




1. 郎 [láng]2. 郎 [làng]郎 [láng]对年轻男子的称呼:大~。~才女貌。对某种人的称呼:货~。女~。旧时妻称夫或情人:~君。封建时代的官名:~中(a.古官名;b.中医医生)。侍~。员外~。姓。郎 [làng]〔屎壳~〕……



汉语拼音:fǎ láng; fà láng



法语音译词。布隆 迪、刚果、瑞士、塞内加尔、乍得等国的本位货币均译为法郎。



  1. 法国 、 瑞士 等国的本位货币,一法郎等于一百生丁。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五五回:“新鲜荔枝带到 法兰西 ,要卖五个法郎一个。”



  1. With Marc's half-remembered sense of direction and a half-franc postcard for a map, we alternate leads up the face.


  2. Then he took out his checkbook and pen, and wrote a check for fifty thousand francs.


  3. Francis: Ah, there's a reason for that. There's been needle between them ever since Garfield beat Jake to the top marketing job.


  4. For months, he said, he has wagered the Swiss franc would eventually fall, even as the currency routinely hit record highs against the euro.


  5. Francis: So Jake is always trying to show that he knows better than Garfield, whatever the topic.


  6. In all the signs and wonders, which he sent by him, to do in the land of Egypt to Pharao, and to all his servants, and to his whole land.


  7. Still, he achieved huge publicity (and got to pocket 25, 000 francs of the advance), and the idea took on a life of its own.


  8. 2Thou shalt speak to him all that I command thee; and he shall speak to Pharao, that he let the children of Israel go out of his land.


  9. No doubt. But renounce his liberty! Be on fixed wages! A sort of hired man of letters!


  1. 彭加利法郎

    Poincar franc.

  2. 可换875法郎。

    They are worth 875 francs.

  3. 法国法郎的贬值

    Devaluation of the French Franc

  4. 卢旺达法郎

    Rwanda franc.

  5. 请给我法郎。

    French francs, please.

  6. 五个法郎!亮晶晶的!

    Five francs! the shiner! a monarch! in this hole!

  7. 他们将预付130法郎。

    They will pay a hundred and thirty francs in advance.

  8. 这些法郎可以兑换多少?

    What will you give me for my French Francs?

  9. 我有旅行支票和法郎

    I might have enough in travelers'checks and francs

  10. 他们得先付200法郎。

    They had to pay two hundred francs in advance.

  11. 货币名称为法国法郎。

    Currency name for the French franc.

  12. 法郎得兑换价要调高。

    The franc is to be revalued.

  13. 法郎的兑换价要调高。

    The franc is to be revalued.

  14. 五千法郎一个月!

    Five thousand francs per month!

  15. 中三叠统法郎组

    Falang Formation of Middle Triassic

  16. 这些法郎可换三十美元。

    These francs are worth 30 dollars.

  17. 她大约有四百法郎。

    She had about four hundred francs.

  18. 他们把美元换成了法郎。

    They exchanged U. S. dollars for Francs.

  19. 这张照片至少值50法郎。

    The picture is worth at least fifty francs.

  20. 您能给我200瑞士法郎吗?

    Can you give me 200 dollars in Swiss francs

  21. 瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。

    The Swiss franc is a hard currency.

  22. 我把我的美元换成了法郎。

    I changed my dollars into francs.

  23. 那母亲照寄十五法郎。

    The mother paid the fifteen francs.

  24. 能否给我150日元得瑞士法郎

    Can you give me 150 yen in Swiss francs

  25. 能否给我150日元的瑞士法郎

    Can you give me 150 yen in Swiss francs

  26. 我需要把法郎兑换成美元。

    I need to change my francs into dollars.

  27. 回答是我就欠你100法郎。

    Answer yes, and I owe you100 francs.

  28. 每天三百法郎。可以吗

    Trois cents francs par nuit. Cela vous convient.

  29. 我们用瑞士法郎付款行不行?

    Is it possible that we pay you in Swiss francs ?

  30. 我们把英镑兑换成瑞士法郎。

    We convert our pound into Swiss Francs.


  1. 问:法郎拼音怎么拼?法郎的读音是什么?法郎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法郎的读音是fǎláng,法郎翻译成英文是 francos

  2. 问:法郎区拼音怎么拼?法郎区的读音是什么?法郎区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法郎区的读音是fǎ láng qū,法郎区翻译成英文是 Franc zone



1瑞士法郎=6.6466人民币(franc) 2002年前法国的法定货币单位。1法郎等于100生丁(centimes)。流通的纸币面额有10、20、50、100、200、500法郎,银币面额有5、10、50法郎,铸币面额有0.5、1、5、10法郎和1、5、10、20生丁。法国法郎由法国中央银行法兰西银行发行。该行从1848年开始发行钞票。第一次世界大战以后,法兰西银行发行了多种版式的钞票,但绝大部分都已停止流通,现在流通大多是七十年代以后发行的,钞票上的年号不是发行年版面而是印刷时间。

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