







汉语拼音:zhěn liáo







  1. 诊脉治疗。

    《资治通鉴·唐懿宗咸通十一年》:“昨公主有疾,深軫圣慈。 宗劭 等诊疗之时,惟求疾愈,备施方术。” 胡三省 注:“诊,止忍翻,候脉也。疗,力照翻,治疾也。” 宋 吕陶 《知渝州王叔重墓志铭》:“置医生,审方剂,督察诊疗,以救尚鬼不药之死。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·庵遇》:“莫不是相思已甚将魂掉,欢欣太过将神耗,穷通欲变将形造,不用寻医诊疗。”



  1. Therefore, if the children have strabismus , amblyopia should take the best treatment, not to delay treatment.


  2. When a patient comes to see him at his surgery, he whips out his laptop and shows them onscreen how long they might live.


  3. Chuck could simply call Durenda and ask her to describe the results of her examination.


  4. the rate of good cases could be used as an index to evaluate the medical quality of hospitals, departments, and doctors.


  5. There is an old joke about a person who walks into a surgery and says, 'Doctor, doctor, people keep ignoring me.


  6. We had a completely equipped dental clinic and a medical room with a full- time nurse in charge .


  7. abstract: The medical monitoring technical level is one of important indexes reflecting hospital, or community's diagnose and treat quality.


  8. 'A nurse rushes into an exam room and says . . . ' Uh, let me start all over again.


  9. Nor do experts worry that the Relate Website might become a favourite--a place to spend hours online in the name of Internet therapy.


  1. 诊疗规范化

    standardization of diagnosis and treatment.

  2. 侵袭性诊疗

    invasive diagncosis and treatment.

  3. 诊疗社会学

    Science and Practice clinical sociology.

  4. 门诊诊疗人次

    The number of outpatient

  5. 心理卫生诊疗所

    mental hygiene clinic

  6. 问题儿童诊疗所

    clinic for problem children

  7. 临床诊疗指南。

    Clinical guidelines for diagnosis and therapy.

  8. 诊疗资料咨询表格

    medical enquiry form

  9. 他入院接受诊疗。

    He was hospitalized for diagnosis and treatment.

  10. 五步诊疗法

    five step treatment.

  11. 牙医的一次诊疗

    a session with the dentist

  12. 新生儿败血症诊疗方案

    Protocol for diagnosis and treatment of neonatal septicemia

  13. 马流行性感冒的诊疗

    Diaguosis and Treatment of Equine Influenza

  14. 仔猪水肿病的诊疗

    A report of diagnosis and treatment of oedema disease in piglet

  15. 藏医独特的诊疗方法。

    Unique diagnostic and treatment methods of Tibetan medicine.

  16. 石湖墟赛马会诊疗所

    Shek Wu Hui Jockey Club Clinic

  17. 我们不会违反诊疗规程

    We don't break protocol.

  18. 奶牛产道损伤的诊疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Birth Canal Injuries in Dairy Cows

  19. 猪丹毒病的诊疗体会

    Understanding on diagnosis and treatment of erysipelas disease in pig

  20. 我下午要去诊疗所看病。

    I will go to the clinic to see the doctor this afternoon.

  21. 儿童善太息的诊疗经验

    Experience in diagnosing and treating child preference for sighing

  22. 雏鸵鸟白肌病的诊疗

    White muscle disease of young ostrichs

  23. 颈部肿物诊疗的探讨

    The Explore of Diagnosis and Treatment of Neck Tumour

  24. 气管支气管损伤的诊疗体会

    Surgical treatment of trauma of the trachea and bronchi

  25. 牛黑斑病甘茹中毒诊疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment for Sweet Potato Black Rot Poisoning

  26. 医生的诊疗时间是什麽时候

    What are the doctors consultation hours

  27. 牛缺钙性跛行的诊疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment on Lameness Calcium Deficiency of Cattle

  28. 医生向我收了诊疗费。

    The doctor charged me a fee.

  29. 职业病诊疗等劳动者健康资料。

    Materials relating to workershealth, including diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases.

  30. 请问到诊疗室怎么走?

    Can you tell me how to get to the Consulting Room?


  1. 问:诊疗拼音怎么拼?诊疗的读音是什么?诊疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊疗的读音是zhěnliáo,诊疗翻译成英文是 diagnosis and treatment

  2. 问:诊疗所拼音怎么拼?诊疗所的读音是什么?诊疗所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊疗所的读音是zhěnliáosuǒ,诊疗所翻译成英文是 A clinic.

  3. 问:诊疗所拼音怎么拼?诊疗所的读音是什么?诊疗所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊疗所的读音是zhěnliáo suǒ,诊疗所翻译成英文是 Clinic

  4. 问:诊疗灯拼音怎么拼?诊疗灯的读音是什么?诊疗灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊疗灯的读音是zhěn liáo dēng,诊疗灯翻译成英文是 dispensary lamp

  5. 问:诊疗费拼音怎么拼?诊疗费的读音是什么?诊疗费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊疗费的读音是zhěnliáofèi,诊疗费翻译成英文是 Expenses that are paid for diagnosis and treatm...

  6. 问:诊疗性咨询拼音怎么拼?诊疗性咨询的读音是什么?诊疗性咨询翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊疗性咨询的读音是zhěn liáo xìng zī xún,诊疗性咨询翻译成英文是 diagnosis – treatment counseling




【读音】zhěn liáo


【出处】《资治通鉴·唐懿宗咸通十一年》:“昨公主有疾,深轸圣慈。宗劭等诊疗之时,惟求疾愈,备施方术。” 胡三省注:“诊,止忍翻,候脉也。疗,力照翻,治疾也。” 宋·吕陶《知渝州王叔重墓志铭》:“置医生,审方剂,督察诊疗,以救尚鬼不药之死。”


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