




1. 伴 [bàn]伴 [bàn]同在一起而能互助的人:伙~。~侣。陪同:~随。陪~。~和(hè)。~舞。~奏。~读(古代官名,中国宋代有南北院伴读,负责宗室子弟的教学,辽、金至明代,皆为亲王府官)。……



汉语拼音:wǔ bàn






  1. She had no spirit to dance again for a long time, though she might have had plenty of partners; but, ah!


  2. When one is seated far from the windows, one sees only the sky and, silhouetted against it, the faces of the dancers passing in succession.


  3. In dancing, you have to coordinate your movement with that of your partner.


  4. It surprises me that you did not bring Mrs. Terrell along for company.


  5. And I do not know that there would be any good in going to the assembly, for I might not get a partner.


  6. "Wow, he's got tremendous feeling, " she said pointing to another dancer as he spun his partner in circles.


  7. Now my arms feel so empty, as I gaze around the floor, And I'll keep on changing partners, till I hold you once more.


  8. Her 'best boy mate' asked her to be his date, she said.


  9. Person (esp a woman) who has no dancing partners at a dance and has to sit or stand around while others dance.


  1. 我得换个舞伴。

    I have to find a new partner.

  2. 她不断地换舞伴。

    She flits from one dance partner to another.

  3. 我的舞伴使我精疲力尽

    My partner danced me to exhaustion.

  4. 场上有十对舞伴。

    Ten couples took the floor.

  5. 抱紧我 我的小舞伴。

    Hold me closer,tiny dancer.

  6. 抱紧我 我的小舞伴。

    Hold me closer, tiny dancer.

  7. 带着你的舞伴转圈。

    Turn your dance partner around.

  8. 他拥着他的舞伴旋转。

    He reeled his partner in a dance.

  9. 他拥著他的舞伴旋转。

    He reeled his partner in a dance.

  10. 有几对舞伴在跳舞。

    Several couples were on the dance floor.

  11. 失去的舞伴总会找到

    Partners are lost and found

  12. 他们已结成舞伴跳舞。

    They have partnered up for the dance.

  13. 我们是舞伴, 是一个整体。

    We were partners. We were one.

  14. 非常高兴做您的舞伴。

    I'd be delighted to be your dance partner.

  15. 非常高兴做您得舞伴。

    I'd be delighted to be your dance partner.

  16. 带领舞伴入舞池跳舞

    Conduct to the dance

  17. 根据你的舞伴的程度跳舞。

    Dance at the level of your partner.

  18. 约翰和玛丽结为舞伴。

    John has partnered up with Mary.

  19. 吉姆与苏结成了舞伴。

    Jim and Sue were partnered for the dance.

  20. 我会要求舞者换舞伴。

    I will call the dancers to change partners.

  21. 我会要求舞者换舞伴。

    I will call the dancers to change partners.

  22. 首席女芭蕾舞星的男舞伴

    danseur noble

  23. 一对对舞伴在舞池中旋转

    couples aswirl on the dance floor.

  24. 我就是你的幸运舞伴拉。

    That, i am your lucky dance partner.

  25. 是的,我想,但我没有舞伴。

    Yes, I would, but I do not have a partner.

  26. 他令他的舞伴快速旋转起来。

    He screwed his partner quickly.

  27. 首先,同学们要找一个舞伴。

    First, classmates must find a date to go with.

  28. 她在舞会上做我的舞伴。

    She partnered me at the dance.

  29. 多照点你们和舞伴的相片

    Take a bunch of pictures of you guys and your dates together!

  30. 这是谢恩。他是你今天的舞伴。

    This is shane. he'll be your partner for today.


  1. 问:舞伴拼音怎么拼?舞伴的读音是什么?舞伴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:舞伴的读音是wǔbàn,舞伴翻译成英文是 dancing partner; partner




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