


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……


1. 堡 [bǎo]2. 堡 [bǔ]3. 堡 [pù]堡 [bǎo]军事上防守用的建筑物:~垒。城~。桥头~。古代指土筑的小城:“徐嵩、胡空各聚众五千,据险筑~以自固”。堡 [bǔ]有城墙的村镇,泛指村庄(多用于地名):~子。马家~。堡 ……



汉语拼音:dì bǎo



供步枪、机枪射击 用的加以掩盖的低矮的工事。一般为砖石或钢筋混凝土结构。用于掩护桥梁、渡口或封锁街巷、道路和 开阔地。



  1. 供步枪、机枪射击用的低矮工事,有顶,通常为圆形。

    魏巍 《东方》第五部第五章:“顷刻间,敌人无名高地上各个地堡的机枪,都调转了方向,向着 陈三 射击。”



  1. Johnson, Dingee and a third soldier, Robert Hooker, were set up in a bunker at the top of the hill as the fight started.


  2. I get my gun, and if I can blow out one of these pylons, all of you run as fast as you can for the Sekiton storage bunker!


  3. When he reached the top, one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns.


  4. If you are deep in a bunker-like building or on the train, you may not be able to access websites.


  5. and he sent out word that no one in the bunker was to go to bed until further orders.


  6. And her husband should have been interrupted to be told about an airplane scare that sent her hurrying for cover in an underground bunker.


  7. When deployed, you can pop the cyborg in and out of the bunker to constantly EMP your attackers.


  8. The president of S Africa, Joseph Zuma, hit the news recently for building a lavish underground bunker in his home town of Nkandla.


  9. Sixty-four years later, the world is still in the dark about what really happened in Hitler's bunker on 30 April 1945.


  1. 他对这个德军地堡深恶痛绝。

    He hates that it was a German bunker.

  2. 地堡的名字被装饰在那儿。

    The name of the bunker is tiled in there.

  3. 地堡真的没有想象中的那么大。

    The bunker really wasn't that big.

  4. 苏联将会在国内修建一些地堡

    SOV will build some forts in their country

  5. 地堡是设计用来抵御核爆炸的。

    The bunker is designed to withstand a nuclear blast.

  6. 我们只能返回散兵坑和地堡。

    Again back to the foxholes and bunkers.

  7. 两个大厅是这座地堡的中心。

    The two halls were the heart of the bunker.

  8. 地堡位于河岸边隆起的斜坡上。

    The bunkers were situated on a rise that ran up from the river bank.

  9. 这座地堡能够独立运行两个星期。

    The bunker was able to workindependently for two weeks.

  10. 地堡的地点通常是个守护严密的秘密。

    The bunker location is always a carefully guarded secret.

  11. 精英将泄漏他们的计划甚至他们地堡的位置!

    The elite will reveal their plans and even the locations of their bunkers!

  12. 炮弹击穿了他的地堡, 维特当场毙命。

    Caught by shell splinters as he dived into a bunker, Witt was killed instantly.

  13. 你可以从地堡直到城堡的屋顶参观游览。

    You can explore the castle from dungeon to tower.

  14. 命令所有的指挥部转移到北面的地堡里去。

    Order all command posts to puii back north of the tunneI bunker.

  15. 截至2004年5月,两个加封地堡没有发现变化。

    As of May2004, no changes at the area of the two sealed bunkers were observed.

  16. 但是在地堡内的护士能治疗到地堡外的单位?

    But medics in a bunker can heal units outside a bunker.

  17. 第二个,更小的紧急出口在地堡的西部。

    A second, smaller, emergency exit was located on the western side of the bunker.

  18. 可选得火箭兵去对方得地堡,机枪兵去您得蓝矿地堡。

    Optional Rocketmen to his bunker, Riflemen to your blue field bunker.

  19. 人民公社的农田里仍然立着国民党军队建造的地堡。

    Peoples Commune on which is still located a bunker built by Chiang Kai Shek's army. 1980.

  20. 塞满了精密无线电装置的一座混凝土地堡。

    A concrete bunker crammed full of delicate radio equipment.

  21. 战争快结束时,我去了一趟希特勒的地堡。

    Near the end, I came to Hitler's bunker.

  22. 这座地堡的上面一层楼与地面在同一平面。

    The upper floor of the bunker is on the same level with theground surface.

  23. 我当时还在奇怪,他为什么会把护士放进地堡。

    I was thinking. why would he put his Medic in the Bunker.

  24. 用黑手清掉驻守得步兵, 然后自己占一个地堡。

    Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and then take it for yourself.

  25. 用黑手清掉驻守的步兵, 然后自己占一个地堡。

    Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and then take it for yourself.

  26. 并传出命令,地堡里任何人不得就寝,等待下一步命令。

    and he sent out word that no one in the bunker was to go to bed until further orders.

  27. 这种模式, 看起来每天都会发生, 而且和地堡爆炸无关!

    Such patterns, it seems, are a daily occurrence, and do not involve bunker busting!

  28. 德国将会在得到所有建筑工业科技后再修建地堡。

    GER will wait to build forts till he has all the fort bonus techs.

  29. 战争结束两个月后,温斯顿。丘吉尔参观了地堡。

    Two months after the end of the war, Winston Churchill visited it.

  30. 那位受伤士兵把最后一颗炸弹掷进了敌人的地堡。

    The wounded soldier hurled his last bomb into the enemy bunker.


  1. 问:地堡拼音怎么拼?地堡的读音是什么?地堡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地堡的读音是dìbǎo,地堡翻译成英文是 bunker; blockhouse; an underground shelter

  2. 问:地堡作战拼音怎么拼?地堡作战的读音是什么?地堡作战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地堡作战的读音是dì bǎo zuò zhàn,地堡作战翻译成英文是 Blockhouse Operation

  3. 问:地堡内电话传令人员拼音怎么拼?地堡内电话传令人员的读音是什么?地堡内电话传令人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地堡内电话传令人员的读音是dì bǎo nèi diàn huà chuán lìng rén yuán,地堡内电话传令人员翻译成英文是 Blockhouse Talker




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