


1. 伊 [yī]伊 [yī]彼,他,她:~说。~人(那个人,多指女性)。文言助词:下车~始。~谁之力?~于胡底(到什么地步为止,不堪设想的意思)。姓。……




指“兰草”和“兰花”:~艾(“兰花”和“艾草”,喻君子和小人)。~谱(结拜盟兄弟时互相交换的帖子,上写各自家族的谱系。兰有香味,喻情投意合)。~摧玉折(喻贤人夭折,后多用来哀悼人不幸早死)。古书上指“木兰”。古同“栏”,家畜圈(juàn )……


1. 堡 [bǎo]2. 堡 [bǔ]3. 堡 [pù]堡 [bǎo]军事上防守用的建筑物:~垒。城~。桥头~。古代指土筑的小城:“徐嵩、胡空各聚众五千,据险筑~以自固”。堡 [bǔ]有城墙的村镇,泛指村庄(多用于地名):~子。马家~。堡 ……



汉语拼音:yī sī lán pù



  1. With the tortured marriage clearly in trouble, Islamabad has sent signals that it is ready to start seeing other people.


  2. Military ties have been a key feature of Sino-Pakistani relations; Beijing is now Islamabad's largest defense supplier.


  3. During a protest in Islamabad, Monday, he said he is unhappy with the passing of Monday's deadline.


  4. BILL LAW: Amid Abiba in her home of her cousin is in a poor district of Islamabad. The house is a couple of rooms, very simply furnished.


  5. At least 15 people have been killed in an explosion in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, just south of the capital Islamabad.


  6. Please contact me with your email, phone number and Sector in islamabad where you live.


  7. Pakistan was one of the lowest scorers for personal safety, with Karachi and Islamabad ranked 213th and 203rd respectively.


  8. But Islamabad says any such legal proceedings would have to take place in Pakistan.


  9. "It may be an indirect message to the Americans to put pressure on India to de-escalate the situation, " he told Reuters in Islamabad.


  1. 伊斯兰堡是首都

    Islamabad is the capital city of

  2. 伊斯兰堡对袭击的反应是暴怒。

    Islamabad reacted with fury to the attack.

  3. 为团长的巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡政策研究所

    The Islamabad Policy Research Institute, IPRI

  4. 特礼西亚是来自伊斯兰堡的艺术批评家。

    Tricia is an art critic from Islamabad.

  5. 美国之音巴里纽豪斯,伊斯兰堡,详细报道。

    VOAs Barry Newhouse has the report from Islamabad.

  6. 厦门到伊斯兰堡学生机票,北京到伊斯兰堡航班时刻表,

    Xia men to Islamabad air tickets xia men to Islamabad special airfares xia men to Islamabad discount tickets

  7. 他曾经领导了伊斯兰堡反对恶习的武装行动。

    He had spearheaded an increasingly violent vigilante campaign against vice in Islamabad.

  8. 这是在伊斯兰堡第二次针对外国人的攻击。

    The blast was the second targeting foreigners in Islamabad.

  9. 这是在伊斯兰堡第二次针对外国人得攻击。

    The blast was the second targeting foreigners in Islamabad.

  10. 一个指挥官鄙视伊斯兰堡政府称其为美国傀儡。

    One commander scorned the Islamabad government as an American stooge.

  11. 今天,我还想特别提及伊斯兰堡孔子学院的学生。

    And today I would like to specially mention the students of ICI.

  12. 对巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡新的任命,美国至今反应缓和。

    reaction to the new designation in Islamabad, the capital, has so far been muted.

  13. 夏日炎炎的中午, 宽敞的伊斯兰堡大街往往空无一人。

    In the white glare of a hot summers noon, the broad avenues of Islamabad, Pakistans modern capital, are usually empty.

  14. 我还去到了伊斯兰堡,在那里 我们见到了毁容的女性。

    It has taken me, this journey, to Islamabad, where I have witnessed and met women with their faces melted off.

  15. 此前,他在伊斯兰堡与巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫举行了会晤。

    Earlier he held talks with Pakistani President Musharraf in Islamabad.

  16. 一名高层救援官员星期三在伊斯兰堡做出了这项宣布。

    A top relief official made the announcement Wednesday in Islamabad.

  17. 地震的伤民和幸存者坐在美军运输直升机上前往伊斯兰堡。

    Injured earthquake survivors and family members sit on board a Chinook helicopter heading to Islamabad.

  18. 内贾德的伊斯兰堡之旅将凸显两国可以向前推进的领域。

    Ahmadinejad's visit to Islamabad will highlight areas in which the two countries can move forward.


  1. 问:伊斯兰堡拼音怎么拼?伊斯兰堡的读音是什么?伊斯兰堡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伊斯兰堡的读音是,伊斯兰堡翻译成英文是 Islamabad

  2. 问:伊斯兰堡万豪酒店爆炸案拼音怎么拼?伊斯兰堡万豪酒店爆炸案的读音是什么?伊斯兰堡万豪酒店爆炸案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伊斯兰堡万豪酒店爆炸案的读音是,伊斯兰堡万豪酒店爆炸案翻译成英文是 Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing

  3. 问:伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托拼音怎么拼?伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托的读音是什么?伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托的读音是Yīsīlánbǎobèinàqí’ěr·Bùtuō,伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托翻译成英文是 Islamabad International Airport

  4. 问:伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托国际机场拼音怎么拼?伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托国际机场的读音是什么?伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托国际机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托国际机场的读音是,伊斯兰堡贝娜齐尔·布托国际机场翻译成英文是 Benazir Bhutto International Airport

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