


1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……







汉语拼音:ā lián qiú






  1. It had to be cleared for travel by the Dubai Police Authorities, the Dubai International Airport, and the Emirates' safety team.


  2. What creditors do not yet know, however, is whether the United Arab Emirates is capable of a co-ordinated response to Dubai's debt woes.


  3. Now Dubai seems to have acknowledged reality: the UAE is one country, dependent on Abu Dhabi and its vast oil wealth.


  4. Emirates is often accused by envious Europeans of growing thanks to state subsidies.


  5. "There was a misunderstanding between senior officials in the UAE and Finmeccanica leadership over specifications, " he said.


  6. Andrew Parker, Emirates senior vice-president, said he was unaware of any other airlines that had been asked to raise prices.


  7. how much do you know about UAE?


  8. He said EK studied carriers from small countries with robust economies, like Swissair and Singapore Airlines, when it was established.


  9. Staveley may be celebrated in the British media for her dealmaking prowess but I've heard more critical talk back in her adopted hometown.


  1. 阿联酋求购绷带等。

    Buying Medical Bandage And Plaster.

  2. 阿联酋求购煤气炊具

    Buy Gas Cooker From China

  3. 阿联酋迪拜世界贸易中心

    The Dubai World Trade Centre

  4. 阿联酋口岸通关务实指南

    Guideline of the practical clearance of the commerce at ports of United Arab Emirates

  5. 你对阿联酋的了解有多少?

    how much do you know about UAE

  6. 突尼斯和阿联酋也有兴趣。

    Tunisia and the UAE have also shown interest.

  7. 伊部队搜寻遭绑阿联酋外交官

    Iraqi Forces Search for Kidnapped UAE Diplomat

  8. 谢赫阿卜杜拉是阿联酋总统弟弟。

    Sheikh Ahmed is the younger brother of the president of the Unied Arab Emirates.

  9. 阿联酋公司求购饮料, 水果罐头, 淀粉, 健康食品

    Beverages, Canned fruits, Starch, Health food. It is an impo.

  10. 阿布扎比是阿联酋七个半自治酋长国之一。

    Abu Dhabi is one of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the UAE.

  11. 阿联酋的居民每年大约花1。09亿美元购买烟草。

    Residents of the UAE spend about USD 109 million a year on tobacco, she said.

  12. 阿联酋得居民每年大约花1。09亿美元购买烟草。

    Residents of the UAE spend about USD 109 million a year on tobacco, she said.

  13. 双方宣称阿联酋将放弃铀浓缩并签署该议定书。

    Both sides say the UAE will forego enrichment and sign the protocol.

  14. 阿联酋已经冻结了面包,大米等主要食品的价格。

    Already, the U. A. E. has frozen prices for bread, rice and other staples.

  15. 阿联酋宣布承担巴勒斯坦杰宁难民营重建费用

    UAE pledges to bear all costs of rebuilding Palestinian camp at Jenin

  16. 阿联酋航空公司经杜拜来回香港至马德里机票。

    Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Madrid on EK.

  17. 与主教练马加特一道,有机会去拜会阿联酋王储。

    Alongside coach Felix Magath he had the privilege to have an audience with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

  18. 此费用包括办理授权书及递交到阿联酋领事馆公证。

    The fees includes preparation of POA, which will be notarized at the Consulate of UAE.

  19. 阿联酋周日说, 将从10月11日起禁止大部分黑莓服务。

    The U. A. E. said Sunday it would prohibit most BlackBerry services starting Oct.

  20. 在阿联酋,你可以直接从一台自动贩卖机购买金条。

    In the UAE, you can buy bars direct from a vending machine.

  21. 湿润烧伤膏和美比欧疤痕平在阿联酋的应用体会

    Experience of using MEBO Burn Ointment and MEBO Scar Lotion in United Arab Emirates

  22. 湿润烧伤膏和美比欧疤痕平在阿联酋得应用体会

    Experience of using MEBO Burn Ointment and MEBO Scar Lotion in United Arab Emirates.

