







汉语拼音:qǐ pàn








  1. 盼望。

    白蕉 《袁世凯与中华民国》:“ 唐使 南来,国民咸以平和有望……企盼尤殷。”



  1. Although Solar Impulse only hopped a little way, it was enough to delight the team who hope to eventually fly it around the world.


  2. The release of a long-awaited U. S. government plan to rid bank balance sheets of money-losing "toxic" assets has also been a big spur.


  3. toms heart ached to be free , or else to have something of interest to do to pass the dreary time.


  4. Like an elite division with a bright flag, spring beauties up as long prayerful wishes.


  5. The child is the father of the man, and I could wish my days to be bound each to each by natural piety.


  6. Now that the zippy electrons are ready to roll, when can we expect the spin superhighway to make it to the chips in our laptops?


  7. "Wishing something does not make it so, and issuing a report that requires me to go and consult changes nothing, " he said.


  8. Let us hope that, on this point at least, Mr Obama is never forced to change his mind.


  9. We kept expecting it to stop, we began to pray it would stop, " Daniels said. "


  1. 企盼早日复函。

    We are expecting to receive your earliest reply to this enquiry.

  2. 企盼和您一晤。

    I look forward to speaking with you.

  3. 我企盼你的回音。

    Im in eager anticipation of your reply.

  4. 我企盼您的回信。

    I am in eager anticipation of your reply.

  5. 企盼你心情的改变。

    And pray you'll hanve a change of heart.

  6. 企盼急复, 不胜感激。

    You prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.

  7. 企盼急复,不胜感激。

    You prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.

  8. 他企盼冬天早日过去。

    He longed for the winter to be over.

  9. 不要企盼立竿见影,不要企盼神效。

    Dont expect immediate, magical results.

  10. 企盼你爱的人回家。

    Looking forward to someone you love coming home.

  11. 长辈,亲友,祝福,美好企盼。

    Eldership, relatives and friends all extend the nice hope and warm wishes to the new couple.

  12. 我们企盼着早日恢复和谈。

    We are hoping for an early resumption of peace talks.

  13. 孩子们引颈企盼著假期。

    The children are looking forward to the holidays.

  14. 彻底地践踏企盼的邪怪!

    Could tread them out to darkness utterly.

  15. 鲁本有所企盼地迈着大步。

    There was purpose in his loping stride.

  16. 以上办法,请予研究,企盼回函。

    We shall be pleased to hear from you after you have studied the above proposition.

  17. 这也是多边贸易谈判所企盼的前景。

    That is the promise of the multilateral approach.

  18. 健全的身心乃吾人衷心之企盼。

    A sound mind a body is to be prayed for.

  19. 长寿时代的空巢家庭企盼亲情住宅

    The Aged Living in Their Own Housing Amicably

  20. 曾经以生命所企盼的你再一无所有。

    Of what you expected from life besides death.

  21. 利兹联队企盼夺冠已经十八年了。

    Leeds United had waited for success for eighteen years.

  22. 所有人都企盼长生,却没人愿意变老。

    All would live long, but none would be old.

  23. 我们惟一的企盼,心愿,喜乐,就是与主同在。

    Our supreme honor, rest, comfort, delight, is be with the LORD.

  24. 心灵深处却深深企盼,此刻仍是星期一的清晨。

    And I wish to my soul it was Monday morning.

  25. 因为最好的事情都会在最少企盼的时候碰巧发生!

    Don't dispair as the nicest things will happen when least expected!

  26. 他在门口转了一整天,企盼有机会和她谈谈。

    He hung about the entrance all day, hoping for a chance to speak to her.

  27. 这是贵州各族人民的企盼, 更是贵州发展的希望所在。

    It is a dream of the Guizhou people and also the goa of the local economic development.

  28. 从那一刻起,我们就企盼着回答第三个问题。

    Since then, we all been hoping to answer the third.

  29. 在朋友们的热切企盼下,网络鼎氏学院终于上线了!

    In the fervent hope, Xvqchinese Institute is finally online.

  30. 几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。

    Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president.


  1. 问:企盼拼音怎么拼?企盼的读音是什么?企盼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:企盼的读音是qǐpàn,企盼翻译成英文是 wait in hope




拼音:qǐ pàn词性:动词,形容词,名词词义:殷(yīn)切地希望。近义:盼望;瞻仰; 仰视渴念; 仰望; 渴念; 孺慕反义:失望、失去同音:祈盼

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