









汉语拼音:yīn dào bì



  1. What you're feeling for is a soft bump or slight change in the surface of your vaginal wall.


  2. In order for the vaginal walls to open wide enough for your had to fit in, she must be highly aroused.


  3. Unlike the clitoris, which protrudes out of the skin, the G-spot is above the vaginal wall which surrounds the urethra.


  4. He listed some of the medical consequences of forcing girls into sex and childbirth before they are physically mature: Ripped vaginal walls.


  5. I had a hysterectomy at a very young age and now (in my late 40s) have very thin vaginal walls, which makes sexual intercourse very painful.


  6. Herniation of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina.


  7. Avoiding excessive resection of the vaginal wall minimizes the odds of significant shortening and stenosis.


  8. Left: The "sweating" ( transudation) of the vaginal walls.


  9. It's about 1-2 inches inside your vagina, and on the front wall (toward your bellybutton).


  1. 这些激素通过阴道壁吸收。

    These hormones are absorbed through the vaginal walls.

  2. 膀胱突出通过阴道壁的膀胱突出

    Herniation of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina.

  3. 子宫的一部分与阴道壁是相连的。

    Part of the uterus is connected to the vaginal wall.

  4. 有些情况下,可以经阴道壁施行绝育手术。

    In some cases, a sterilization is performed through the vaginal wall.

  5. 口腔壁似乎不像肛门壁或阴道壁那么脆弱

    The lining of the mouth doesnt seem to be as vulnerable to HIV as the anus or vagina

  6. 实验的焦点被放在尿道后的前阴道壁组织部分。

    The target was an area of tissue on the front vaginal wall located behind the urethra.

  7. 阴道壁变得更薄,不那么有弹性,也就更容易受伤。

    The walls become thinner and more fragile as well as less elastic.

  8. 所以当你切除并取出子宫时也就撕破了阴道壁。

    So when you pull out the uterus, you are ripping the vaginal wall.

  9. 目的探讨阴道壁平滑肌瘤的来源、误诊原因与治疗方法。

    ObjectiveTo study the origination, reasons of misdiagnosis and therapy of leiomyoma of vaginal wall.

  10. 实际子宫上是锚钉在阴道壁上的,其次还有膀胱和直肠。

    The uterus actually anchors the vaginal wall, which in turn anchors the bladder and rectum.

  11. 在性兴奋期,阴道壁分泌水样液体,以备性交时润滑的需要。

    During sexual excitement, these walls secrete a watery substance which serves as a lubricant coitus.

  12. 探讨女性后盆腔清除术后阴道后壁重建得方法和意义。

    To explore the technique and clinical significance of vagina reconstruction in posterior pelvic exenteration.

  13. 目得探讨一种治疗阴道壁膨出得新方法。

    Objective To explore a new method of the treatment for vaginal wall prolapse.

  14. 牵引宫颈以暴露阴道前壁黏膜。

    Traction is placed on the cervix to expose the posterior vaginal mucosa.

  15. 缝扎后宫骶韧带被固定于阴道后侧壁黏膜。

    Once ligated, the uterosacral ligaments are transfixed to the posterior lateral vaginal mucosa.

  16. 这样你可以在刺激阴道后壁的同时爱抚自己。

    Youll have the back wall of your vagina stimulated at the same time that you can caress yourself down below.

  17. 方法对112例阴道松弛患者施行双侧侧壁法阴道缩窄术。

    Methods 112 patients suffering from vaginal relaxation were treated by bilateral wall vaginal constrictive operation.

  18. 应用纵行腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣行阴道再造术的护理

    Perioperative care for patients with vaginal reconstruction using perforator flap of inferior epigastric artery


  1. 问:阴道壁横嵴拼音怎么拼?阴道壁横嵴的读音是什么?阴道壁横嵴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阴道壁横嵴的读音是yīn dào bì héng jí,阴道壁横嵴翻译成英文是 transverse ridge's of vaginal wall

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