




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:shì zhōng








  1. 亦作“ 适衷 ”。既不是太过,又不是不及。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·循天之道》:“高臺多阳,广室多阴,远天地之和也,故人弗为,适中而已矣。”《北齐书·杜弼传》:“奚取於适衷,何贵乎得一。” 宋 龚鼎臣 《东原录》:“是知天下鉅细事,惟适中可以久而不废。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·史书佔毕一》:“自 汉 而后,歷代史臣,壹规 班氏 ,詎皆聋聵,要在适衷。” 王西彦 《古屋》第一部二:“他的身材适中。”

  2. 谓地理位置不偏于哪一面。

    明 孙传庭 《趣赴保任谢恩疏》:“即臣兼管 直省 属地颇宽,驻扎衙门似宜适中,以便调度。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻四》:“由所居至县城,其地适中,过必憇息。” 巴金 《第四病室》第四章:“他的茶馆地点适中,又宽敞,所以生意好。”



  1. Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, have becoming the target of a lot pretty girls.


  2. They split the women into three groups, fast, moderate and slow, according to how much weight they lost in the first month.


  3. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, enough to raise your heart rate but not leave you short of breath, five times a week.


  4. The result shows that the process is simple, convenient to operate, non poisonous and easy to be maintained.


  5. The little corner grocery store is often more conveniently located, more pleasant and open at late hours when the supermarket is closed.


  6. Angulation moderate and, most importantly, in balance with that of the forequarters.


  7. The health board said the move would be "cost neutral" as alternatives could be bought at the same price.


  8. She started it out of frustration at not being able to easily find affordable party bag presents for her own children's parties.


  9. About seven meters tall, thin moderate, dressed in a plain dress just before white knee, foot and a pair of dress color consistent flats.


  1. 招待所地点适中。

    The hostel is well situated.

  2. 薪水适中,时间灵活。

    The pay's good,and the hours are flexible.

  3. 薪水适中,时间灵活。

    The pay's good, and the hours are flexible.

  4. 入口柔滑, 浓度适中。

    Tropical fruits, citrus and grass finishing fresh and zingy.

  5. 入口柔滑,浓度适中。

    Tropical fruits, citrus and grass finishing fresh and zingy.

  6. 拿高薪/ 适中的薪水

    to be on a good/ modest salary

  7. 这家饭店收费适中。

    The hotel is moderate in its charges.

  8. 我方的产品定价适中。

    Our products are moderately priced.

  9. 这些衬衫要浆得适中。

    I want these shirts medium starched.

  10. 置身于工作的不适中。

    is, Lean into the discomfort of the work.

  11. 砖缝均匀且大小适中。

    The brick is seamed even and size moderate.

  12. 刚中有柔, 力度适中。

    The strength should be moderately, couple hardness with softness.

  13. 广播说是晴天,温暖适中。

    Radio says sunny and mild.

  14. 刚中有柔,力度适中。

    The strength should be moderately, couple hardness with softness.

  15. 所以他们选择价格适中的

    So, they will opt for the item in the middle.

  16. 适中。另外,你们供应什么汤?

    We have clear and cream soups at your choice.

  17. 需以适中温度洗涤的衣服

    Clothes to washed at medium temperature

  18. 浓郁的成熟度适中的草莓香气。

    Rich and ripe strawberry fragrance.

  19. 说起话来语速适中, 抑扬顿挫

    Speak at an average speed in rhythmic patterns

  20. 您想要嫩些,适中还是老些

    Would you like it rare,medium or welldone

  21. 膝关节角度适中,与前躯相称。

    Stifle joint is moderately angulated matching the front.

  22. 你看它软硬适中,大小刚好。

    You see it hard moderate, size just.

  23. 选择适中的含盐和钠的食品。

    Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.

  24. 保龄球运动量适中, 男女老少皆宜。

    Bowling is a moderate form of exercise that is suitable for both sexes and all ages.

  25. 它压力适中,结构简单,运行可靠。

    Its pressure is moderate, with a simple structure and reliable operation.

  26. 身材适中或有健康的肌肉最好

    medium in figure, better with healthy muscles.

  27. 如果你体重适中,你的营养量就适中。

    Q 7. If you weigh what you should, you re getting proper nourishment.

  28. 颈部十分有力, 长度适中, 呈弓形。

    The neck is powerful, of good length and well arched.

  29. 把工厂建在一个适中的地点。

    situate a factory in a suitable site

  30. 患者体形适中, 没有明显痛苦面容。

    On physical examination, the patient is a man of moderate build, in no apparent distress.


  1. 问:适中拼音怎么拼?适中的读音是什么?适中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适中的读音是shìzhōng,适中翻译成英文是 moderate



释义: 哲学新用语,指两个极端或矛盾双方之间的那个最佳的平衡点。

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