




以酒饭款待宾客:~客。~饮。~席。聚会在一起吃酒饭:~会。~集。酒席:设~。国~。盛(shèng)~。乐(lè),安闲:~娱。~嬉。~乐(yuè )。~居。……



汉语拼音:huān yàn






  1. 愉快地宴饮。

    汉 张衡 《南都赋》:“接欢宴於日夜,终愷乐之令仪。” 唐 李白 《赠王汉阳》诗:“与君数杯酒,可以穷欢宴。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“今天晚上在小侯帐内,已经准备好羊羔美酒,胡乐歌舞,请天子国舅一同欢宴。”

  2. 谓愉快地宴请。

    《人民日报》1954.11.4:“ 日本 红十字会、 日 中 友好协会等团体欢宴我红十字会访 日 代表团。”

  3. 欢聚。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《怀旧诗·伤王堪》:“欢宴未终毕,零落委山丘。”

  4. 歡讌:同“ 欢宴 ”。

    《晋书·王羲之传》:“衣食之餘,欲与亲知时共欢讌。” 清 林则徐 《中秋饮沙角炮台眺月有作》诗:“军中欢讌岂儿戏,此际正復参机谋。”

  5. 懽讌:宴饮行乐。

    清 方文 《从吴锦雯读宋玉淑诗喜而有寄》诗:“惆悵掩尊酒,何时共懽讌。”



  1. The night was his. He might go forth unquestioned and thrum the strings of jollity as free as any gay bachelor there.


  2. Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks and a time for family gathering and holiday meals .


  3. All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations.


  4. The parties will culminate on Saturday with a public feast and concert at Chinhoyi, about 50 miles west of Harare, which is to be televised.


  5. Now upon a certain day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their eldest brother.


  6. As I drew near, I could easily imagine the bohemians of 1816gathering by candlelight in the upstairs dining room to debate and carouse.


  7. Do you remember how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship?


  8. A day in which participants strive to keep meat free for 24 hours and heralds a month of vegetarian festivals and celebration.


  9. Of, relating to, or appropriate for a feast or festival.


  1. 快乐欢宴的节期

    season of good cheer

  2. 欢宴举行或参加酒宴

    To engage in or drink a wassail.

  3. 美艳的古代宫廷欢宴

    A brilliant court banquet in ancient times

  4. 他们打算通宵欢宴。

    They intended to feast the night away.

  5. 他们欢宴了一个晚上。

    They feasted all evening.

  6. 知道有人搅散了欢宴。

    Until someone put an end to the party.

  7. 他们在欢宴作乐,开怀畅饮。

    They were making merry with feasting and wine.

  8. 让我们的欢宴不辱春光!

    Let our revelry be suited to the spring!

  9. 他们在欢宴中度过整个夜晚。

    They feasted away all evening.

  10. 欢宴或欢庆某人的归来或到达

    Joyfully celebrate sb's return or arrival.

  11. 他是个欢宴的人是指他酗酒

    he was a convivial fellow. meaning he was an alcoholic.

  12. 春节是一家人团聚欢宴的日子。

    The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions and feasts.

  13. 可是一当欢宴结束, 一当灯火燃尽。

    But when the feast is finish and the lamps expire.

  14. 朋友的聚合带?欢宴和庆祝的喜悦。

    Gatherings of friends bring joy with conviviality and celebration.

  15. 参加欢宴的喧闹人群一涌而入。

    the irruption of a noisy group of revellers

  16. 派对杀手来了,我看这场欢宴就要落幕了。

    Here comes the party pooper. I guess this party's over.

  17. 随后就宣布每年都举行这个欢宴的决定。

    It was decided that the festival should be repeated at the same time the following year.

  18. 他们欢宴狂饮,还有吟游诗人的歌唱作伴助兴。

    There were feasts and drinking and singing by the bards.

  19. 当伯沙撒嘲笑神时,他的欢宴变成了丧礼。

    When Belshazzar mocked God, his feast became a funeral.

  20. 感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子。

    Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals.

  21. 中华公所举行一年一度春宴,众多嘉宾出席欢宴。

    CCBA hosted the annual New Year dinner, which was attended by many guests.

  22. 传统地,蒙古国人民在那达慕节要聚集欢宴几天。

    The Nadam Festival is a traditional occasion for Mongols to get together for a few days of festivity.

  23. 从财务报告来看,去年欢宴会财务状况是成功的。

    From the treasurer's report it would seem that our last festival was a financial success.

  24. 他们所有的朋友和家人都来参加了欢宴和庆祝活动。

    All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations.

  25. 一家人似乎经常一起欢宴,或许是轮流庆祝各人的生日。

    It seems the whole family had feasts together, probably on the birthday of each of the seven sons.

  26. 由于距离远, 所以餐桌上的大吃大喝变成了无声的精灵欢宴。

    Distance muted the gorging and tippling at the table to an elfin conviviality.

  27. 你可记得我们夺回冠军那天晚上我们是如何欢宴作乐的吗?

    Do you remember how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship?


  1. 问:欢宴拼音怎么拼?欢宴的读音是什么?欢宴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢宴的读音是huānyàn,欢宴翻译成英文是 feast; entertain at a banquet happily

  2. 问:欢宴的拼音怎么拼?欢宴的的读音是什么?欢宴的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢宴的的读音是,欢宴的翻译成英文是 convivial



huān yàn欢宴(欢讌)1.愉快地宴饮。 汉 张衡 《南都赋》:“接欢宴於日夜,终恺乐之令仪。” 唐 李白 《赠王汉阳》诗:“与君数杯酒,可以穷欢宴。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“今天晚上在小侯帐内,已经准备好羊羔美酒,胡乐歌舞,请天子国舅一同欢宴。”2.谓愉快地宴请。《人民日报》1954.11.4:“ 日本 红十字会、 日 中 友好协会等团体欢宴我红十字会访 日 代表团。”3.欢聚。 南朝 梁 沈约《怀旧诗·伤王堪》:“欢宴未终毕,零落委山丘。”同“ 欢宴 ”。 《晋书·王羲之传》:“衣食之馀,欲与亲知时共欢讌。” 清 林则徐 《中秋饮沙角炮台眺月有作》诗:“军中欢讌岂儿戏,此际正复参机谋。”

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