


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:zhǔ sù






主诉 [zhǔ sù]
  1. 主诉,医学和心理学中用语。是病人(来访者)自述自己的症状或(和)体征、性质,以及持续时间等内容。主诉是住院病历中第一项内容,好的主诉需精炼准确;可能用病人自己描述的症状,不用诊断用语;要与现病史一致;遵循客观、实事求是的原则。



  1. Would you first check on the number of staff who have reported nausea, nasal congestion, allergies of any kind and general fatigue?


  2. Considerations for selection should include the location and extent of unsupported tissue, as well as the patient's presenting complaint.


  3. Throughout the patient's treatment course, she complained of mild-to-moderate lower back pain and had no neurologic symptoms.


  4. We describe a 45-year-old female patient who has had an asymptomatic tumor on her left inframammary area for 1 year.


  5. Rib pain is a common complaint clinically, and could be involved in a variety of injuries and internal diseases.


  6. Symptoms and complaints of the patient with syncope should be carefully considered after performing a complete history.


  7. The musculoskeletal complaints common to aromatase inhibitors can be addressed with NSAID pain relievers .


  8. History Occasionally these patients complain of a constant oppressive dull ache or pressure in the chest.


  9. Headache is one of the most common complaint in Chinese Medicine clinics.


  1. 病人主诉腹痛。

    The patient complained of abdominal pain.

  2. 主诉和现病史体格检查

    Chief Complaint and Present Illness

  3. 病人主诉难以忍受得疼痛。

    The patient complains of excruciating pain.

  4. 病人主诉难以忍受的疼痛。

    The patient complains of excruciating pain.

  5. 仔细确定主诉或主要问题。

    Carefully identify the chief complaint or major problem.

  6. 史密斯太太主诉行走困难。

    Mrs. Smith complained of difficulty in walking.

  7. 他们可能会主诉腹泻或腹痛。

    They may complain of diarrhea or bellyache.

  8. 主诉主要是不规则出血, 闭经, 经期延长。

    The main complaints were irregular bleeding, amenorrhoea and prolonged bleeding.

  9. 论主诉检察官错案责任的判断与追究

    Discussions About The Judgment And Investigation And Affixation Of Responsibility For Misjudged Cases Made By Principal Procurators

  10. 对于亚急性和慢性患者仔细聆听患者的主诉。

    For the acute or chronic problem listen carefully to the patient.

  11. 病人快速出现黄疸,主诉有腹痛并伴有呕吐。

    The patient rapidly develops jaundice and complains of abdominal pain with vomiting.

  12. 建立军事主诉检察官制度的目标及现实冲突

    The Aim of Establishing the System of Military Inquisitor in Chief and Its Practical Conflict

  13. 所有患者的主诉都为背部以及臀部疼痛。

    All patients presented with complaints of pain localized to the back or buttock.

  14. 所有患者得主诉都为背部以及臀部疼痛。

    All patients presented with complaints of pain localized to the back or buttock.

  15. 而且应同时写明主诉得时间如 胸痛1小时。

    Also the duration of the chief complaint should be noted chest pain for 1 hour.

  16. 而且应同时写明主诉的时间如 胸痛1小时。

    Also the duration of the chief complaint should be noted chest pain for 1 hour.

  17. 肿瘤患者主诉骨痛而骨显像阴性的结果分析

    Analysis of bone scan negative in patients with malignancy and chief complaint bone pain

  18. 主诉大约在入院前三天开始有渐进的呼吸短促。

    Progressive SOB for about three days before admission.

  19. 结论视力低常及斜视是小儿就诊最常见得主诉。

    Conclusion Low VA and strabismus are the most common complaint in children.

  20. 结论视力低常及斜视是小儿就诊最常见的主诉。

    Conclusion Low VA and strabismus are the most common complaint in children.

  21. 摘要一位63岁妇人主诉全身无力, 失眠, 而来院求诊。

    A 63yearold woman complained of general malaise and insomnia initially.

  22. 主诉腰痛女性患者骨密度和骨质疏松患病率分析

    Analyses of Bone Mineral Density and Incidences of Osteoporosis for the Female Patients Who Complained with Lumbago

  23. 综合医院躯体化症状为主诉的精神疾病62例误诊分析

    Analysis of the Mistreatment on 62 Patients with Psychosis Who Chiefly Complain the Body Symptoms in the Polyclinic

  24. 在门诊中经常可以遇到以眼部症状为主诉的病人。

    Ocular symptoms are a frequent presenting chief complaint from patients in the outpatient setting.

  25. 主诉直肠癌开刀前执行同步放射及化学治疗。进入手术治疗。

    Chief complaint Rectal cancer with preop CCRT was performed. Admission for surgery treatment.

  26. 以胸痛为主诉症状的反流性食管炎58例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of reflux esophagitis with chestpain as its primary symptom in 58 cases

  27. 在听完主诉和既往史后, 你需要对其进行身体评估。

    After the Chief Complaint and Past Medical History are completed, you need to do a physical assessment.

  28. 年纪较大的孩童可以自己表达,都以肚子疼痛为其主诉。

    The duplications were cystic in all cases except one tubular duplication of the colon.

  29. 以头晕为主诉的无症状性脑梗死患者焦虑状态的临床分析

    Anxiety of Asymptomatic Cerebral Infarction Patients with Complaints of Dizziness

  30. 全口义齿患者对旧义齿的主诉满意度调查及临床评价

    Satisfaction Study and Clinical Assessment of Patient with Old Complete Denture


  1. 问:主诉拼音怎么拼?主诉的读音是什么?主诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主诉的读音是zhǔsù,主诉翻译成英文是 patient's description of symptoms; chief co...




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