




1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:mín diào



  1. He said he would not be surprised if his opinion poll ratings dropped somewhat since he's been out of the country.


  2. Pollsters, who have not always been accurate in their predictions of Palestinian voting, say Fatah should win.


  3. Raleigh, North Carolina surpassed Washington, Seattle and Boston to be named the American city with the best quality of life in a new poll.


  4. WITH a seven-point lead in the polls a few days before voting, the race for America's presidency is now Barack Obama's to lose.


  5. But what this poll failed to ask was whether we fear governmental abuse of our online data as much as abuse from private companies.


  6. Polls conducted over the past three years show that less than 20 percent of the public currently says it favors possessing such a deterrent.


  7. With his poll numbers at last beginning to rise from record lows, Mr Sarkozy is in no mood to make unpopular spending cuts.


  8. Finally, Guatemala is one of Latin America's most rural societies, which makes it a nightmare for pollsters.


  9. Yet the ordinary voters may not be so sure: according to a survey by BVA, a polling group, 53% did not find her speech convincing.


  1. 这类民歌曲调多变,朴实流畅,生活气息浓厚。

    Such folk tunes and changeable, simple smooth, rich flavor of life.

  2. 民调你如何看待有钱人

    People unhappy with the rich Poll.

  3. 该在线民调从1月18日持续至21日。

    Zobgy conducted the online poll between January 18 and 21.

  4. 民调显示,保守党落后于政府17个百分点。

    The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent.

  5. 这项民调获得五万名受访者回应。

    This survey received 50,000 responses.

  6. 但是, 民主党人对民调趋势持积极态度。

    Texas is becoming younger, more Hispanic and more urban.

  7. 民调显示英国大众不支持美对伊动武

    Poll results show that British people are against use of force on Iraq by US

  8. 不过民调显示卢武弦将会赢得公投。

    Opinion polls indicate Roh Moo Hyun will survive the referendum.

  9. 但是民调结果显示麦凯恩将难以反败为胜。

    But public opinion polls suggest that McCain will have to climb out of a deep hole.

  10. 实际上,有民调显示一半的选民已谨慎行事。

    Indeed, there are opinion polls which suggest that half the electorate already feels that way.

  11. 最近得民调显示, 奥巴马在维吉尼亚领先。

    The latest polls give Obama a lead in Virginia.

  12. 最近的民调显示,奥巴马在维吉尼亚领先。

    The latest polls give Obama a lead in Virginia.

  13. 民调显示公共舆论对此项税改喜忧参半。

    Polls indicate public opinion is evenly split on the tax.

  14. 专职政治人物和政治观察人士显然也离不开民调。

    Apparently neither can the professional politicos and political observers.

  15. 此外,勒庞的民调数字要比其对手更为可靠。

    Moreover, Mr. Le Pen's poll numbers seem more solid than his rivals' .

  16. 一方面, 因为量大, 民调多少可以显现出整体趋势。

    On the one hand, there is a great deal of polling data, which is at least suggestive of general trends.

  17. 一些民调显示, 美国人民厌恶赤字高涨甚于经济疲软。

    Some opinion polls suggest people would prefer a weaker economy to higher deficits.

  18. 民调是了解竞选动态的有益工具,不应否定它。

    They are very useful tools to understand the dynamics of an election, so they should not be dismissed.

  19. 现在, 民调显示, 支持共和党的拉美裔选民大大减少。

    Today polls show a significant drop in Hispanic backing for the Republican Party.

  20. 经济问题帮助奥巴马在民调中超越他得对手。

    The issue has helped Obama pull ahead of his rival in the polls.

  21. 经济问题帮助奥巴马在民调中超越他的对手。

    The issue has helped Obama pull ahead of his rival in the polls.

  22. 一月份民调显示保守党领先工党五至七个百分点。

    Polls in January showed the Tories leading Labour by five to seven points.

  23. 这些争论似乎损害了奥巴马在全国民调中的支持。

    The controversies appear to have eroded support for Obama in national polls.

  24. 但是, 最新的民调显示, 奥巴马略微领先麦凯恩。

    But the latest opinion polls give Obama a narrow lead over McCain.

  25. 民调显示近半数加人认为哈珀政府缺乏明确施政纲领

    Half of Canadians think Harper lacks a clear agenda, poll suggests

  26. 本周出炉的全球新民调显示他们的努力得到了回报。

    Now a new global opinion survey out this week suggests their efforts have paid off.

  27. 民调中的陆克文似乎显然正向被忘却的边缘迈进。

    Kevin Rudd seems to be obliviously marching towards poll oblivion.

  28. 辩论后得两个民调显示,拜登在辩论中得表现更为出色。

    After the debate, two polls indicated that Biden fared better in the debate.

  29. 这些争论似乎损害了奥巴马在全国民调中得支持。

    The controversies appear to have eroded support for Obama in national polls.

  30. 按当前民调数据计算,共和党将重获众议院的控制权。

    On current numbers, Republicans will regain control of the house.




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