







汉语拼音:guó jūn







  1. 天子或诸侯国之君。

    《礼记·曲礼上》:“国君抚式,大夫下之。”《后汉书·列女传序》:“若夫贤妃助国君之政,哲妇隆家人之道……则其徽美未殊也,而世典咸漏焉。”《宋书·五行志二》:“国君即位踰年而后改元者,缘臣子之心,不忍一年而有二君也。” 清 朱大韶 《实事求是斋经义·之所自非衍文辨》:“天子之别子,封为国君,奉其先君为所出王。”

  2. 命妇的封号,位在公主之下。

    宋 陆游 《南唐书·烈祖纪》:“降 吴公主 为国君……封女弟 杞国君 为 广德长公主 。”《红楼梦》第七一回:“二十八日,请皇亲、駙马、王公、诸王、郡主、王妃、公主、国君、太君、夫人等。”



  1. The monarch was called Zu Yi, and is often the weather situation for the unexpected cause for worry.


  2. She is one of the most famous women in the world but how much do you know about the British monarch?


  3. The golden circlet gleamed on his brow, his hair fluttered in the wind, and he was clad in steel and iron.


  4. "It isn't easy to bury a king, " Heinrich recalls. "It offers many unexpected problems. "


  5. Then they spied the Duke's feet sticking out from under a door, and beheaded him on the spot. Finally, they set up Wuzhi as ruler of Qi.


  6. Today, you sit on the throne of the State of Lu. The throne to you is as the hide to the fox and leopard.


  7. Once, Confucius to 481b. c yuji ancestor-worship ceremony in the monarch, he sometimes to ask, almost everything asked arrived.


  8. He not hesitate to go to such a firm, with a cavity of the monarch and full of loyalty to the oath of loyalty.


  9. Today's modern state is far larger than historic Montenegro, which for centuries was ruled as a theocracy by a prince-bishop.


  1. 您是一国的国君。

    You are the king of the state.

  2. 我的国君也落得疲于奔命。

    Now, my king's running too!

  3. 当国君离婚之后他辞职了。

    The king abdicated when he married a divorcee.

  4. 楚国君位继承制研究

    Research on Location Succession of Monarch in the State of Chu

  5. 国君, 君主, 诸候公国的统治者

    The ruler of a principality.

  6. 战国早期曾国君主的墓室。

    Zeng early Warring States tomb of the monarchy.

  7. 这些大臣对国君都是忠心耿耿的。

    These officials are very faithful to the emperor.

  8. 这些大臣对国君都是忠心耿耿的。

    These officials are very faithful to the emperor.

  9. 某些欧洲国家统治独立公国的国君

    a sovereign prince who rules an independent duchy in some European countries

  10. 坐在车上的是伟大的楚国国君。

    Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu.

  11. 他是个没有任何权力有名无实的国君。

    He is a titular prince without any power.

  12. 听说楚国国君王正想方设法招纳贤士。

    It is heard that the King of the Chu kingdom is recruiting talented and able people.

  13. 听说楚国国君王正想方设法招纳贤士。

    It is heard that the King of the Chu kingdom is recruiting talented and able people.

  14. 公, 君主某些欧洲国家统治独立公国的国君

    A sovereign prince who rules an independent duchy in some European countries.

  15. 作为一国国君应该有宽广的胸怀与眼光。

    A monarch should be a broad-minded man of vision.

  16. 自从上次进攻以来, 国君更成熟也更睿智了。

    The prince had become older and wiser since his previous attacks.

  17. 自从上次进攻以来,国君更成熟也更睿智了。

    The prince had become older and wiser since his previous attacks.

  18. 作为君主的地位和权力。国君虽亡, 王位永存。

    The position and power of one who occupies a throne.

  19. 他是一位伟大的国君,我们都尊敬并爱戴他。

    The former king was a great king that we all respect and love him.

  20. 战国秦国历代国君逐步实现专制的政治实践

    The Political Practice of Monarchs of Qin State and Warring States in the Gradual Realization of Dictatorship

  21. 一个国君必须具有远见和仁慈的心及勇气。

    A monarch or any other leader must be a person with foresight, a kind heart, and courage.

  22. 四月份, 国君驾临军中的喜讯使部队十分振奋。

    IN APRIL the army was excited by the news of the arrival of the Tsar.

  23. 那场革命敲响了俄国君主制的丧钟。

    The revolution tolled the death knellfor the Russian monarchy.

  24. 宋襄公是公元前七世纪春秋时代宋国的国君。

    Duke Hsiang of Sung ruled in the Spring and Autumn Era.

  25. 虽然他嘴上说不是要挟国君, 我才不相信呢。

    Although he said he is not blackmailing the lord, I do not believe so.

  26. 苏州真山九号墩吴国国君墓出土贝币

    The shell money excavated in a noble Tomb of Wu state in Zhen shan, suzhou City

  27. 鲁庄公,公元前六九三年至前六六二年鲁国的国君。

    Duke Chuang reigned over Lu from 693 to 662 B.C.

  28. 鲁庄公,公元前六九三年至前六六二年鲁国得国君。

    Duke Chuang reigned over Lu from 693 to 660 B. C.

  29. 一花一世界一沙一天国君掌盛无边刹那含永劫

    To see a Word in a gain of sand And a Heaven in a wild flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour

  30. 政府由5名成员组成, 他们由国君根据国会得推荐任命。

    The Government consists of five members appointed by the Prince on the recommendation of the Diet.


  1. 问:国君拼音怎么拼?国君的读音是什么?国君翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国君的读音是guójūn,国君翻译成英文是 The highest ruler in a monarchy.




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