







汉语拼音:lián yīn








  1. 结亲。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十九:“此时 万氏 又富又贵,又与皇亲国戚联姻,豪华无比,势焰非常。” 清 李渔 《蜃中楼·婚诺》:“説那里话,门当户对,正好联姻。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三十:“他警告自己这回不要再嫉妒了,没看见官与官永远应当拜盟兄弟与联姻吗?”



  1. It is not hard to see why: to Belgian leaders trapped in the national equivalent of a bad marriage, the EU's free love must look like bliss.


  2. Lately, it has been more like an irascible marriage between those who wish to cut taxes fast and those who do not.


  3. Lenovo's global supply network was a problem since the beginning of the marriage.


  4. Xu Heng's Bian Nian Ge Kuo relates history in the form of ballads and is the child of a marriage between poetry and history.


  5. The results of such marriages of stage and stardom have not always been ideal, as this past season alone can testify.


  6. Mr Armstrong and Ms Huffington will have to work overtime to show sceptics that this particular corporate marriage makes sense.


  7. It has never been meant to be winner takes all . . . It's not a perfect marriage.


  8. Whether this will be enough to force Yahoo into a shotgun wedding with Microsoft is the question that is now uppermost on investors' minds.


  9. The Alashan Mongol was a major tribe with which the royal family of the Qing Dynasty had political intermarriage.


  1. 他们已联姻。

    They are connected by marriage.

  2. 使两家联姻

    Unite two family lies by marriage.

  3. 作俯就的联姻。

    make a misalliance

  4. 他们两家联姻。

    Their families are connected by marriage.

  5. 电影与网络联姻60

    Movie And Web Go In Harness 60

  6. 他和富家联姻。

    He allied himself to a rich family.

  7. 他们两家现已联姻。

    Their families are now connected by marriage.

  8. 我不赞成堂兄妹联姻。

    I don't approve of cousins marrying.

  9. 卫家总是与表亲联姻。

    You know the Wilkes always marry their cousins.

  10. 双流机场联姻全球航空巨头

    Shuangliu Airport Joins Hands with Aviation Giant

  11. 国家企业与国家媒体的强强联姻

    Strong Ally of National Enterprises and National Media

  12. 而是两个家庭之间的联姻。

    But a union between two families.

  13. 由此, 此项联姻计划不得不延期。

    The fusion of the two businesses has been postponed.

  14. 斯图卫家总是与表亲联姻。

    STEW You know the Wilkes always marry their cousins.

  15. 春秋时期联姻对邦交的影响

    The Influence of State Marriage on Diplomatic Relations between States during the Spring and Autumn Period.

  16. 很明确地规定了禁止通婚联姻。

    The ban on intermarriage here is quite specific.

  17. 他与一个天主教徒的家庭联姻。

    He married into a Mick family.

  18. 我试图找出是谁撮合了联姻。

    I'm trying to find out who brokered the marriage.

  19. 因此, 桂剧与旅游的联姻成为可能。

    So, Tt become possible to marry between Gui opera and tourism.

  20. 她和一位有身份的富人联姻。

    She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.

  21. 我们在此为两位联姻作见证。

    We are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage.

  22. 阿拉善蒙古与清廷联姻述评

    On the Intermarriage between the Alashan Mongols and the Qing Royal Court

  23. 他们和一个有权势的人家联姻。

    They allied themselves by marriage to a powerful family.

  24. 人人都在议论沃顿家族的大联姻。

    Everybody is talking about the great Wharton alliance

  25. 她为摆脱贫穷而与那富人联姻。

    She was allied withthat rich familyto free herself from poverty

  26. 他们联姻给宣扬成当年的豪门良缘。

    Their marriage was trumpeted as the society wedding of the year.

  27. 和罗马联姻大概是个不差的方法。

    You could do worse than ally yourself with rome.

  28. 当然,在政治过程中,也有和约,也有联姻。

    Of course, in the political process, there are about as well as marriage.

  29. 统治者之间的婚姻关系不是单纯的联姻。

    The marital relationship between the rulers is not a simple marriage.

  30. 两家联姻的人的土地相互交错在一起。

    The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot.


  1. 问:联姻拼音怎么拼?联姻的读音是什么?联姻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:联姻的读音是liányīn,联姻翻译成英文是 be related by marriage



正音:liányīn ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄧㄣ正形:联姻(联姻)

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