-to-human use, recommending you use.


  8. Embroider hope to find job improve family life, uncle introduced her to beam housekeeping service center looking for opportunity.


  9. As he promised, a short time after our meeting he introduced me to his publisher and to an editor.


  1. 智者为我们引荐了对方

    A wise friend introduced us two.

  2. 我把他引荐给了经理。

    I recommended him to the manager.

  3. 你想让我来引荐双胞胎

    You want me to recommend the twins?

  4. 他就会得到引荐和保护。

    He will be launched and protected.

  5. 你想让我来引荐双胞胎?

    You want me to recommend the twins?

  6. 你能把我引荐给经理吗?

    Can you recommend me to the manager?

  7. 你能给我引荐其它的饭店吗?

    Could you refer me to another hotel?

  8. 这是我弟弟, 让我为你引荐一下。

    Here is my brother, let me introduce you.

  9. 这是我弟弟,让我为你引荐一下。

    Here is my brother, let me introduce you.

  10. 我要引荐一个很想见你的人。

    I have someone who is very eager to meet you.

  11. 你就是信中引荐的那位先生吗?

    Are you the gentleman introduced in the letter ?

  12. 向未来的你引荐自己,你准备好了吗?!

    Are you prepared for your future!

  13. 我们帮助上百万青少年,提供咨询或是引荐

    We can help millions of teens with counseling and referrals.

  14. 请替我引荐新来的采购负责人好吗?

    Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?

  15. 我们想请你引荐波特和普雷斯顿。

    We need you to recommend Porter and Preston.

  16. 他们学会不同的语言, 被引荐给欧洲的贵族。

    They learned to speak several languages and were introduced to Europes aristocracy.

  17. 要求你认识的每一个人为你引荐新的客户。

    Do you know the requirements of everyone you are introduced to new customers.

  18. 今天你共事的人是你下一份工作的引荐人。

    The people you work with today are the people your next job will be calling for references.

  19. 用户可引荐不限数量得人成为其下线。

    You may refer as many people as you want.

  20. 用户可引荐不限数量的人成为其下线。

    You may refer as many people as you want.

  21. 风投行业屡试不爽的做法是引荐出色的企业家。

    The currency of the venture industry is introductions to exciting entrepreneurs.

  22. 她耸了耸肩, 把他引荐给了她那几只宠猫。

    She shrugged and introduced him to her cats.

  23. 所以想问问都用过的冤家详细的再引荐下。

    Therefore, the enemy would like to ask all the detailed reused an introduction.

  24. 有倡议得向客人引荐餐厅菜单上得菜品, 酒水。

    Ability to suggestively sell menu items, beverages and wines.

  25. 有倡议的向客人引荐餐厅菜单上的菜品,酒水。

    Ability to suggestively sell menu items, beverages and wines.

  26. 我有个朋友在报社工作,可以跟你引荐一下。

    One of my friends works for a newspaper. I'll recommend you to him.

  27. 关于继续支撑和坚持,运用引荐剂量,每周两次。

    For ongoing support and maintenance, use at recommended dosage twice a week.

  28. 对雇主和员工而言,引荐方式都获得了巨大成功。

    Referrals are hugely successful both for employers and employees.

  29. 他向欧洲和全世界的歌剧院引荐这位歌手。

    He introduced the singer to the opera houses of Europe and the world.

  30. 法律援助机构通常可以帮助引荐到其他类型的机构去。

    Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies.


  1. 问:引荐拼音怎么拼?引荐的读音是什么?引荐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:引荐的读音是yǐnjiàn,引荐翻译成英文是 recommend; give a referral



拼音yǐn jiàn  词性动词释义:指对人的推荐;荐举。 

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