


已婚的女子:~人。少(shào )~。妻,与“夫”相对:夫~。儿媳:~姑(婆媳)。媳~。泛指女性:~女。~孺(妇女儿童)。~幼。……







汉语拼音:fù chǎn kē






  1. For years, private financing has been used to create embryonic stem cell lines, mostly from discarded embryos from fertility clinics.


  2. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said the timing was just by chance.


  3. There have been a number of reports on bladder calculi in women with a history of gynecologic procedures.


  4. A ward in a state-run Manila maternity hospital. Infant mortality is one of the main concerns of a United Nations campaign.


  5. Susan was a manager in an obstetrics gynecological ward in a private hospital . She was a shrewd and.


  6. The Obstetrics and Gynaecology study found standing for long periods and lifting heavy weights did not increase the risk of premature labor.


  7. At the Zhong Yang county maternity hospital, also in Shanxi, there's a view that malnutrition is as much to blame as pollution.


  8. These are the uniqueness of the disease to humans, the progressive nature of the disease, and the fact that delivery is the sole therapy.


  9. She was in a bus when a Russian rocket exploded next to a maternity hospital.


  1. 妇产科 妇产科。

    Maternity. Maternity.

  2. 妇产科实习

    in obstetrics and gynecology practice.

  3. 急诊妇产科

    Emergency obstetrics and gynecology department.

  4. 妇产科急症

    Emergency of obstetric and gynecological diseases.

  5. 实用妇产科杂志

    Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology

  6. 妇产科护理学

    nursing of gynecology and obstetrics.

  7. 妇产科的人马上到

    O. b. 's on its way.

  8. 妇产科生物医学工程

    biomedical engineering in obstetrics and gynaecology

  9. 激光在妇产科的应用

    Laser Treatment in Maternity

  10. 国际妇产科身心医学会

    International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology

  11. 我知道,妇产科那男的

    Okay, yeah, I know. The guy from O. B.

  12. 是啊,妇产科医生在担心

    Okay, well, The o. b. was worried.

  13. 内窥镜术在妇产科的应用

    endoscopy in gynecology and obstetrics

  14. 还有梅根,你应该去妇产科

    And, Megan, you should go to o. b.

  15. 论调肝法在妇产科的应用

    Discussion on application of adjusting liver methods in treatment of obstetrics and gynecology

  16. 试论妇产科临床见习课教学

    Teaching of Clinical Probation Courses of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department

  17. 导尿术在妇产科的临床应用

    Clinical application of urethral catheterization in patients of gynecology and obstetrics department

  18. 好跟那位妇产科辣妹搭讪吧

    to talk to that hot O. B.

  19. 超声新技术在妇产科的应用

    The application of new ultrasound technology in obstetrics and gynaecology.

  20. 你应该找那位妇产科辣妹谈谈

    You should talk to that hot O. B.

  21. 我做妇产科轮值有一段时间了

    Well, it's been a while since I've done my O. B. rotations.

  22. 对妇产科进修医师培训制度的探讨

    Investigation into Training Program for Obstetric and Gynecologic Refreshers

  23. 这是我姐 妇产科医生,给我推荐的。

    This is my sister obstetrics doctor recommended to me.

  24. 美国妇产科医师学会已发表此研究。

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has published this research.

  25. 经阴道超声探测在妇产科的应用

    Application of Transvaginal Sonography in Gynecology and Obstetrics

  26. 妇产科实习生缺乏活标本的现状思考

    Thinking about The Actuality of Lacking Living Sample for Gynecology and Obstetric Interns

  27. 妇产科手术泌尿系统损伤原因与对策

    Cause and countermeasure to damnification of urinary system about surgery of gynecology and obstetric

  28. 本科妇产科护理学课程的改革构思

    Reform on the Curricula of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing of Undergraduate Courses

  29. 来曲唑在生育与妇产科临床应用评价

    Evaluation on the Use of Letrozole in Reproduction and Clinical Obstetrics Gynecology

  30. 妇产科镇痛的开展与常规化实施的探讨

    Approach to the development and routinely carrying out of gynecological analgesia


  1. 问:妇产科拼音怎么拼?妇产科的读音是什么?妇产科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妇产科的读音是fùchǎnkē,妇产科翻译成英文是 gynaecology and obstetrics

  2. 问:妇产科学拼音怎么拼?妇产科学的读音是什么?妇产科学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妇产科学的读音是fù chǎn kē xué,妇产科学翻译成英文是 gynecotokology

  3. 问:妇产科研究拼音怎么拼?妇产科研究的读音是什么?妇产科研究翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妇产科研究的读音是fù chǎn kē yán jiū,妇产科研究翻译成英文是 Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation

  4. 问:妇产科医学的拼音怎么拼?妇产科医学的的读音是什么?妇产科医学的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妇产科医学的的读音是,妇产科医学的翻译成英文是 gynecologic

  5. 问:妇产科学会证书拼音怎么拼?妇产科学会证书的读音是什么?妇产科学会证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妇产科学会证书的读音是fù chǎn kē xué huìzhèng shū,妇产科学会证书翻译成英文是 Diploma of the College Obstetricians and Gynae...



“妇产科”是个多义词,它可以指妇产科(2010年韩国SBS水木剧), 妇产科(医学学科)。

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