  23. 阿联酋或者沙特阿拉伯可以与尼日利亚和俄罗斯合并。

    The United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia could roll up Nigeria and Russia.

  24. 阿联酋穆卡塔尔立交桥有粘结预应力工程施工工艺

    Brief Introduction of Construction Technology of Prestress with Bond for Flyover Bridge Project in AL MUQATARA of the UAE

  25. 阿布扎比和迪拜是阿联酋的七个半自治国家中的两个。

    Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the U. A. E.

  26. 除了拜仁俱乐部,阿联酋王储还接见了马赛和本菲卡的代表。

    Besides a Bayern delegation, the Sheik also met representatives of Olympique Marseille and Benfica Lisbon.


  1. 问:阿联酋拼音怎么拼?阿联酋的读音是什么?阿联酋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋的读音是āliánqiú,阿联酋翻译成英文是 United Arab Emirates

  2. 问:阿联酋航空拼音怎么拼?阿联酋航空的读音是什么?阿联酋航空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋航空的读音是Āliánqiú Hángkōng,阿联酋航空翻译成英文是 Emirates

  3. 问:阿联酋迪尔汗拼音怎么拼?阿联酋迪尔汗的读音是什么?阿联酋迪尔汗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋迪尔汗的读音是,阿联酋迪尔汗翻译成英文是 United Arab Emirates dirham

  4. 问:阿联酋中央银行拼音怎么拼?阿联酋中央银行的读音是什么?阿联酋中央银行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋中央银行的读音是,阿联酋中央银行翻译成英文是 Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates...

  5. 问:阿联酋王冠中心拼音怎么拼?阿联酋王冠中心的读音是什么?阿联酋王冠中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋王冠中心的读音是,阿联酋王冠中心翻译成英文是 Emirates Crown

  6. 问:阿联酋航空航点拼音怎么拼?阿联酋航空航点的读音是什么?阿联酋航空航点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋航空航点的读音是,阿联酋航空航点翻译成英文是 Emirates destinations

  7. 问:阿联酋合德航空公司拼音怎么拼?阿联酋合德航空公司的读音是什么?阿联酋合德航空公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋合德航空公司的读音是Āliánqiú hédéhángkōnggōngsī,阿联酋合德航空公司翻译成英文是 Etihad Airways, an airline company based in the U...

  8. 问:阿联酋国际航空公司拼音怎么拼?阿联酋国际航空公司的读音是什么?阿联酋国际航空公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋国际航空公司的读音是Āliánqiú guójìhángkōnggōngsī,阿联酋国际航空公司翻译成英文是 Emirates Airline, an airline company based in th...

  9. 问:阿联酋职业足球联赛拼音怎么拼?阿联酋职业足球联赛的读音是什么?阿联酋职业足球联赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋职业足球联赛的读音是,阿联酋职业足球联赛翻译成英文是 UAE Arabian Gulf League

  10. 问:阿联酋足球甲级联赛拼音怎么拼?阿联酋足球甲级联赛的读音是什么?阿联酋足球甲级联赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋足球甲级联赛的读音是,阿联酋足球甲级联赛翻译成英文是 UAE Division 1 Group A

  11. 问:阿联酋航空407号班机事故拼音怎么拼?阿联酋航空407号班机事故的读音是什么?阿联酋航空407号班机事故翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿联酋航空407号班机事故的读音是,阿联酋航空407号班机事故翻译成英文是 Emirates Flight 407



阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿拉伯文:الإمارات العربية المتحدة‎,英文:The United Arab Emirates),一般简称阿联酋,俗称沙漠中的花朵,是一个以产油著称的中东沙漠国家,位于阿拉伯半岛东部,北濒波斯湾,海岸线长734公里。西北与卡塔尔为邻,西和南与沙特阿拉伯交界,东和东北与阿曼毗连。外籍人口占3/4,主要来自印度、巴基斯坦等国。居民大多信奉伊斯兰教,多数属逊尼派;在迪拜,什叶派占多数。首都阿布扎比,也是境内最大部族的领地,其国际代码为AE。

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