


扁平物体上下两个面的距离:~度。~薄(厚度)。扁平物体上下两个面距离较大的,与“薄”相对:~纸。~重(zhòng )(a.又厚又重;b.丰厚;c.厚道而庄重)。深,重(zhòng ),浓,多:~望。不刻薄,待人好:~道(诚恳,宽容,“道”读……


1. 薄 [báo]2. 薄 [bó]3. 薄 [bò]薄 [báo]厚度小的:~片。~饼。冷淡,不热情:~待。味道淡:~酒。土地不肥沃:~田。薄 [bó]义同(一),用于合成词或成语,如“厚薄”,“浅薄”,“尖嘴薄舌”等。轻微,少:~礼。……



汉语拼音:hòu bó








  1. 厚度。

    《礼记·月令》:“﹝孟冬之月﹞飭丧纪,辨衣裳,审棺椁之薄厚,塋丘垄之大小,高卑厚薄之度,贵贱之等级。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·脯腊》:“作甜脆脯法:腊月取麞、鹿肉,片,厚薄如手掌。直阴乾,不着盐。脆如凌雪也。” 清 孙枝蔚 《陆放翁研歌为毕载积题》诗:“不闻拨刺转堪疑,到手且看石厚薄。”

  2. 犹浓淡;稀稠。

    《周礼·天官·酒正》:“掌其厚薄之齐,以共王之四饮三酒之饌。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·饼法》:“蜜和水,水蜜中半,以和米屑;厚薄令竹杓中下--先试,不下,更与水蜜。”

  3. 犹大小;多少。

    《商君书·开塞》:“夫过有厚薄,则刑有轻重;善有大小,则赏有多少。” 晋 陆机 《五等诸侯论》:“使其并贤居治,则功有厚薄。” 宋 苏轼 《上韩丞相论灾伤手实书》:“夫三等以上,钱物之数,虽其亲戚不能周知,至于物力之厚薄,则令佐之稍有才者,可意度也。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·词源》:“那些择婿之家,不问腹笥之盈虚,止询家私之厚薄。” 陈毅 《满江红·访问椰庄公社》词:“我来访,事事学,问收入,问厚薄。”

  4. 顺利和蹇滞。多指命运。

    汉 王充 《论衡·幸偶》:“富或累金,贫或乞食,贵至封侯,贱至奴僕,非天禀施有左右也,人物受性有厚薄也。”《汉书·叙传上》:“得气者蕃滋,失时者苓落,参天墬而施化,岂云人事之厚薄哉?” 晋 刘琨 《答卢谌》诗:“怪厚薄何从而生,哀乐何由而至。”

  5. 犹亲疏。

    《淮南子·主术训》:“夫以一人之心而事两主,或背而去,或欲身徇之,岂其趋舍厚薄之势异哉。”《三国志·魏志·傅嘏传》“ 嘏 常论才性同异, 钟会 集而论之” 南朝 宋 裴松之 注:“若皆知其不终,而情有彼此,是为厚薄由于爱憎,奚豫於成败哉?以爱憎为厚薄,又亏於雅体矣。” 唐 元稹 《唐故中大夫尚书赠工部尚书李公墓志铭》:“考行取友甚峻,能銖两人伦,而滔滔者莫见其厚薄。”《玉娇梨》第一回:“﹝ 杨御史 ﹞走进厅来望着 白公 便叫道:‘年兄好人,一般都是朋友,为何就分厚薄?’” 冰心 《寄小读者》十二:“小朋友,谁道上天生人有厚薄?”

  6. 指富裕或穷困。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪》:“世俗不以厚薄为鄙陋,富者过奢,贫者殫财,刑法不能禁,礼义不能止。” 清 百一居士 《壶天录》卷下:“每岁自三四元以至百餘元,皆视其家之厚薄而定焉。”

  7. 犹好坏。

    《荀子·成相》:“守其职,足衣食,厚薄有等明爵服。” 唐 元稹 《唐上柱国南阳郡王赠某官碑文铭》:“报 愔 以惠,报 錡 以常,称示厚薄,俾文相当。” 宋 范仲淹 《奏上时务书》:“臣闻国之文章应於风化,风化厚薄见乎文章。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二七:“看他举止如何,斟酌待他的厚薄就是了。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·白露前雨》:“浙人以白露节前,早晚得雨,见秋成之厚薄。”



  1. A compromise must be reached between the "thinness" of the surface larger examined and the intensity of the infrared spectrum obtained.

  2. In large dose irradiated group, capillary vessels was irregular and bright zone could be found around the basement membranes.

  3. Of course now manroland offset press full thickness of paper may be business card printing and membership card to make a good job.

  4. As a result of the above characteristics of hot melt Adhesive, back layer of munltivariable also with temperature changes.

  5. Results The handled section were soft, and level off, the deep s were equality, the colorings were vivid.

  6. FEATURES: adopted cricoid feed foot and driving handwheel . Not wrinkling when sewing thin materials. With uniform and pleasing outline.

  7. With the ultra-thin highlight PMMA material, thickness uniformity, the high rate of transmission.

  8. The complete molds adopt the CNC computer gong, so the products have been thickness and good texture and high precision.

