




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……





汉语拼音:tiān dì rén



  1. The theory on Tian(universe), Di(earth), and Ren(human) is one of the important composition of traditional Chinese culture.


  2. The world with the human beings all celebrate happiness, The world share propitiousness forever!


  3. The simplest words, with the wings of inspirational notes and bright colors, are lingering in the world and hearts of human being.


  4. Discuss on "Nature, Earth and Human Being Three-element Medical Model"


  5. This paper studied the theoretical system in plant landscape constructing based on the theory on Tian, Di, and Ren.


  6. The three luminaries, are the sun, the moon and the stars.


  7. Tea into the world in one, advocate " tea, a world" .


  8. The Three Forces are Heaven, Earth, and Man.


  9. Watching the Changes of Relationship between the Heavens, the Earth, Human Being and Gods


  1. 龙虎之拳。天地人

    Ryuuko no Ken Ten Chi Jin

  2. 天地与人一理

    The world and the person are a principle

  3. 不见那唯一充塞天地的人, 这是何等的空虚!

    What a void in the absence of the being who, by herself alone fills the world!

  4. 我已遇过用这种方法闯出一片天地的人了。

    I have met people who are already working this way successfully.

  5. 人与天地相参

    correspondence between man and universe

  6. 这失恋的人一天天地憔悴下去。

    Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined.

  7. 所以, 忘掉这个躯壳般自我的人, 是天地之友。

    So, any one who forgets the shell is a friend of Heaven and Earth.

  8. 三才者, 天地人, 三光者, 日月星。

    The three luminaries, are the sun, the moon and the stars.

  9. 固执的思想主义者是天地间最崇高的人。

    tough idealist is natures noblest creature.

  10. 天地人和齐贺喜气洋洋,天长地久共享快乐吉祥!

    The world with all celebrate happiness, The world share propitiousness forever!

  11. 上檐蓝色,中檐黄色,下檐绿色,象征天地人三位一体。

    The upper eave was blue, the middle eave yellow and the lower green. This symbolized the combination of the heaven, earth and the people.

  12. 无论是三画卦还是六画卦,都是天地人三才的取象。

    Either three or six divinatory symbols are just the images derived from heaven, earth and Man, the core of Three.

  13. 无论是三画卦还是六画卦,都是天地人三才得取象。

    Either three or six divinatory symbols are just the images derived from heaven, earth and Man, the core of Three.

  14. 从先秦两汉艺术品装饰题材看天地人神关系的演变

    Watching the Changes of Relationship between the Heavens, the Earth, Human Being and Gods

  15. 每个人都是自己小天地的中心。

    Each person is the centre of his own universe.

  16. 令人惴惴不安的日子一天天地过去。

    The breathless days slipped by.

  17. 在小天地里称王称霸的人

    cock of the roost

  18. 天地不可长生, 何况人乎。

    The universe and earth can not stay eternally, much less the human being.

  19. 她们还是那句话人神接轨, 天地共勉。

    They were still the same God converge earth encouragement.

  20. 日子一大天地过去, 峡谷里全没有什么人到来。

    For some time no one else turned up, and Mrs. Shi felt calmer.

  21. 我感到一天又一天地做同样的工作令人十分厌烦。

    I find it very tiresome doing the same job day after day.

  22. 蒙古人尊崇马奶酒,祭祀祖先和天地神佛时要献马奶酒。

    Kumiss Mongolian reverence, worship ancestors and deities when and earth to offer horse milk wine.

  23. 念天地之悠悠 我想每个人的感受都会有所不同

    that this has gone on for a long time, and we're experiencing it in a different way.

  24. 对于求知欲和抱负大的人来说, 它乃是通向广阔天地的途径。

    To the intellectually adventurous and the ambitious it was the gateway to a wider world.

  25. 她要独立与天地为伍,离开那令人窒息的世纪的假面舞会。

    She could feel alone with theand the sky, away from the oppressive masquerade of ages.

  26. 在这片广阔的天地里,城里人既吃到了苦头,也尝到了甜头。

    In this wide world, oppidan had bitter taste already, also savor benefit.


  1. 问:天地人 (大河剧)拼音怎么拼?天地人 (大河剧)的读音是什么?天地人 (大河剧)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天地人 (大河剧)的读音是,天地人 (大河剧)翻译成英文是 Tenchijin



“天地人”是个多义词,它可以指天地人(原中央电视台西部频道节目), 天地人(易金刚起草著作), 天地人(2009年NHK电视台大河剧), 天地人(北京2008年残奥会会徽图案), 天地人(下)。

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