


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……





汉语拼音:tǐ xiàn







  1. 谓本性表现于外。

    清 王夫之 《读四书大全说·中庸第一章十五》:“时中而体现,则人得见其无过不及矣。未发之中,体在中而未现,则於己而喻其不偏不倚耳,天下固莫之见也。”

  2. 引申为某种性质或现象在某一事物上具体表现出来。

    魏巍 《东方》第五部第一章:“我们能不能以更小的代价来换取更大的胜利。不然的话,我们怎么来体现这个持久呢?”



  1. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. "


  2. This was more than just a system of distribution and sales; it was a cultural as well as economic affair.


  3. adult reading May laugh, this is actually a manifestation of the child's real thinking, what if he fell, did not want her mother criticized.


  4. Kissing can be an enjoyable experience in and of itself. It is an expression and experience of intimacy.


  5. As you shall see, these logos involve the creative arrangement and modification of words to enhance the name of the company they represent.


  6. However, one of the perceived drawbacks of CAN is the inability to bound accurately the worst-case response time of a given message.


  7. Instead, I'm grateful that I've been able to live my life so far according to my own values.


  8. The concept of "constructing a harmonious society" is an expression of a new value concept combining Holy and Secularisation .


  9. As an important reflection of politeness, expressing thanks can no doubt incarnate how Chinese treasure politeness.


  1. 体现答案。

    It represents the Declaration of Independence.

  2. 得道主体现

    Taoist subject consciousness.

  3. 也有所体现。

    even in the case of antibiotics.

  4. 的很好体现。

    in technology across the board.

  5. 体现一种精神

    to embody a spirit.

  6. 良好教养的体现

    a sign of good breeding

  7. 译员主体性的体现

    The manifestations of interpreter subjectivity

  8. 狼野性得完美体现!

    The wild nature consummation embody the wolf!

  9. 狼野性的完美体现!

    The wild nature consummation embody the wolf!

  10. 这个态度如何体现出?

    how does this attitude express itself?

  11. 你的积极性怎么体现的?

    How have you shown willingness to work?

  12. 体现传统价值观的机构。

    The institutions which embody traditional values.

  13. 它是内心精神的体现。

    It's the spirit inside.

  14. 革命英雄主义的生动体现

    Revolutionary heroism in living epitome.

  15. 这是全能意志的体现。

    The will of an omnipotent being.

  16. 这是全能意志得体现。

    The will of an omnipotent being.

  17. 感叹词如何体现话语基调

    How Interjections Reflect the Tenor of Discourse

  18. 在寓意画中体现思想

    to embody an idea in an allegorical painting

  19. 体现了很强的杀伤力。

    Has manifested the very strong lethality.

  20. 奥运会体现的精神很好。

    The idea behind the Olympics is good.

  21. 皱褶服装审美观的体现

    Pleatthe Embodiment of Costume Aesthetic Concept

  22. 他是愤世嫉俗的极端体现。

    He is cynicism incarnate.

  23. 法律体现了人民得权利。

    The people's rights are embodied in the laws.

  24. 法律体现了人民的权利。

    The people's rights are embodied in the laws.

  25. 这也体现了一种尊重。

    I think that embody a kind of respect.

  26. 声乐表演艺术的审美体现

    Make Aesthetic Embodiment of Vocality Performance Art

  27. 报表体现信息系统的价值。

    Report embodies the value of information systems.

  28. 这就体现了民主的优势

    That's what's so great about democracy.

  29. 好客是尊重的一种体现。

    Hospitality is one form of worship.

  30. 我体现出了我的专业水准。

    I can show my professionalism.


  1. 问:体现拼音怎么拼?体现的读音是什么?体现翻译成英文是什么?

    答:体现的读音是tǐxiàn,体现翻译成英文是 embody

  2. 问:体现关系拼音怎么拼?体现关系的读音是什么?体现关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:体现关系的读音是tǐxiàn guānxi,体现关系翻译成英文是 realizational relations



概述 动词,指某种性质或现象在某一事物上具体表现出来。如:说实话办实事体现出了他的务实精神。 是一种比较正规的用法,近义词有:表现、表达、展示、展现…… 举例对比: (1)中国运动员的出色表现,赢来了观众的阵阵掌声。 (2)鲁迅的所有作品表达了他对中国命运的忧虑。 (3)“民族英雄”胡小兵向我们展示了他获得的部分奖章。 (4)来到黄河“壶口”,展现在我们面前的是一片声势浩大的景象。

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