


1. 坏 [huài]2. 坏 [pēi]3. 坏 [pī]4. 坏 [péi]坏 [huài]品质恶劣,有害:~蛋。~人。~事。~水。人体、东西受了损伤,被 毁: 破~。败~。质量差,不完美:这所房子不~。表示程度深(用在动词后面):忙~……




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:huài hái zi








坏孩子 [huài hái zi]
  1. 坏是形容词,孩子是名词,本词多用于形容坏的小孩,比如说逃学的,去网吧的,多为贬义。也用于形容有主见、叛逆的孩子,多为褒义。



  1. On the surface, IBM appears to be the bad guy, supplying a malfunctioning database and then refusing to help when things turned bad.


  2. In numerous lock feudal education, he appeared to be a "bad boy" .


  3. at last the enemy s mother appeared , and called tom a bad , vicious , vulgar child , and ordered him away.


  4. No matter how bad the weather is, the children will play football on the playground, notwithstanding.


  5. He was unafraid to take risks, to do what no one else was doing--he was a rebel, "l'enfant terrible, " and he was greatly loved.


  6. 'You were always so angry and violent, such a wicked child! '


  7. The college entrance testing was ove, the learning life including the experiences that I was a bad boy can be finished.


  8. If I was the bad boy. Then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all.


  9. She is grabbed by her uncle and told that she is a bad child, and to stay in her chair.


  1. 正如没有坏孩子一样。

    Just as there are no bad children.

  2. 我断定他会惯坏孩子。

    I conclude that he would spoil his child.

  3. 她不是个坏孩子,马科斯。

    She's not a bad kid, Marcus.

  4. 太多的纵容会惯坏孩子。

    Too much indulgence spoils a child.

  5. 听说你是个坏孩子, 简爱。

    I hear you are a wicked child, Jane Eyre.

  6. 坏孩子要站在角落里罚站。

    Bad children will be stood in the comer in shame.

  7. 纵容得父母经常会惯坏孩子。

    Pampering parents often have spoilt children.

  8. 纵容的父母经常会惯坏孩子。

    Pampering parents often have spoilt children.

  9. 纵容的父母经常会惯坏孩子。

    Pampering parents often have spoilt children.

  10. 我不知道如何对待这些坏孩子。

    I don't know how to deal with these bad children.

  11. 坏孩子专挑年纪更小的孩子欺负。

    Bullies pick on younger children.

  12. 他总是和一群坏孩子去旅行。

    He's always travelling with a bad group of kids

  13. 坏孩子要受罚站在墙角受到羞辱。

    I stand the corner in shame.

  14. 那些坏孩子把苹果树劫摘一空。

    The bad boys rifled the apple tree.

  15. 这坏孩子最终得到了应有的惩罚。

    The bad boy got his just deserts in the end.

  16. 这坏孩子使他妈得心伤透了。

    The bad boy broke his mother's heart.

  17. 这坏孩子使他妈的心伤透了。

    The bad boy broke his mother's heart.

  18. 他母亲不让他与一群坏孩子交往。

    His mother doesn't allow him to get in with the wrong crowd of boys.

  19. 谁告诉你我和一帮坏孩子在鬼混?

    Who tell you I hang about with a gang ?

  20. 今春,英国艺术界的坏孩子再次粉墨登场了。

    THIS spring the bad boys of British art are making a comeback.

  21. 他与一帮坏孩子交往,因而成为一个小罪犯。

    He got into the wrong crowd of boys and ended up a petty criminal.

  22. 他们把她说服了,叫她相信我是一个坏孩子。

    They had persuaded her that I was a wicked fellow.

  23. 你不能改变一个坏孩子,但你可以改变坏习惯。

    You can't change a bad child, but you can change bad behavior.

  24. 他和一帮坏孩子来往,因而成了一名小罪犯。

    He got in with the wrong crowd of boys and ended up a petty criminal.

  25. 但实际上你还是那个我在少教所救的坏孩子

    but deep down you're still the same punk kid I saved in juvie.

  26. 不要和坏孩子交朋友, 人们认为物以类聚, 人以群分。

    Don't be friends with bad boys. People think that birds of a feather flock together.

  27. 没有哪个父母想让自己的孩子变成一个被宠坏的坏孩子。

    No parent wants a child who is a spoiled brat.

  28. 他长大后成了一个行为恶劣的坏孩子,对罗西残忍寡情。

    He grows up a badly behaved child, treating his nurse brutally.

  29. 惯坏了孩子

    corrupt the child.

  30. 被惯坏得孩子总是为所欲为。

    A spoiled child wants his own way all the time.


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“坏孩子”是个多义词,它可以指坏孩子(汉语词语), 坏孩子(谢容儿演唱歌曲)。

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