







汉语拼音:jiǒng jiǒng






  1. 亦作“烱烱”。明亮或光亮貌。

    晋 潘岳 《秋兴赋》:“登春臺之熙熙兮,珥金貂之烱烱。” 唐 卢纶 《和马郎中画鹤赞》:“暮云冥冥,双垂雪翎;晨光炯炯,一直朱顶。”《明史·方孝孺传》:“ 孝孺 幼警敏,双眸炯炯。” 冰心 《寄小读者》九:“窗外严净的天空里,疏星炯炯。”

  2. 光明。

    唐 杜甫 《偪仄行赠毕曜》:“徒步翻愁长官怒,此心烱烱君应识。” 宋 陈亮 《祭周参政文》:“安归田里,一无懟言,烱烱此心,实昭於天。” 宋 陆游 《书感》诗:“此心炯炯空添泪,青史他年未必知。”

  3. 明察貌。

    清 龚自珍 《戒将归文》:“精炯炯其独寤兮,物温温其烛楹。”

  4. 双目不闭貌。多形容有心事而彻夜不寐。

    《楚辞·严忌<哀时命>》:“夜炯炯而不寐兮,怀隐忧而歷兹。” 王逸 注:“言己中心愁怛,目为炯炯而不能眠。” 汉 王粲 《伤夭赋》:“昼忽忽其若昏,夜炯炯而至明。”



  1. When he entered the room, his regal aura, luminous eyes, and simple eloquence seemed magnified by his physical decline.


  2. He had black fiery eyes, coal-black hair, a strong fine Roman profile, and a rich brown complexion.


  3. One of them was in his forties, of medium height, with a pointed face and black, piercing eyes.


  4. There was a continual play of lambent fire about his eyes.


  5. dolohov slowly straightened his bent leg , and looked with his clear , insolent eyes straight in the generals face.


  6. His eyes were hot and steely, his mouth open in passionate rage.


  7. The eyes of even the most modest women light up the moment hope is born.


  8. The white of his eyes shone in his sun- brown face .


  9. However there is an obvious characteristic, one of his deep set eyes, brightly terribles, Moncler Manteau, mean that he isn't a good people.


  1. 炯炯有神的眼睛

    sparkling eyes

  2. 两眼炯炯有神

    have a pair of bright piercing eyes.

  3. 粗衣炯炯, 天亦迥迥。

    And your hemp robe shines, in the contrast with the sky.

  4. 粗衣炯炯,天亦迥迥。

    And your hemp robe shines, in the contrast with the sky.

  5. 她的眼睛炯炯有神。

    There was a sparkle in her eyes.

  6. 她面颊红润, 目光炯炯。

    Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes shone.

  7. 他的两眼炯炯发光。

    There was a wild sparkin his eyes.

  8. 他那双眸子炯炯有神。

    He has a pair of gleaming, penetrating eyes.

  9. 他的眼睛总是炯炯有神。

    Theres a perpetual twinkle in his eyes.

  10. 他的眼睛总是炯炯有神。

    There's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes.

  11. 充满生命的活力和炯炯光明。

    Dead place with light, and life, and vernal air.

  12. 他容光焕发,两眼炯炯有神。

    There was new color in his face and his eyes were sparkling.

  13. 她舞步轻快, 两眼炯炯发光。

    She danced, light as a feather, eyes shinning.

  14. 警察目光炯炯地逼视着犯罪分子。

    The policeman stared at the criminal sternly.

  15. 她的眼睛非常年轻,炯炯有神。

    Her eyes had remain young and vivacious.

  16. 她有一双炯炯有神的眼睛。

    She has two live eyes.

  17. 他的双眼象旭日,炯炯有神。

    His eyes are as glorious as the sun at its rising.

  18. 人们总是说她的眼睛炯炯有神。

    People always mention the sparkle of her eyes.

  19. 上帝炯炯的目光全部融入温柔的恩泽。

    And all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence.

  20. 他目光炯炯地紧盯着他儿子的眼睛。

    His eyes were flashing direct into his son's.

  21. 他矮而且瘦, 可是目光炯炯有神。

    He was short and thin, with, however, a pair of gleaming, penetrating eyes.

  22. 你有一双黑色的眼睛,炯炯有神。

    You had a black eye. A right bloody shiner.

  23. 他的眼睛因充满希望而炯炯有神。

    His eyes are alive with hope.

  24. 他身材矮小瘦削,可是目光炯炯有神。

    He was short and thin, but had bright penetrating eyes.

  25. 她的眼睛是灰色的, 比较小, 然而炯炯发亮。

    Her grey eyes were small but full of light.

  26. 芳汀顿时两眼炯炯发光,喜溢眉宇。

    Fantine's eyes beamed and filled her whole face with light.

  27. 虽然戴了眼镜,可眼睛却炯炯有神。

    While wearing glasses, but to the eyes sparkle.

  28. 引人注目的是一双炯炯有神的蓝眼睛。

    It was the intelligent blue eyes that dominated.

  29. 它的毛发增粗了 双眼炯炯有神。

    Well, her fur is thicker, she's got a little sparkle in her eye.

  30. 他是个青年人,目光炯炯有神,行动敏捷。

    He was a youny man, bright of eye and quick of movement.


  1. 问:炯炯拼音怎么拼?炯炯的读音是什么?炯炯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炯炯的读音是jiǒngjiǒng,炯炯翻译成英文是 bright

  2. 问:炯炯的拼音怎么拼?炯炯的的读音是什么?炯炯的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炯炯的的读音是,炯炯的翻译成英文是 fiery




拼音:jiǒng jiǒng,释义:形容明亮(多用于目光):目光~;两眼~有神。

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