  9. Is one trousseau of degree of thickness, also have from cumbersome from Jian Liang Zhong's circumstance.


  1. 纸张厚薄无关紧要。

    It doesn't matter whether the paper is thick or thin.

  2. 厚薄依季节选择更换。

    Thickness selection depends on weather.

  3. 可以使用不同质地、不同厚薄的纸。

    Paper of different texture or thickness may be used.

  4. 豆干成品厚薄均匀, 含水量一致。

    Made dry tofu strip has uniform thickness and water content.

  5. 对厚薄,对有硬壳木质的种皮。

    seed coat thin to thick, woody to crusty.

  6. 可调压头杆, 楦头厚薄可调整压头长短。

    The pressing head can be adjusted longer or shorter by adjustable pressing head rod according to the thickness of last top.

  7. 工匠们要先选取厚薄均匀的紫铜片。

    Firstly, craftsmen choose pieces of copper of exactly the same thickness.

  8. 如纸的如在厚薄或结构上像纸一样的

    Resembling paper, as in thickness or texture.

  9. 均衡校正实际上是地壳厚薄不均的校正。

    The isostatic correction is actually the correction for crust thickness.

  10. 减小浮法玻璃厚薄差的实践体会

    Practice Experience in Reducing Float Glass Thickness Difference

  11. 厚薄快速微调装置,便于精准调整厚度。

    Thickness adjustment device, easy and quick to exactly adjust thickness.

  12. 具有一定的刚性,硬度和弹性,厚薄均匀。

    Possess certain rigidity, hardness and elasticity, with unifor thickness.

  13. 先天性动脉瘤体壁厚薄不均,一般均较薄。

    Bad distribution of congenital aneurism body wall, general all thinner.

  14. 处女膜孔的大小和膜的厚薄程度各有不同。

    The thickness degree of the size of Hymen aperture and film has each different.

  15. 切完后,要根据片的厚薄,移动左手的位置。

    At the end of the slice, move the left hand sideways according to the width of cut desired.

  16. 角质层与正常组织间为厚薄不一的肉芽组织。

    The thicknesses of the granulation tissue between Cuticle and normal tissue were different.

  17. 角质层与正常组织间为厚薄不一得肉芽组织。

    The thicknesses of the granulation tissue between Cuticle and normal tissue were different.

  18. 卷绕后的丝片具有厚薄均匀,成形良好的特点。

    The skein after winding is characterized by even thickness and good form.

  19. 最大湖泛面多为泥岩,但其厚薄不一。

    Maximum flooding surface Sediment are usually mudstone, and the thickness is different from each other.

  20. 请问剑的厚薄宽窄呈阶段性的变化怎么翻。谢谢。

    Staggered diversifications are revealed on the width and thickness of the blade.

  21. 轻涂纸属于涂布纸序列,其纤维组织均匀,厚薄一致。

    Grohal belong to the coated paper series, the multivariable uniform, fibrous tissue.

  22. 本厂主要生产各种厚薄型不锈钢餐具,橱具。

    Our main products of various thickness and type of stainless steel tableware, Kitchenware.

  23. 就是一样厚薄的嫁妆, 也有从繁从简两种情况。

    Is one trousseau of degree of thickness, also have from cumbersome from Jian Liang Zhongs circumstance.

  24. 所划标线线型清晰,附着力强,厚薄均匀,边齐角齐。

    The marking line is clear with strong adhesive force and regular shape, equality thickness.

  25. 薄膜厚薄偏差小,走机性好,破包率低,使用成本低。

    Thickness windage small, suitable for filling machine production, have a low break package rate, the low use cost.

  26. 结果囊的厚薄不均,表面微毛形态各异,见有分泌口。

    Various appearance of the distant end of microtrichia and excretive mouth on the cystic surface were showed.

  27. 你看到的这个人,从不以皮夹厚薄来衡量一个人的成功!

    What you see is a guy who never measured a man's success by the size of his WALLET!

  28. 一种支持组织,由延长的活细胞组成,细胞壁厚薄不均。

    A supportive tissue of plants, consisting of elongated, living cells with unevenly thickened walls.

  29. 如门封条处厚薄不一致时,应将较厚的部位多用力拉几次。

    Door seals, such as inconsistent thickness Department, should be thicker and more forcefully pull several parts.


  1. 问:厚薄拼音怎么拼?厚薄的读音是什么?厚薄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厚薄的读音是hòubáo,厚薄翻译成英文是 thickness

  2. 问:厚薄孔菌拼音怎么拼?厚薄孔菌的读音是什么?厚薄孔菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厚薄孔菌的读音是hòubáokǒngjūn,厚薄孔菌翻译成英文是 Antrodia crassa

  3. 问:厚薄指示表拼音怎么拼?厚薄指示表的读音是什么?厚薄指示表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厚薄指示表的读音是hòu báo zhǐ shì biǎo,厚薄指示表翻译成英文是 dial sheet gauge

  4. 问:厚薄不均而裂拼音怎么拼?厚薄不均而裂的读音是什么?厚薄不均而裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厚薄不均而裂的读音是hòu báo bù jūn ér liè,厚薄不均而裂翻译成英文是 bull crack




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