







汉语拼音:xùn wèn







  1. 询问。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·建本》:“故曰,讯问者,智之本;思虑者,智之道也。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“即遣委曲讯问,乃是 袁 自咏其所作咏史诗,因此相要,大相赏得。”《警世通言·三现身包龙图断冤》:“ 大卿 遣人讯问,果是知 临江军 李郎中 在任身故,载灵柩归乡。” 康濯 《水滴石穿》第一章:“不过赶脚的倒并不讨厌他的讯问。”

  2. 省视;问候。

    《三国志·吴志·太史慈传》:“ 北海 相 孔融 闻而奇之,数遣人讯问其母,并致餉遗。” 宋 刘攽 《初冬晨起作四声诗·去声》:“通衢皆高轩,竟岁谢讯问。” 元 郑廷玉 《楚昭公》第一折:“他正是良才奇寳在人间,我则道重脩讯问传书简,原来他相期恶战呈公案。”

  3. 审讯;鞫问。

    《晋书·纪瞻传》:“除 会稽 内史。时有诈作大将军府符,收 诸暨 令,令已受拘, 瞻 觉其诈,便破槛出之,讯问使者,果伏诈妄。” 唐 柳宗元 《故银青光禄大夫宜城县开国伯柳公行状》:“贼遂执公爱子,榜箠讯问,折其右肱,而公不之顾。”《清平山堂话本·简贴和尚》:“ 山前行 、 山定 看着小娘子生得怎地瘦弱,怎禁得打勘?怎地讯问他?” 刘绍棠 《芳年》:“但是他没有车票,被路警扣留,带到站长室讯问。”



  1. "We found a relaxed atmosphere here and it was a constructive meeting, " his lawyer commented after today's interrogation.


  2. After experiencing uncivil interrogations by the police, she decided to leave Zimbabwe in 2007.


  3. After further examination by the prosecution the witness was allowed to leave the court.


  4. If he refuses to affix his signature or fingerprint, the case handlers shall record the situation down in the transcripts of interrogation.


  5. An inspector may examine on oath the officers and agents of the company in relation to its business, and may administer an oath accordingly.


  6. No trial, no inquiry, authority had decreed it and I had no say in the matter whether I was to be free or in chains.


  7. Citic Pacific did not say which of its directors had been questioned by police.


  8. Finally the police summoned me for hours of questioning. They asked me to sign a statement never to blame the police again for its abuses.


  9. About 20 people have been arrested so far but more are expected to be rounded up, and questioned by police in the coming hours and days.


  1. 羁押性讯问

    custodial interrogation.

  2. 讯问在场权

    presence fight in arraign.

  3. 无休止的讯问。

    persistent questioning

  4. 无休止得讯问。

    persistent questioning.

  5. 律师讯问了证人。

    The lawyer examined the witness.

  6. 讯问事情的原委

    inquire about all the details of a matter

  7. 我可以加强讯问力度。

    I can try working him harder.

  8. 我可以加强讯问力度。

    I can try working him harder.

  9. 讯问犯罪嫌疑人录音录像

    audio and video recordings when inquest suspects

  10. 他们在接待室等候讯问。

    They were waiting in an anteroom for interrogation.

  11. 略论讯问中的情感感化

    On Interrogating a Criminal Suspect with Emotional Tactics

  12. 审判人员可以讯问被告人。

    The judges may interrogate the defendant.

  13. 讯问语境妙用的个案分析

    Analysis of Individual case of interrogative linguistic surrounding

  14. 在讯问中他供认了犯罪。

    He confessed to the crime during his interrogation.

  15. 医生讯问了她的身体状况。

    The doctor asked about her physical condition.

  16. 他的供述经不起律师的讯问。

    His statement won't bear the lawyer's examinations.

  17. 申报人又被讯问了一次。

    The reporter was interrogated again.

  18. 我们现在依法对你进行讯问。

    Now we shall interrogate you according to law.

  19. 你得传唤他们,讯问事情原委。

    I want you to bring them in, talk to them.

  20. 你得传唤他们,讯问事情原委。

    I want you to bring them in, talk to them.

  21. 他们会拷打囚犯,以讯问口供。

    They would rack the prisoners for answers.

  22. 你得传唤他们,讯问事情原委。

    I want you to bring them in, talk to them.

  23. 律师花费两个小时讯问证人。

    The lawyer took two hours to interrogate the witness.

  24. 警察把嫌疑人带到警察局讯问。

    The police brought the suspect into the station for questioning.

  25. 一批嫌疑犯被拘捕接受讯问。

    A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning.

  26. 警好,我们将对你进行讯问。

    Good. Well interrogate you later.

  27. 警察更进一步地讯问了他。

    The policeman questioned him further.

  28. 论侦查讯问言语听解的艺术

    On the Art of the Paraphrase of Language in the Criminal Interrogation

  29. 我们只好把他扣起来,讯问他一下。

    We shall have to detain him and question him.

  30. 他曾经被陆军元帅本人讯问过。

    He had been personally interrogated by the field marshal.


  1. 问:讯问拼音怎么拼?讯问的读音是什么?讯问翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问的读音是xùnwèn,讯问翻译成英文是 ask; question

  2. 问:讯问的拼音怎么拼?讯问的的读音是什么?讯问的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问的的读音是,讯问的翻译成英文是 interrogatory

  3. 问:讯问者拼音怎么拼?讯问者的读音是什么?讯问者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问者的读音是xùn wèn zhě,讯问者翻译成英文是 Interrogator

  4. 问:讯问情境拼音怎么拼?讯问情境的读音是什么?讯问情境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问情境的读音是xùn wèn qíng jìng,讯问情境翻译成英文是 interrogation situation

  5. 问:讯问押后拼音怎么拼?讯问押后的读音是什么?讯问押后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问押后的读音是xùn wèn yā hòu,讯问押后翻译成英文是 adjournment of inquiry

  6. 问:讯问日期拼音怎么拼?讯问日期的读音是什么?讯问日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问日期的读音是xùn wèn rì qī,讯问日期翻译成英文是 date of interrogation

  7. 问:讯问犯人拼音怎么拼?讯问犯人的读音是什么?讯问犯人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问犯人的读音是xùn wèn fàn rén,讯问犯人翻译成英文是 interrogate a prisoner

  8. 问:讯问笔录拼音怎么拼?讯问笔录的读音是什么?讯问笔录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问笔录的读音是xùnwènbǐlù,讯问笔录翻译成英文是 interrogation record

  9. 问:讯问证人拼音怎么拼?讯问证人的读音是什么?讯问证人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问证人的读音是xùn wèn zhèng rén,讯问证人翻译成英文是 interrogate a witness

  10. 问:讯问审查官拼音怎么拼?讯问审查官的读音是什么?讯问审查官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问审查官的读音是xùn wèn shěn chá guān,讯问审查官翻译成英文是 trial examiner

  11. 问:讯问犯罪嫌疑人拼音怎么拼?讯问犯罪嫌疑人的读音是什么?讯问犯罪嫌疑人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讯问犯罪嫌疑人的读音是xùn wèn fàn zuì xián yí rén,讯问犯罪嫌疑人翻译成英文是 interrogation of suspect




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