







汉语拼音:qiú ǒu






  1. 寻求配偶。

    汉 刘向 《列女传·鲁漆室女》:“子欲嫁耶?吾为子求偶。” 汉 马融 《长笛赋》:“求偶鸣子,悲号长啸。” 晋 陆机 《感时赋》:“鱼微微而求偶,兽岳岳而相攒。”



  1. I do not know your North, what name is called to this song of courtship. Here we call it troat!


  2. One pair of jaguars even shows some very rarely seen mating behavior, so the smell seems to turn these animals on.


  3. Instead, she said, her beauty acted as a Romeo- repellant , causing suitors to run screaming from her.


  4. The primitive love , generated by sexual hormones in the body, is a biological product, and a sociological conduct as well.


  5. This may have been used for mating displays, or it might have acted as a rudder, or perhaps both.


  6. At courtship time, he waves it to attract females, often with a beckoning movement, or to fight rival males.


  7. Many coastal birds are now getting ready to pair bond, court, and nest, noted the Louisiana Coastal Initiative's Driscoll.


  8. Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, like this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals.


  9. So the investigators speculate that males might synchronize to a single common pitch as a sort of mating beacon.


  1. 跳个求偶之舞。

    Dance that courtship dance.

  2. 鸟类常在春天求偶。

    Birds often pair in the spring.

  3. 黄腹角雉求偶炫耀行为

    Courtship display behaviour of cabot's Tragopan

  4. 鸳鸯做出求偶表示然后进行交配。

    Mandarin duck displayed and copulated.

  5. 鸟类和兽类常在春天求偶。

    Birds and wild animals often pair in the spring.

  6. 求偶抑制记忆对果蝇攻击性的影响

    The Effects of Courtship Inhibition Memmory on Aggression of Fruit Fly

  7. 求偶行为包括以喙相碰或以头相靠。

    Courtship behavior, including beak to encounter or by the first phase.

  8. 一九九一年夏季求偶及筑巢地之行

    Visit to a Summer Mating and Nesting Ground

  9. 无子基因被认为具有使雄性求偶的作用。

    The fruitless gene is known for its role in male courtship.

  10. 求偶的表现包括雄鸟抖松羽毛的炫耀行为。

    Courtship will include display in which the male fluff up his feather.

  11. 鸟儿求偶的表现包括雄鸟抖松羽毛的炫耀行为。

    Courtship will Include display In which the male fluff up his feather.

  12. 火烈鸟的求偶舞是大自然最奇怪的景象之一。

    One of the strangest sights in nature is the courtship dance of the flamingo.

  13. 鸟儿求偶的表现包括雄鸟抖松羽毛的炫耀行为。

    Courtship will include displays in which the male fluffs up his feathers.

  14. 鸟儿求偶得表现包括雄鸟抖松羽毛得炫耀行为。

    Courtship will include displays in which the male fluffs up his feathers.

  15. 黄腹角雉雄鸟的求偶炫耀为典型的正面型。

    The courtship display bhaviour of Cabot's Tragopan is of typical frontal displays.

  16. 果蝇的雄性求偶行为已经被作为行为遗传学研究的模式。

    The male courtship behavior of fruit fly was as model to study the behavioural genetics.

  17. 园丁鸟的求偶行为在鸟类中是最复杂、最有活力的。

    It's hard to find a bird with a more complex and energetic courtship behavior than the bowerbird.

  18. 火烈鸟得求偶舞是大自然最奇怪得景象之一。

    One of the strangest sights in nature is the courtship dance of the flamingo.

  19. 雄性动物在求偶时会尽量展示自己,并发出一些声响。

    Courtship is somewhat vocal with a lot of displaying by the male.

  20. 极乐鸟因华丽耀眼的羽毛和求偶时的殷勤而闻名。

    These birds are famed for their dazzling plumage and courtship displays.

  21. 求偶期间, 雄蟹会挥动大蟹钳, 吸引雌蟹注意, 或击退情敌。

    At courtship time, he waves it to attract females, often with a beckoning movement, or to fight rival males.

  22. 雄性吼猴利用它们的大嗓门去争夺食物, 求偶, 或宣示领土。

    Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory.

  23. 该研究将重点放在雌性动物在求偶时有哪些偏好起作用。

    This research put the emphasis on the female preferences which come into play when it comes to finding a mate.

  24. 我以为你们俩己经放弃不继续跳这段求偶之舞了呢!

    I thought you were giving up on the mating dance.

  25. 那个姑娘和里费医生在一个夏日的午后开始了他们的求偶。

    The girl and Doctor Reefy began their courtship on a summer afternoon.


  1. 问:求偶拼音怎么拼?求偶的读音是什么?求偶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶的读音是qiú'ǒu,求偶翻译成英文是 woo; seek a spouse

  2. 问:求偶场拼音怎么拼?求偶场的读音是什么?求偶场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶场的读音是qiú ǒu chǎng,求偶场翻译成英文是 lek

  3. 问:求偶声拼音怎么拼?求偶声的读音是什么?求偶声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶声的读音是qiú ǒu shēng,求偶声翻译成英文是 courtship song

  4. 问:求偶狂拼音怎么拼?求偶狂的读音是什么?求偶狂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶狂的读音是,求偶狂翻译成英文是 gamenomania

  5. 问:求偶习性拼音怎么拼?求偶习性的读音是什么?求偶习性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶习性的读音是qiú ǒu xí xìng,求偶习性翻译成英文是 courtship habit

  6. 问:求偶喂食拼音怎么拼?求偶喂食的读音是什么?求偶喂食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶喂食的读音是qiú ǒu wèi shí,求偶喂食翻译成英文是 courtship feeding

  7. 问:求偶打斗拼音怎么拼?求偶打斗的读音是什么?求偶打斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶打斗的读音是qiú ǒu dǎ dòu,求偶打斗翻译成英文是 courtship fighting

  8. 问:求偶礼物拼音怎么拼?求偶礼物的读音是什么?求偶礼物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶礼物的读音是qiú ǒu lǐ wù,求偶礼物翻译成英文是 nuptial gift

  9. 问:求偶类型拼音怎么拼?求偶类型的读音是什么?求偶类型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶类型的读音是qiú ǒu lèi xíng,求偶类型翻译成英文是 courtship pattern

  10. 问:求偶舞蹈拼音怎么拼?求偶舞蹈的读音是什么?求偶舞蹈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶舞蹈的读音是qiú ǒu wǔ dǎo,求偶舞蹈翻译成英文是 courtship dance

  11. 问:求偶色彩拼音怎么拼?求偶色彩的读音是什么?求偶色彩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶色彩的读音是qiú ǒu sè cǎi,求偶色彩翻译成英文是 courtship colo ration

  12. 问:求偶行为拼音怎么拼?求偶行为的读音是什么?求偶行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶行为的读音是qiú ǒu xíng wéi,求偶行为翻译成英文是 courtship behavio r

  13. 问:求偶反应链拼音怎么拼?求偶反应链的读音是什么?求偶反应链翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求偶反应链的读音是qiú ǒu fǎn yìng liàn,求偶反应链翻译成英文是 courtship reaction chain




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