




1. 免 [miǎn]免 [miǎn]去掉,除掉:~除。~税。~费。~官。~检。罢~。豁~。不被某种事物所涉及:避~。~疫。~不了。在所难~。不可,不要:闲人~进。古同“勉”,勉励。古同“娩”,分娩。……



汉语拼音:xìng miǎn







  1. 谓侥幸避免某种灾祸。语本《论语·雍也》:“人之生也直,罔之生也幸而免。” 晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·灵帝纪(上)论》:“夫道衰则教亏,幸免同乎苟生;教重则道存,灭身不为徒死。”《旧唐书·则天皇后纪》:“生为不忠之人,死为不义之鬼,身虽幸免,子竟族诛。” 宋 司马光 《再和邵尧夫年老逢春》:“吾儕幸免簪裾累,病饮閒吟乐未央。” 徐迟 《火中的凤凰》:“大火不仅在 上海 烧。附近的城市,整个 长江三角洲 都没有幸免。”

  2. 侥幸免祸;侥幸避免。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻二》:“虽后来食报,无可证明,天道昭昭,谅必无倖免之理也。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·丹徒生》:“ 丹徒生 某,课徒庙中,城陷,贫不能行。生素魁伟,苦无藏匿地,乃隐身佛座后,以冀倖免。” 鲁迅 《坟·文化偏至论》:“纵大祸垂及矣,而倖免者非无人,其人又适为己,则能得温饱又如故也。”



  1. Joshua: Anyway, she burned all of my clothes. I got away with two things. This suit and what turned out to be a skirt.


  2. I have always been convinced that if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him.


  3. Only a small log directly ahead of him, about as big around as his waist, had kept him from being crushed.


  4. It was lucky of him [He was lucky] to escape being killed in that accident.


  5. about twenty scattered days a year of the Santa Ana, which, with its incendiary dryness, invariably means fire.


  6. One of them perished with him in the towers but another exact copy was at a family member's house and was saved.


  7. Mr Edelman survived, escaping with a handful of colleagues along tunnels barely two feet high, slimy water up to his lips, to safety.


  8. He angrily demanded an explanation but I was saved by the bell when his wife came in and insisted on talking about her garden.


  9. Ana Julia Torres walked through the sanctuary where the rescued animals live. "The animals here are not meant to be exhibited, " she said.


  1. 无人得以幸免。

    Not a man was spared.

  2. 你应该幸免的。

    You should be immune.

  3. 男人也不能幸免。

    Men were not spared either.

  4. 多次幸免这次遭殃

    once too often

  5. 否则我们将无法幸免

    unless we're smarter and stronger.

  6. 幸免于燃烧弹的袭击。

    A near hit by the incendiary bomb.

  7. 难以幸免,事情开始败露。

    Inevitably, things start to go awry.

  8. 各个年龄组无一幸免。

    No age groups are spared.

  9. 我们幸免于一场灾祸。

    We only just avoided an accident

  10. 七名宇航员无一幸免。

    No Survivors from the Seven Member Crew.

  11. 他在战争中幸免于死。

    He survived the war.

  12. 他在车祸中幸免于难。

    He escaped death in the car accident by sheer luck.

  13. 应该在核打击中幸免的。

    It's supposed to survive nuclear war.

  14. 福特总幸免被刺杀。

    President Ford escaped possible assassination today.

  15. 我的学生是唯一幸免的人

    My students were the only ones spared from that fate.

  16. 没有几间房子幸免于地震。

    Very few house survived the earthquake.

  17. 两人受了伤, 但他幸免了。

    Two were injured, but he escaped.

  18. 这叛徒轻而易举地幸免于罪。

    The traitor lightly went away with it.

  19. 幸好提早察觉,他才得以幸免。

    Early detection helped saved his life.

  20. 她在飞机坠毁后幸免于难

    She survived the plane crash.

  21. 不久之后,志贵也不能幸免。

    Soon after, so is Shiki.

  22. 他们幸免于空难似乎是天意。

    It seemed like providence that they had survived the plane crash.

  23. 那一列火车幸免于被摧毁。

    The train just missed being destroyed.

  24. 嘿!那辆汽车真是幸免于难。

    Whew! That car was a lucky escape.

  25. 在这次事故中, 他幸免受伤。

    In the accident he escaped from being injured.

  26. 开始我认为自己能幸免于难。

    I thought somehow I had been spared.

  27. 承蒙天恩,他们才幸免于难。

    It was only by the grace of God that they survived.

  28. 她幸免於难, 只是有几处擦伤。

    She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises.

  29. 她在那次事故中幸免于难。

    She survived the accident.

  30. 我系着安全带,所以幸免于难。

    The fact I was wearing a seat belt saved my life.


  1. 问:幸免拼音怎么拼?幸免的读音是什么?幸免翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幸免的读音是xìngmiǎn,幸免翻译成英文是 survive




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