







汉语拼音:dào fěi







  1. 亦作“盗匪”。泛指抢劫、叛乱、破坏社会治安的人。

    《官场现形记》第五五回:“乃于某日风闻有大股盗匪道出卑境,卑职先期商明外国兵船,请其届时帮助,当荷应允。”《清史稿·李世杰传》:“ 四川 盗匪,前此大加惩创,地方安静。” 陈毅 《过太行山书怀》诗:“请看解放区,人足家自给。盗匪告肃清,乞丐无处觅。” 茅盾 《子夜》八:“战争一起,内地的盗匪就多了。”



  1. Recently, a group of robbers just came to the capital, I think you h*e known that the Ming government is not able to handle this.

  2. If the site makes one mistake, permits just one security hole to linger, they're going to be taken for a fortune.

  3. The bandit set on me with a knife.

  4. Even the police, one of the most brutal forces in the world, are starting to win praise for pacifying bandit-ridden slums.

  5. The registrar produced his own electricity bill and called me grandfather. Keep to the main roads, he warned.

  6. The robbers struck the bank in broad daylight!

  7. They themselves are energetically prohibiting gambling and suppressing banditry .

  8. Bandits near as large group meetings in Miami, and they happen to be in the same hotel, which leads to a series of amusing scenes.

  9. Making it clear, we may declare that those who abide by the codes of conduct of bandit would become the king and dukes someday.


  1. 盗匪敛迹。

    The bandits went into hiding.

  2. 人们非常痛恨盗匪。

    People hate bandits greatly.

  3. 警察紧跟着盗匪。

    The police were hot on the heels of the bandits.

  4. 窝主窃贼皆盗匪。

    Both are thieves, the receiver as well as the stealer.

  5. 乘车行窃之盗匪

    motorized bandit

  6. 流民与近代盗匪世界

    Refugees and the Bandit World of the Modern Times

  7. 盗匪抢夺皮夹而逃逸。

    Catch up The mugger caught the wallet up and fled.

  8. 盗匪持刀向我袭来。

    The bandit set on me with a knife.

  9. 他暗中和一些盗匪勾结。

    He is privately in league with some bandits.

  10. 你救盗匪下绞架,盗匪送你上绞架。

    Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you.

  11. 盗匪们从树后向警察进攻。

    The robbers fell on the police from behind trees.

  12. 屋外,他想起了盗匪的话。

    Outside he recalls the words of the robbers.

  13. 盗匪沿著墙角潜行,准备跳出去。

    The robbers were skulking around the corners, ready to jump out.

  14. 警察从盗匪手中救出一个人。

    The police rescue a man from bandits.

  15. 盗匪现在在监狱里,但珠宝仍下落不明。

    The burglars are in prison now but the jewellery's still missing.

  16. 农会势盛地方,牌赌禁绝,盗匪潜踪。

    Where the peasant association is powerful, gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished.

  17. 又因为盗匪问题, 地方团练反而得以发展。

    The local military power also developed on account of bandit problems at that time.

  18. 盗匪要你的钱或你的命,女人两者皆要

    Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both

  19. 嚣张的盗匪也绝非短时期就能成气候的。

    The rampant banditry is also a short period can not amount to anything.

  20. 是的。恐怕你们的鹦鹉看的盗匪片太多了。

    Yes. I'm afraid your parrot has seen too many films about stealing.

  21. 他们自己在那里努力禁牌赌,清盗匪。

    They themselves are energetically prohibiting gambling and suppressing banditry.

  22. 这个盗匪因为抢劫加油站而被带进法庭受审。

    The burglar was taken into court to be tried for robbing the gas station.

  23. 由于法律与秩序的崩溃,还存在普遍的盗匪活动。

    There is also endemic banditry due to a breakdown in law and order.

  24. 官军向位于山顶的盗匪山寨发动了进攻。

    The government army launched an offensive against the bandits mountain fastness, which was located on the mountaintop.

  25. 这些袭击事件的起因不明,不过可能是盗匪行为。

    The cause of these attacks is unknown, but presumed to be banditry.

  26. 清末广东的盗匪问题与西江缉捕权风波

    The Bandit Problem and the Disturbance Caused for the Right to Arrest in the Xijiang Area, Guangdong in the Late Qing Dynasty

  27. 什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。

    Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry.

  28. 由于有人警告她有盗匪,她把贵重物品都留在家里。

    Having been warned about the bandits, she left her valuables at home.

  29. 此图描绘的是外国商人遇到盗匪后被观音救助的故事。

    This illustration tells the story some foreign merchants were besieged by robbers, and Guanyin saved them from the danger.

  30. 您这位表亲终于沦落为您给我们描绘的那种盗匪了 吧?

    Your kinsman became one of those depredators you have described to us?


  1. 问:盗匪拼音怎么拼?盗匪的读音是什么?盗匪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盗匪的读音是dàofěi,盗匪翻译成英文是 robber

  2. 问:盗匪活动拼音怎么拼?盗匪活动的读音是什么?盗匪活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盗匪活动的读音是dào fěi huó dòng,盗匪活动翻译成英文是 banditry



盗匪,指罪犯集团[匪帮] 的成员;用暴力劫夺财物,扰乱社会治安的人。

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