


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……




1. 夫 [fū]2. 夫 [fú]夫 [fū]旧时称成年男子:渔~。农~。万~不当之勇。旧时称服劳役的人:~役。拉~。〔~子〕a.旧时对学者的称呼;b.旧时称老师;c.旧时妻称夫;d.称读古书而思想陈腐的人。与妻结成配偶者:丈~。~妇。夫……



汉语拼音:dà zhàng fu



  1. They all regarded him as a man of men.


  2. Is no use to bury your head in the sand; you know quite well that enquiry will have to be made. Be a man and face up to it.


  3. and the famous Hungarian musician Franz Liszt on Beethoven for the creation of such a description: Juvenile-real man-God.


  4. 'Yes, of course, but as a man I must establish my cause before marriage. Don't you agree with me, baby? ' He has his own intention.


  5. I am about to go the way of all the earth, ' he said. 'So be strong, show yourself a man.


  6. He was not invited to sit down, but stood there, coolly asserting the rights of men and husbands.


  7. Be strong, and let us use our strength for our people and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him.


  8. Woman choice man is the standard awhile, responsibility, on top of that, like a man, this is older marriage condition.


  9. You should admit what you did as a man, Jack. Don't let the belle down and hurt her feeling.


  1. 大丈夫一言为定!

    I will upon my honour, now.

  2. 大丈夫一言为定。

    I will upon my honour, now.

  3. 大丈夫的日记

    The dairy of a big man.

  4. 大丈夫能屈能伸。

    A man among men is he who knows when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high.

  5. 大丈夫能屈能伸。

    A man among men is he who knows when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high.

  6. 大丈夫言出如山

    a true man never goes back on his words

  7. 只有坚持,才是大丈夫!

    Only by adhering to quit, is!

  8. 你说的话真象个大丈夫。

    You speak like a man of spirit.

  9. 男子汉, 大丈夫, 一人做事一人当。

    A man should have the courage to take the blame for what he does.

  10. 大丈夫活在世上要顶天立地。

    A great man should live in this world with an indomitable spirit.

  11. 大丈夫活在世上要顶天立地。

    A great man should live in this world with an indomitable spirit.

  12. 男子汉大丈夫不要心路太窄。

    A man should not be narrow-minded.

  13. 她们都认为他是男子汉大丈夫。

    They all regard him as a man of men.

  14. 男子汉大丈夫,别跟娘们儿一般见识!

    Be a man, don't take offence at these women!

  15. 男子汉大丈夫,别跟娘们儿一般见识!

    Be a man, don't take offence at these women!

  16. 大丈夫的出产地、领袖的制造中心。

    Makers of men, creators of leaders.

  17. 以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫。

    Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.

  18. 以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫。

    Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.

  19. 拜托!拿出男子汉大丈夫的气概来!

    Come on, be a sport.

  20. 他没有勇于承认错误的大丈夫气概。

    He wasn't man enough to admit his mistake.

  21. 男子汉大丈夫危难时候要做到威武不屈!

    a man should remain unyielding in the face of brutal force!

  22. 男子汉大丈夫危难时候要做到威武不屈!

    A man should remain unyielding in the face of brutal force!

  23. 什么样的大丈夫能通过魔鬼训练周呢?

    What kind of man makes it through Hell Week? That's hard to say.

  24. 他是一个神甫,一个贤达之士,也是一个大丈夫。

    He was a priest, a sage, and a man.

  25. 男子汉大丈夫要大度点, 不要那么小器好不好

    A man should be generous. Don't be so mean, OK

  26. 男子汉大丈夫要大度点,不要那么小器好不好?

    A man should be generous. Don't be so mean, OK?

  27. 她丈夫多大年纪了?大丈夫, 应当出去闯荡。

    How old is her husband? A man's got to get out.

  28. 以德报德是常理, 以德报怨才是真正的大丈夫!

    Good for good is natural , But for evil is manly !

  29. 我不需要男朋友、我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫。

    I don't wanna boyfriend, I need a real man.

  30. 你一定会渡过这关的,因为你是个大丈夫。

    You'll come through because you're a man.


  1. 问:大丈夫拼音怎么拼?大丈夫的读音是什么?大丈夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大丈夫的读音是dàzhàngfu,大丈夫翻译成英文是 true man

  2. 问:大丈夫气概拼音怎么拼?大丈夫气概的读音是什么?大丈夫气概翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大丈夫气概的读音是,大丈夫气概翻译成英文是 masculinity



“大丈夫”是个多义词,它可以指大丈夫(李潇、于淼著小说), 大丈夫(彭浩翔执导电影), 大丈夫(关正杰演唱歌曲), 大丈夫(汉语词语), 大丈夫(现代汉语词语), 大丈夫(欧文·华莱士创作小说), 大丈夫(那洛演唱歌曲), 大丈夫(王志文、李小冉主演电视剧), 大丈夫(日语词语), 大丈夫(林子祥演唱歌曲), 大丈夫(张宇发行专辑), 大丈夫(蔡依林演唱歌曲)。

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