







汉语拼音:ǒu yī






  1. 偶或;偶然。

    鲁迅 《故事新编·铸剑》:“ 眉间尺 偶一疏忽,终于被他咬住了后项窝,无法转身。” 郭沫若 《少年时代·反正前后》第二篇三:“重心离地太高,如果偶一不慎,岂不会横倒在街心?”



  1. Even a rise, went so far as he discovers that there is a just-not far from the front of the flowers!


  2. The tank was then a new weapon that had only occasionally been used in battle.


  3. A pelican looped over the city as the skies darkened from the north and the eclipse neared its peak.


  4. Then, looking up, my eye was caught by him.


  5. I really wanted to beat that doll.


  6. A friend of mine that works for Octagon, my agency, arrived on Saturday night.


  1. 他偶而享受一支好雪茄。

    He occasionally indulges in the luxury of a good cigar.

  2. 偶叔叔周一早上要坐公交车去上班, 用英语如何说?

    I ride the vehicle to go to the school andthe in the school.

  3. 我们偶或见到一艘敝旧小舟,跟海中鱼族做捉迷藏游戏。

    Now and again we saw a worn out sampan playing hideandseek with the fishes.

  4. 给偶一个纸盘。

    I need a paper plate.

  5. 他让偶登上了那一班机。

    He got me on the flight.

  6. 偶爸妈骂了偶一顿, 叫偶以后记得把衣服晾干。

    My parents were screaming at me and told me I had to let the clothes dry.

  7. 这种方法使对偶单纯形法这一理论体系得以完善。

    This method completes the theory system of dual simplex method.

  8. 超瑞利散射测定偶氮分子的一阶超极化率

    The Firstorder Molecular Hyperpolarizability of Azo Diol and Azo Aldimine Measured by HyperRayleigh Scattering

  9. 偶向空中射了一箭。

    I shot an arrow in the air.

  10. 我收到他偶而写来的一封信, 如此而已。

    I get an occasional letter from him, that's all.

  11. 啊偶, 我刚看到一只黑猫从房子前面走过去。

    Uh oh, I've just seen a cat walk in front of the house.

  12. 必须戴上眼罩 肩上放一只鹦鹉玩偶。

    I had to wear an eye patch and a stuffed parrot on my shoulder.

  13. 白云谦逊地站在天之一偶。晨光冠之余辉煌。

    The cloud stohe humbly in a corner of the sky. The morning crowned it with splendour.

  14. 其时,偶一枚牛者难陀,立于世尊之傍。

    Now at that time Nanda the cowherd was standing not far from the Blessed One.

  15. 也有吸烟者只是偶一为之但从不上钩。

    Then there are chippers, who smoke occasionally but never seem to get hooked.

  16. 我想我们是一对佳偶。

    I think we make a good couple.

  17. 俄式套娃是一组玩偶。

    Matreshka is a set nesting dolls.

  18. 每个热电偶套管需要一个热电偶。

    One thermocouple is required per thermowell.

  19. 偶想翻译最后一段可以卜?

    Burton is also wanted in connection with burglaries in Tennessee.

  20. 乔治叔叔偶而喜欢喝一杯。

    Uncle George tippled off and on.

  21. 偶要一件跟偶朋友一样的衬衫。

    I want the same shirt as my friend's.

  22. 一类凸二次规划的对偶方法

    A Dual Method for Solving a Class of Convex Quadratic Programs

  23. 你在哪一家公司服务偶在远东公司服务。

    What company are you with? I with Far Eastern.

  24. 她只是一个一心想报复的人偶!

    She's only a doll with a vengeful soul!

  25. 明年偶还有一次机会参观这个展览会。

    I'll have another opportunity to visit the exhibition next year.

  26. 偶呃, 偶忘了下面要讲什么了。休息一会吧。

    interpreter Well, I forget what I am going to say, lets take a break.

  27. 偶要腊肉奶酪汉堡包,再加一大杯可乐。

    I'll have the bacon cheeseburger, and a large coke, please.

  28. 这仅仅是一个想法。而且,偶也没有车。

    It was just a thought. Anyway, I don't have a car.

  29. 我还为你赢了一个填充型动物玩偶。

    And I won you a stuffed animal.

  30. 不能偶而装疯卖傻, 就不是一个聪明人。

    He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion.



ǒu yī ㄡˇ ㄧ 偶一 偶一 ǒuyī [by accident;once in a while] 偶尔一次;次数极少的 这两年很难再遇上他,偶一碰到,也只是打个招呼而已

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